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Everything posted by navybankerteacher

  1. Do price out the Amtrak alternative- perhaps even consider train up the same day. If you are willing to accept the risk of massive driving delay from a “nearby” hotel that morning, the risk of major Amtrak delay is not much greater.
  2. You should work on reading comprehension. I did not say that people who prefer large ships are unthinking, rather I referred to “the unthinking mass market customer” , never suggesting that all mass market customers are unthinking.. There are many mass market customers who are capable of thinking - but the unthinking ones do tend to automatically equate bigger with better.
  3. Yes, in large part they are “voting with their wallet” … in the sense that they can generally cruise for less money on the mega ships. The fact remains, however: you only get what you are willing to pay for.
  4. In that scenario, I would opt for parking at the airport, making my trip home easiest at the end, rather than easy at the beginning - when anticipation and enthusiasm is high enough to easily accept the hassle.
  5. The unthinking mass market customer’s knee-jerk belief that “bigger is better”. Similar to the approval given the jumbo 747’s when they were introduced: “wide body” is great attitude. They ignored the extended boarding and debarking times, the 12- across, two aisle configuration - only now are customers (and the lines) recognizing that bigness, in itself, is not necessarily a good thing. Perhaps it the perceived anonymity of being one among 4,000 or so, rather than being one among a few hundred, (or certainly one of a dozen or so - when you are bound to be recognized) that creates the pushiness and general discourtesy people demonstrate when in huge crowds as opposed to being among just a few.
  6. Unfortunately, cruise lines have not the staff (or the sense of customer service) to “tow” the stuff the hogs use to reserve their seats.
  7. Unless the cruise line’s transfer is markedly cheaper, it is better to take your own taxi or Uber. When you use the line’s transfer you often have a substantial wait until the bus fills up (unless you are lucky enough to be the last one climbing on), you have a crowded bus ride rather than a comfortable car, and when you get off you are part of a crowd all pushing ahead.
  8. I and a few people I know have occasionally played vigilante: when leaving a lounger and having noticed nearby ones “reserved “ for some time by draped towels, books, etc. we remove such items and leave them on a nearby vacant table.
  9. Agreed - but you should realize that a lot of posters here have only sailed on 3,000 plus passenger ships of mass market lines. Once you are over 3,000 you have big ship mentality/attitude - it would be interesting (though probably impossible) to get a head count of regular CC posters who have ever experienced a smaller (less than 1,000 passengers) ship.
  10. The smaller ships (now largely operated by more up-scale lines) generally have seats at the pool and restaurants (which generally serve GOOD food without your having to pay extra for the alternate restaurants now on all mass-market lines), because they allow more public area space per passenger - as opposed to the mass market lines which squeeze as many passengers on as possible.
  11. Aside from the better general experience on board smaller ships, there are a number of the better ports which can only be visited by smaller ships.
  12. Having experienced a fair amount of California weather at different times of the year, I have to wonder what a “California girl” can reasonably worry about New York or Canada weather in September (possibly the best time of year in both places).
  13. I have found that on Azamera and Oceania, for example, there seem to be a higher lounger to passenger ratio than on mass market lines - with more places available, there is less incentive to try to hog.
  14. Cruise ships sailing for Oceania and Azamera come to mind - both lines sail ships a fraction of the size of what is offered by the likes of NCL, Royal Caribbean, Carnival, etc. etc., and in my mind offer far better value for the money. Yes, they cost more than the others, but who can seriously expect the best for the cheapest price?
  15. Very rarely. Unless you feel that a crowded cafeteria is “always better” than a local coffee shop, or a bus is “always better” than a taxi, or Walmart is “always better” than a corner store.
  16. I am sure that in a city the size of Halifax there must be a few good traditional barber shops —- but getting a trim does strike me as an unusual activity to plan for a port of call day while on a cruise.
  17. Of course a NY-Southampton-Hamburg (or the reverse) crossing WOULD have an en route port day.
  18. Precisely. Given the (literally) thousands of cruise ship port calls every year and the known occurrence of careless passengers missing a departure, there is no reason to disbelieve the story. Perhaps the parents might have expected their son to get off so he could share things with them, but he might not even have been aware of their lateness
  19. Looking forward to upcoming Oceania sailing - which provides the quality of food, service, and general experience which used to be “normal” on the likes of HAL and Celebrity - so I’d be inclined to say Oceania is the “new normal”.
  20. I suppose you could book a closed loop cruise from a US port scheduled to stop in Aruba, and then advise the line that you had missed embarkation but would catch up with the ship in Aruba for the balance of the cruise.
  21. Well, we are certainly in a new era - but I am reluctant to consider it “normal”.
  22. I get it: you believe that cruise lines offer drinks package to reduce passengers’ spending on drinks.
  23. If there were no package, are you sure you would spend more money? Certainly not on sea days - and you might be inclined to think a bit before shelling out $60-$75 on each sea day. Yes, the package may mean that you spend less per drink - while you have more drinks, so you wind up spending more overall —- which is what the cruise line wants.
  24. If you are coming from New England, you should consider La Quinta motel - I95 exit 6 in Stamford , CT. About an hour from city, easy on/off, decent diner attached.
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