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Everything posted by Neecy1

  1. Can I just ask if you caught covid in the days before a cruise what proof would you give your insurance company then? Presume they wouldn't just take your word for it
  2. We're on Iona in 6 weeks and I'm a bit concerned they'll change the goalposts last minute and ask for a witnessed pcr/lft days before again. Is it worth ordering a couple do you think. Any suggestions who to order from?
  3. We love our Ninja dual air fryer. There's only 2 of us and its adequate but think you'd struggle if a family. It does a 1.8 kg chicken beautifully but nothing bigger. My DH is cooking a nandos style one right now. Fajitas are fab too. Also breaded fish, frozen chips, broccoli, asparagus are excellent although ive never managed to make a good jacket potato in it. We hardly use our oven now. Had it since early this year. Use most days.
  4. I've screen shotted the email. I'm sure it will be fine. Just would rather have had a new invoice but heyho. Thanks
  5. We got the email a month or so ago for our November cruise on iona. We still haven't received a new invoice showing the increased OBC tho. I rang a few weeks ago and they said we would get one and they were working in cruise order. Has anyone else got theirs for November yet?
  6. Looks like we all replied at the same time! I wanted to get ours out of the way as currently you don't need it but we're on Iona in November and if they change the rules last minute we'll be running round trying to get jabbed as it's been a year since my booster
  7. Hi. It's changed now. You can get the booster if you're over 65. Weve booked ours online today.
  8. I've just looked at Argos. Ours is a 7.6L but there's a bigger one at 9.5L and it says you can fit a 2kg chicken in the drawer. We didn't have the worktop space for that. The 7.6L is fine for just the 2 of us. Both out of stock though I'm afraid. Hope you get sorted
  9. We love our Ninja duo. It air fries a chicken beautifully. So succulent. Not greasy at all. There's only 2 of us so we just get a 1.5 to 1.7kg one. You couldnt fit a bigger one in the ninja duo. It's perfect for just 2 of you but I dont think its big enough for a family. We do Sunday roasts with chicken in one drawer, roast potatoes in another, veg on hob. I do the stuffing balls before the roast potatoes in the ninja. Our favourite is fajitas and it cooks frozen chips beautifully too. DH does Sunday morning sausages in it. Cooks fish lovely too. You have to play around with it and learn as you go but we wouldn't be without it. Our oven is barely used, probably just for pizzas. The ninja is so easy to clean. Literally drop the drawers in hot soapy water. None of that grease spitting all over the oven door. Hope this is helpful
  10. Me too Jean. I find it annoying when you've just boarded, have been travelling down all day and perhaps not looking your best. Especially last time I'd left all my make up at home!
  11. DH just rang P&O. Got through in 10 mins. Spoke to a lovely lady. They are sending the OBC confirmations in cruise date order so we will be sent one in due course. Not sure why we didn't get balance paid confirmation but they are resending that.
  12. Thanks I'll give them a ring. Maybe first thing though. Don't fancy the wait.
  13. We paid our balance for our November cruise last week but haven't received a confirmation email of this or the extra OBC although we did get the initial email informing us we were getting extra. Is it worth ringing or would you wait a bit?
  14. Yes I remember that bar. Skiathos is such a beautiful island. We used to take off then land again at Thessaloniki to refuel. Not sure if that still happens.
  15. Skiathos. Holidayed here a good few times. Can't believe they still allow people to be that close. Madness.
  16. Weve got it too (£150) for our November Iona cruise. Balance due soon. Thank you P&O
  17. Exactly. Plus you can't easily escape at dinner whereas you can elsewhere on a ship
  18. We can't stand it at dinner when the 'how many cruises have you been on?' question is asked. It drives us mad so we tend to get a table for 2. Weve only been on 2 TA cruises, the 3rd is in November. Just because we haven't cruised doesn't mean we're not well travelled. We've been all over the world with our kids but dont feel we need to brag about it. My DH was waiting for me outside the ladies room one evening when this man, who was waiting too, felt the need to ask that question! Imagine his face when DH answered 31! Which is true in a way as he was at sea for 10 years! Said man walked off
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