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Everything posted by StanleyandGus

  1. I’m about half way through Blood from a Stone, by Donna Leon. It’s the fourteenth in a series that Dani recommended! The Saskatchewan Library Consortium has a wonderful on line resource- I have been dipping into the mysteries.
  2. It’s been cloudy, so not lately. They are magical. The best I have ever seen was in Cold Lake in Alberta- I am convinced that they sang.
  3. I’m going to have to cruise out of Galveston because now I have to visit Buccee’s! I guess it’s about a 30 hour drive more or less straight south.
  4. Lasix is the original brand of furosemide. The drug lost patent protection ages ago.
  5. Totally understand! I garden, and bugs and spiders are fine outside. I like bees. Bugs do not belong in the house! That reminds me, I have to pick up windfall apples, avoiding wasps. Next week will be apple day. Sigh. It’s nice to fill up the freezer, but it’s hard work to get it that way. Have a great cruise!
  6. Oops- I just remembered that I have Nanaimo bars in the freezer. They are left over from Christmas!
  7. We brought on about 8 bottles of wine and vermut, and were looking for security take it away until we debarked. The port staff couldn’t understand why we would want to do that, and asked if we couldn’t keep it in our closet. We agreed that we could, and did.
  8. We like to be in touch with home, so, yes, it’s worth it for us, even though it’s expensive. I guess for you it depends on whether you are working, or have anyone back at home that you want to be able to contact you. Since your cruise is next month, buy it now, but if Royal Caribbean has a Labour Day sale, which they almost certainly will, cancel your purchase and rebuy at the lower rate. If you need more than one device, it’s cheaper to buy a single package with as many devices as you need. There will be logins for the number of devices you specified. Have a great cruise!
  9. That sounds decadent, but lovely! I, on the other hand, am making zucchini bread, and we not quite done yet with zucchinis! If anyone is similarly afflicted with zucchini, Smitten Kitchen has a great recipe, and it doesn’t require drying the zucchini.
  10. I was talking to my husband this morning about your trip. We started reminiscing about our last trip, which was in February last year. We did pretty much the same thing that you did- that is, resign ourselves to spending a lot of money! We own DVC at the Boardwalk, so we tend to stay there. I asked Chris whether he found the trip relaxing. I am the planner, he trusts me to get it right. He had a great time, because I had taken care of pretty much everything!
  11. Oh well. Gus is seven, so I guess he’s set in his ways! Luckily, most of our furniture is leather. The dining room chairs, on the other hand, are finely shredded. I took a photo today of them cuddled up together.
  12. @helen haywood it’s nice you have those pictures of Tenzing! But how did you keep fabric upholstery from getting shredded by cat claws? We have scratching posts, but Gus can’t resist fabric between his claws.
  13. Awww! Memories! We had a Siamese when we were students in Vancouver. We got him home, and he promptly climbed the curtains. We named him Tenzing.
  14. What a great idea! What are the proportions? I would like to do this for Thor the next time he is here. What breed is Emma? She’s a beautiful girl.
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