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Everything posted by Roscoe13

  1. Same here first spin for 200 points. I was slightly disappointed as I wanted my other 2 spins for bigger winnings.
  2. I have viewed, from very far, pastys. Never consumed them though... From the state that brought you the Edsel. Who knew?
  3. Well, some things just write themselves...my new favorite to order from the Alchemy...Monkey On The Bar!! Make it a barrel!
  4. The only thing smoother would be if you got an unexpected upgrade to first class and seated next to a blonde super model...oops, wrong channel that's a different posters life.
  5. Maybe I just haven't had enough to drink tonight but that looks like a Panda not a duck?
  6. Okay...alright! It's about dang time! I smell a Superheroes cruise 🛳 Get Jamman, IntrepidFromDC and Sid on board and I'll get Melania onboard. I can see it now...you and Melania sipping Champagne and getting a pedi whilst us guys pound beers and get a mani!
  7. Those are called 5 or 6 fries. As if you are 5 or 6 drinks in they are pretty tasty.
  8. Not making fun of you at all!! It's just the Saint Greg had the unfortunate incident of losing a toof as well and he had to work around one of his cruises. So in mind you two were kindred spirits.
  9. I need to go there, apparently they only hire waitresses of a certain body type...
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