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Everything posted by StanleyandGus

  1. It’s starting to warm up here. -21C, but next week it’s going to be above 0. It’s a bit worrying, because we have a minimal snowpack.
  2. It’s -34 C here (-23 Fahrenheit). Chris was just outside; he says it’s perfectly nice if you’re out of the wind. Mind you, he was wearing a down parka, a fur hat and a scarf. It’s a bit colder in Edmonton. However, in a week it’s going to be around the freezing point.
  3. Patricia, thank you for for the photos! It’s -20 F here today, but Antarctica seems so much more exotic. And you have icebergs!
  4. My husband lost some of his hearing during a rocket attack in Afghanistan.
  5. We had Mohan as our cabin attendant for the Panama Canal - he is great! You must be near 1550.
  6. I really can’t explain it, but we just had dinner at Chops, and it was fine- they had mushrooms and asparagus. My husband said his NY strip was good (he’s not really a foodie, having spent 42 years in the Canadian army!). My shrimp was fine, although I think serving it with mashed potatoes is inexplicable. I’m sorry you had a couple of miserable dinners. There must be some logistical reason, but I have no idea what it is!
  7. No, not that we noticed. The Captain did say in the Captain’s Corner this morning that 2 days after we had left the locks, Gatun Lake got rain, which he said was very much desired. We did a tour with Dora as well! Our tour was a little unusual, because Dora took us to a restaurant. Normally she doesn’t, but one of the people that was on the trip wanted that- it was lovely, and I believe the prices were very reasonable. We only wanted beers! Our ship didn’t stop in Colon.
  8. If you do- wide leg linen trousers. I am so glad I packed those. Cartagena was hotter than the surface of the sun, and humid!
  9. You are truly a good dad! Good luck with the grout- we ended up chipping it out and replacing it in a previous house, which I never want to do again! I will be interested to hear how it works. I am on the last day of a Panama Canal cruise, which has been fantastic. We haven’t even looked at the weather at home!
  10. I learned to ski at Red- it’s not great for beginner slopes, but when he is intermediate, it’s fantastic, with nice long runs.
  11. Yuck! Asparagus and mushrooms are my usual sides, so I guess is going to be a baked potato. We had a dinner in Chops earlier, and it was good. That’s disappointing.
  12. Our last dinner is at Chops - I am hoping not to experience the same thing, but if sides are gone, I guess I will! I haven’t experienced any poor food at the specialty restaurants, but agree that the MDR and Windjammer seem very good. We did notice that the portion sizes were smaller, but I have difficulty eating a three course meal.
  13. Not the OP, but there was a bit of a bump once, otherwise it was pretty smooth. I am getting so lazy that I was considering a manicure, but it seems like too much work!
  14. @orville99 You must be somewhere around us! Your pictures are almost identical to mine, except slightly better! I have a mobile device, and I haven’t figured out how to stream the movies either. And I must say the food has been very good, and served at the correct temperature, if anyone was wondering.
  15. I did this tour today- Dora was wonderful, and so passionate about her city. She had a helper and a driver, so we felt very safe. The vendors were everywhere, but firm “no thanks” seemed to work. Two people in the group had scooters, and Dora was able to accommodate them, both in terms of physical space on the little bus, and making sure that they could drive with the rest us. I would recommend Dora, and plan to use her again!
  16. I am on this cruise- so far, I haven’t noticed anything really untoward. There is some work going on somewhere around deck 10. Otherwise, the food is good, the gym doesn’t seem overly crowded, Our Grand Suite’s bed is very comfortable. The couch may be new. The chairs aren’t, but the wear is minimal.
  17. @Sea Dog best wishes for the surgery! Are there any professional pharmacies in your area, ie not drug stores? They are usually associated with medical buildings.
  18. I had totally forgotten about the laundry facilities! I am not on the world cruise, but I will be on this cruise. Well, the first one.
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