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Everything posted by StanleyandGus

  1. We miss our Bosch dishwasher- so quiet and third rack was more useful than I thought. We bought Bosches for our last 3 houses. We have a KitchenAid now, which is a bit louder, but works well.
  2. How very Canadian of you! Good luck with rapid healing.
  3. Because we like to drive and we can’t fly direct anywhere except Calgary and Toronto (for now). Probably the weather is a bit worse, but that’s kind of luck of the draw.
  4. Thanks! We wouldn’t be going in the summer, because summer here is really nice!
  5. Thanks for your responses. I did look at Google maps, so I’m sort of aware of the route (essentially, after North Dakota, it’s straight south), hopefully on reasonable highways. It’s something that I am idly thinking of. The next couple of cruises were flying into, but the drive might be interesting.
  6. We have driven to Orlando from Ottawa and Barrie, but this would be new for us. Has anybody done this, and is there a recommended route? Our starting point would be Regina. Any hotels on route would be welcome information as well.
  7. Before I got a pasta rack, I used to hang the pasta on string between kitchen cabinets. It made kind of hard to walk through the kitchen, but it worked! I have an Atlas Wellness machine, which does a nice job.
  8. I got some yesterday- thanks for the recommendation!
  9. It’s bright and sunny here, unlike, well, everywhere else. It’s warmed up to -30, (-22 F for southerners!) James has taken Thor to the dog park, because he’s missed being there due to extreme cold. For those who aren’t where they’re spending Christmas, travel safely everyone!
  10. Here’s our Christmas tree- every year we think about replacing it, then a cat climbs into it, and we say, “Maybe next year”. Apparently antique ornaments are fashionable now- my tree has my great-grandparent’s, grandparent’s and parent’s ornaments. The cats don’t climb high (now), the bottom is non breakable stuff. And my oldest son is back from his deployment- the dog will be leaving after Christmas. The cats are thankful!
  11. I checked the weather this morning. I wish I hadn’t; it’s -35. The wind chill takes it to -49. The dog still needs a (very short) walk!
  12. Nothing to add to the vaccination requirement, but have a wonderful time with your grandson!
  13. Umm…I have 2 pickle forks. One is sterling for formal use; the other is stainless. Needless to say, they were inherited!
  14. That is heartbreaking. I am so sorry that you have lost your soulmate.
  15. We got the Ultimate Dining Plan on our Miami to LA trip next November. The price was $396 Cdn, which I didn’t think was bad for 14 days. I know there’s not many restaurants, but we like a wide variety of things to eat, so it’s not like it’s steak every night.
  16. Chris went to SFU for his Bachelor’s! Forensic anthropology was his interest then- now he does training for the RCMP. We loved Vancouver. We were extremely lucky to live in the Married Quarters at Jericho Beach. We couldn’t have afforded anything around there then, and especially now!
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