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Everything posted by StanleyandGus

  1. I have a question. We are doing a Panama Canal cruise on Serenade of the Seas in November, arriving in Los Angeles. For those of you familiar with the area, is a 1215 flight too tight for comfort? We are travelling in a suite, so getting off the ship shouldn’t be a problem. We are flying to Vancouver, and then Regina. Also, momof3gurls and Jimbo, the kitchen and hardwood look great!
  2. I definitely would. Our last house had white tiles with white grout in the kitchen and family room, all the way to the front door. The grout was filthy- we ended up regrouting, which I am never doing again!
  3. That was an excellent review, with lovely pictures! It has me expanding my horizons, despite the snakes and sharks!
  4. @TravelGirlinDallas My son in law plays the French horn professionally, so there is a career there! He went to college in Houston. Your son is a handsome boy.
  5. Thank you for this marvellous trip report! You write very well, and the photos were great.
  6. I love your sense of style! MxCatLady looks very nice as well! I’m sorry you’re sick; I hope it didn’t detract too much from the trip.
  7. How very odd that they went on a European cruise! I would have left too.
  8. @DandDM that picture of you and your dog is great- you can tell that he’s devoted to you! When we were in Rome, my son bought the cheapest bottle of red wine that he could find, in a convenience store. We left it in the stateroom until all the other bottles of wine were drunk (we had 4 rooms). It was absolutely fine- it seems to be hard to get a poor bottle of wine in Italy! I am enjoying your trip enormously!
  9. I’m looking forward to hearing about this trip. I’m sorry about losing your wife, but I admire you doing this at all! Have a great time!
  10. Thanks for all the great photos! We tend to get the Ultimate Dining Plan- I gather you have been eating in specialty restaurants, but what is the consensus on the main dining room food?
  11. @CatLadyFemme Very sorry about your mother- no matter how old we are when lose them, it’s hard. I think you’re on the right track for a first TA . We have done precisely one, and kept busy on board with pretty much everything, including towel folding! We had a blast and I really want to do another. Sea days are the best! I am looking forward to your review. You are an excellent reviewer!
  12. That is very true of Saskatchewan as well! We don’t really remove snow, just pack it down- no wonder everyone has a truck. Your Pure Michigan campaign is much better than our former Discover Regina campaign, which I am not going to link!
  13. Have a great time on your cruise! You got my husband interested in celestial photography- he’s not really good at it yet, but he’s trying.
  14. I am looking forward to this review- we are doing Miami to LA in November on Serenade! Do you have any recommendations for books on the history of the canal?
  15. Thank you! We were wondering this as well! I did think about a car service, but I have no idea when we would be done with international arrivals.
  16. We used Cruise Control transportation last month, for pickup at the Boardwalk Villas to Port Canaveral.
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