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Everything posted by Neecy1

  1. Thanks Vamps. Your girls are lovely, always smiling. The same thing happened to us in St Lucia. Got out of the van at Pigeon Island and a pushy man led us to this stoney rubbish part of the beach. My hubby refused to stay there as did a few others. Luckily we didn't get charged extra. We didn't like that beach. Lots of hawkers. And a man selling drinks shouting all the time. 'Call the doctor 911!'. Not very relaxing.
  2. Totally agree. Happened to us last year on Azura. Great cabin. But oh the vibration. Like being in a blender!
  3. On our recent Briannia cruise I noticed quite a few people not washing their hands before going into the buffet so I started washing my hands on the way out too. Think DH thought I'd gone mad but I kept thinking of the unwashed folk handling the serving utensils and even saw some passengers picking food up with their fingers!
  4. I don't think I'd call P&O's food dodgy? Never had anything we couldn't eat. Can be a little samey, especially the green beans, but not dodgy.
  5. Have a great time Andy and Michelle. Weve not long been back. Loved it as much as the first time
  6. True. Not that particular day though as it was a Saturday. We thought we'd try and get ahead of the shoppers. Not sure what went wrong. Traffic/roadworks everywhere.
  7. We self disembarked Iona in 2022. We just wanted to get an early start on our long drive back 'up North'. As it was the journey for some strange reason that day took us almost 8 hours. We disembarked at 7am. Glad we didn't leave it any later.
  8. Have to agree. We were on the last cruise and the cabins did definitely need a bit of tlc. We thought everywhere else looked pretty good but we didn't go looking tbh.
  9. There was a cruise ship in port on our recent Brittania TA. Can't remember which ship but it had a water slide on the side. Looked horrible. I can appreciate ships having them on the top deck for kids but this looked so awful on the side of the ship.
  10. It's a bit disappointing not being allowed off but what can you do. Weve got an early coach tomorrow morning so couldn't go home anyway but I can imagine if Andy was in this situation he would've liked to have disemarked and gone home? There's been a few moaners. We're fine. DH was in the merchant navy so loves sea days as do I. More relaxing. But each to their own. One lady complained to DH there were too many sea days but its a TA and we've only missed one port. We've had a great time. Apart from first nite. No air con in cabin. Had to spend the nite in an inside cabin and DH is claustrophobic. Wasn't great but after a long flight we were exhausted. No apologies from p&o tho.
  11. We've just docked at Mayflower. Moving to Ocean terminal at 9pm. Disembark tomorrow. Shes heading for Rotterdam for refurb. Not sure what's being done tho.
  12. Ps dont want to hijack this post but we were supposed to dock in Ponta Delgarda today but couldn't due to high winds. Heading back to Soton now
  13. We saw Gary in November 2022. He was excellent. We queued for about half an hour but I wanted a good seat. The show was about an hour long. It was fab. Even my husband enjoyed it!
  14. Agree. We're on-board right now and it's rubbish. I have short hair and there's no nozzle. Definitely bring your own
  15. Yes I know. I have kindle books on my phone. What I'm saying is I can't download the Borrowbox app on my kindle paperwhite. It's not a tablet like the kindle fire. It's just an ereader.
  16. I'm pretty sure this isn't possible. You can only purchase books from Amazon on Kindles. You can't download apps Unless things have changed. I have an oldish paperwhite.
  17. This is helpful as we are on the Brittania TA in March. We would like to try Oistins on the Friday evening as never been and wondered re timings.
  18. We have Amazon prime so there's a lot on there for free. Also there are daily book deals. Ive just downloaded a top crime thriller for 99p. The deals are usually on the home page
  19. True. Just think it's so much easier. And cleaner than a book that's been handled my god knows how many people. But I know some people prefer the feel of a book. I did once. I could never walk past a Waterstones...
  20. To be honest I can never understand why people don't just take a kindle or other e-reader?
  21. I've just bought a Ninja vacuum with £200 off for blc
  22. We had an aft superior deluxe cabin on E deck on Azura in June. Lovely cabin but we'd never go for aft again. The noise from the thrusters was horrendous when docking and woke us each time. The vibration was terrible too. We had to laugh but never again. Is this the same on every ship. Weve only ever stayed mid ship before.
  23. Our CP is still showing a TUI flight for MAN on 22 March although the list above says different. Also I think there's 2 flights that day? As I said earlier P&O took ages this week to book us on PE for that date so you would hope this means we are on a TUI flight with PE. Jean I couldn't give a fig about entertainment, its more about comfort.
  24. And DH in excess of 6 foot so gets uncomfortable on long haul.
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