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Everything posted by StanleyandGus

  1. They are very adorable! Are you going to keep any, or will they be adopted? Please continue to post more pictures as you can!
  2. @sgmn An author that I am really liking is Louise Penny (I believe Dani recommended her ages ago!) It’s about small town life and murders in a Quebec village. I gather that Three Pines is like Cabot Cove or Midsummer- spending time there is dangerous! There definitely is a Canadian flavour, which I find nice.
  3. This is how I spent yesterday. This is the apple tree after Chris had spent several hours picking. The garden under the tree is a work in progress- we keep having to dig up our neighbour’s poplar roots! Eventually it will be lush. I was going to put delphiniums in, but they’re poisonous to dogs and cats. Any suggestions for a Zone 3 plant? I’m thinking of meadowsweet, for something tall against the fence.
  4. Whether or not you have a prescription, a European pharmacist might not be able to fill it. It’s a question of licensing. I’m not saying they can’t, but as a retired pharmacist you may encounter jurisdictional problems.
  5. I did try that based on the vet’s recommendations. Stanley likes the toothpaste, but, not surprisingly, doesn’t like having his teeth brushed. We tried a sort of finger cot with scrubbie bits, but that didn’t work either. He does like dental treats though, so that’s what he’s having!
  6. The shawl is lovely. My dining room is a no cat zone- it’s hard to quilt with a cat on one end of the project! The only drawback is sometimes you need a dining room.
  7. A lot of the English books are the sort of thing that one might read in an English class- The Great Gatsby, Tale of Two Cities etc. You might be able to find something more contemporary, but I would bring several books on my reader just in case!
  8. Is that the 10 day Enchantment cruise? We have also booked this.
  9. Everything is fine- I was travelling, first to Scotland and then spent some time in Toronto with my younger son. Scotland was great- it was to see family, but lots of sightseeing got done! I now have Thor, my older son’s German Shepherd with me, as his “Dad” is deployed for forest fire support in BC. We will probably have him for about 4- 6 weeks, unless it rains copiously! It’s hard to keep up with this thread, so I will rejoin now!
  10. In a good way- I wish I hadn’t chosen blue, like else has!
  11. Well, they might get lost by the airline, but it’s highly unlikely that someone will mistake them for their luggage!
  12. @Husky1987. I’m so sorry about the fire, but your attitude is great. I hadn’t really thought about trees as a fire hazard, except for out of control forest fires. Thanks for waking me up!
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