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Everything posted by Roscoe13

  1. I love that Walmart! You can walk down an aisle and find toothpaste, tourist t-shirts and motorcycles 🏍 I had to take the motorcycle out of the cart and put it back. Wife said since I was good I could get a candy bar but showed zero flexibility on the motorcycle.
  2. Gentle reminder. Today is Monday, as such Monday night football is tonight. In case you have interest 😉
  3. Exactly! That's what I posted over @Saint Greg Except I went with the William Hung version!
  4. There ya go! I am the Rosetta Stone of teaching drink names. You'll have them all down in no time if you listen to me!!
  5. Nothing illustrates what a true giant is then when average sized people are pictured next to a giant. WOW!!!
  6. Through the tried and true process of elimination, that's how we all know you're from ATL. No provincial pride on display, oh yeah, those are the cool kids from ATL. The rest of us are just touristas
  7. Hopefully liquid IV blunts the screaming. So, I don't ask for much, well not publicly anyway. But if you are near the basketball area and Pickleball is happening IRL, please post some pictures? I want to share with some other peeps you might know. Get them on the excitement program even more so.
  8. Hey, Neal Page, I see what you did there. Was it a Drew Brees? Anyway, glad you separated from Del Griffith before you talked your ear off or sold you some shower curtain rings.
  9. It's been everyone's experience. However, they tend to be cheaper and airfare is much cheaper if you already live on the Best Coast. Also, if you do the Cabo first itinerary, by time you are hugging the coast of Cabo you can literally watch whales breach whilst breakfast dining on the lido. Good times!
  10. So, lemme axe yous something? I know Mr. Megan and I might know yous... How hard is it do sunset hearthands? I don't think you are really trying...
  11. It is! And as they say, it never rains in southern California, but let me tell you , it it's raining...you will get soaked walking across the long gang plank. Remember, you can only walk as fast as the group ahead of you.
  12. OK, line? "These pretzels are making me thirsty!" Even Melania, who hates Seinfeld, knows that's the line!!
  13. Love your hair style!! As you know, all those thick headed SOB's spend so much time blow drying and tussling...our hair is dry before we get out of the shower.
  14. Ok, just so you know, Platinum's don't have to accept Nissan's. Your discretion...
  15. Jimbo, can't miss her. Flaming red hair, same age as my daughter so I'm neutral on her appearance, but may or may not be wearing something with Oklahoma logo on it.
  16. That's an awesome view. I mean, it's not the harbor view but it's still great. I have stayed at the Intercontinental once. They kinda pooh poohed me when I took our own luggage up to the room. What can I say, not used to service people who make their living off of showing me my roome.
  17. OMG! I must caption this!! Referencing the dude in the white tank top laying on the lounger stage right. "Honey, honey, wake up!" "What, what?" "They're doing that ice sculpture thingy" "Cool story, brah" "Don't ever call me brah again" "Yesh, sorry I forgot"
  18. Unless there's traffic... But you are in LB so 🤷
  19. Update: The Utes, did you say Ute...what's a Ute, are playing better.
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