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Everything posted by Roscoe13

  1. Ok, okay! I thought wishing made it so. That's me in the corner on self imposed time out. ⏲️
  2. There fixed it for ya...you're welcome!!
  3. I'll be disembarking on January 14th. I'll metaphorically high five you as I come down the ramp and you go up!!
  4. This why we can never cruise together. The shenanigans we might pull would definitely lead to first name basis with security.
  5. This^ Our next cruise will be with some blue cards to be. Having about 336k points I just told them to send me $450 via Zelle and then sent them the email with the ecard numbers and pin. Now they are collecting their own points and have paid off cruise and Cheers all at 10% discount. The circle of discounts.
  6. That one is called Victoria's Secret. But it's actually made from a guy in Ohio.
  7. For those keeping score at home, Tennessee for the win and Spicoli rallied to defeat Jones with a 50' wave!
  8. Upset alert! Dude Jones is looking good over Spicoli and Tennessee is looking very good in the first half against a team I've never heard of
  9. Technically it's still the PAC 12 but with the Professional teams from Southern California heading to the Big 18...
  10. I'm watching classic surfing at home on ESPN the Ocho. It's down to the finals and it's Dude Jones vs. Jeff Spicoli. Vegas likes Spicoli in this one!!
  11. I remember my first DP invite...who did I invite as guest again?
  12. Not even joking, but in this pic he has a resemblance to a young DJT...who also reportedly has a fondness for cheeseburgers..
  13. According to Melania a recording exists of an "alternate" version...but just like Area 51, it's classified!!
  14. Life is all about pendulum swings! I get it. Our upcoming cruise Melania and I aren't doing any excursions. On port days the ship is our excursion...
  15. Be careful with the hard blinks when you are wearing your I Dream of Jeannie outfit.
  16. Well, isn't red hair a blonde who had too much tomato soup?
  17. Oh, I see you found Phallic Phalls. Picturesque indeed!!
  18. Blushing and channeling my inner Sally Fields..."You like me. You really, really like me.”
  19. We got some very cheap tumblers, which we have several tumblers at home, so being the horse trader that I am, I gave them to the dude in the cabin next door. He was on a mobility scooter and returned the favor by gifting me some bumper stickers that referenced the name Brandon. HA! I won that trade!!
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