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Sea Dog

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Everything posted by Sea Dog

  1. Great start. I am enjoying your review. I will be on Voyager next October. I will interested in your impressions of the ship, it's food and cocktails on board.
  2. Love the writing. Brilliant. Let the fun begin. What's going to be the first cocktail? Have a Kraken Colada for me. Cheers!
  3. Thank you for sharing her story It's important for people to hear these personal stories to connect to people. Please tell her thank you from me for all that she does to help people. I wish that she can get resettled again.
  4. And me as well. It is going to be fun. If that's the case I say lets do the beach club.
  5. Nice Bills win today. I love watching Josh Allen play. So far Chiefs and Mahomes are taking it to Tom. I think Patrick wants to prove a point.
  6. Only 46 on our Symphony sailing. I thought it would be more. Had some nice conversations with a couple in the Schooner Bar. I like the fact that they wear their pins. I like to talk to them.
  7. Me too I’m still on a Sea Dog high! Luckily be on Liberty in a couple of weeks.
  8. I like that Dance in a box. Captain Johnny is the best. Quite a few D’s and D+’s
  9. I like taking one for the team. My pain is your gain. Hopefully I’ve encouraged people to try something different. It’s easy to get in one’s comfort zone. I know I could be happy just drinking my bourbon on the rocks. I really enjoyed trying some of the cocktails I’ve never had before. Great thing about the DDP, if there’s something you don’t like just ask for something different.
  10. Sane thing happened to me. Not used to having all those cocktails and frozen drinks. They go right through me. That’s why I never felt drunk all week. Plus the bartenders don’t don’t do heavy pours.
  11. I called it that because it did not taste like a cookie at all. It was more gooey like a brownie. They may call it a cookie but the consistency and taste was more like a brownie. Either way you call it, it was fantastic.
  12. Wow Graham thank you. That means so much to me. Unfortunately it wasn’t live but if you thought it was then I achieved the goal of my “as if live” to feel like it was live.
  13. Great reporting Bob! What brands of Bourbon are on board? Any top shelf stuff?
  14. I was all depressed after finishing up my review and thought "what do I do now"? When BAM! I see you have a live review! YES!!!!! I'm excited as I know it's been long overdue for you. I will live vicariously through you and Lisa for the next week anxiously awaiting every post, every picture, every cocktail you drink. I know this is going to be a fantastic. You and John were the inspiration for me to even do reviews. You are a legend. Have a great week and Bon Voyage. Cheers to you and Lisa my friend!
  15. I'm going to probably take this one off and focus on just having a good time even though I enjoy very much the writing, and taking pictures of my reviews. I think my wife will enjoy having a dinner partner who she can talk to and is not busy making food notes and taking pictures of food. I probably will post pics and what I'm doing periodically on Dan's thread and be available for anyone's question. Hoping to do a big group thread on the Bella Cruise coming this March.
  16. Thanks John, I think you will love CP150 as much as we did. Hibachi is good but you can do that on land any time. As far as my pics I guess it's not so much talent as it is 40 years being a professional photographer/videographer. Thanks again for your support. It means a lot to me,
  17. We hung out in the cool water pool on the second level of the Solarium in front of the bar. You walk down into it. It was very nice and you did not feel hot. Just laying on a daybed or lounger in the Solarium gets too hot.
  18. You know me well. With about 50 we may need two or three. If someone wanted to front the cash I'm sure we could all split our portion and use paypal to put in our part. Thank you so much George. Thank you Bob. I tried hard to give it that "Live" feel even though it was a "As If" As you could tell I need to organize, write and edit and it's easier to do it after I get home. I wrote a lot of on the ship but organized my thoughts better at home and put it in the proper order. I think I will always prefer Bourbon Old Fashioned's to Rum or Tequila Old Fashioned's but it fun to try different stuff. I did not try all the different Collins drinks in the Schooner Bar. The Pierre Collins was good as well as the Rye-n-Rol. Lavender Daiquiri was also very good. And a good Brandy Alexander is always a good nightcap.
  19. Food Conclusion The food was outstanding, rich and plenty of it. By the end of the cruise Linda and I were popping Imodium AD pills like they were candy. You can’t go on a diet for 7 months losing 60 pounds by eating healthy small portions and then transition to huge gastronomical feasts and not expect your body to rebel. I gained 12 pounds on this sailing. I am confident I will lose it again. Do I recommend the UDP? I think it depends on the ship. On big Oasis class ships with lot's of restaurants it can be a very good value. Also, if the price is good by all means book it. If the price goes down you can always cancel and rebook. Would I book it again? Probably but I am going to wait awhile. It is so much food, almost too much. I don't see how some people can eat at several restaurants per night. Some will have snacks at one and a main dinner at another. Hats off to them. I couldn't do it. I left every meal completely satisfied and full. I've never eaten so good in 7 straight days in my life. It was a joy but I'll be glad to get back to smaller portions and my Keto diet for some time. On our next cruise in a couple of weeks we are changing it up and just eating in the MDR and possibly the Windjammer. We did reserve the Chef's table for our anniversary. We love the Chef's table. Until then it's back to elliptical and salads. We are now Emerald thanks to the double points promotion. Until next time I’ll dream of Beethoven’s 5th Symphony running through my head and imagining me on the top deck of my Symphony gazing off into the stars. Peace be with you. I'll be around to answer your questions.
  20. That's a hard one. I would say because I have a sweet tooth that Campfire Brownie was to die for and only because I have had the World before which is my all time favorite dessert. the Campfire Brownie was unique and quite different than most desserts I have had except for the World. For Cocktails, The New Old Fashioned in the Schooner Bar was very good. I was extremely pleased with the taste.
  21. Debarkation As The Key holders we got to have a special debarkation breakfast in the MDR and could leave at our leisure. A good steak and eggs breakfast complete with a small filet. We took our time eating as we knew our flight was not until 2PM. Once we finished we bypassed all the lines and went straight to the sign for "The Key" disembarkation and was in the terminal in less than two minutes. Our luggage was in a special area reserved for the key up front. We snagged a porter (which I highly recommend) as they will load up all your luggage and lead you directly to the taxis. Total time disembark was about 5 minutes.
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