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Everything posted by Roscoe13

  1. I could text her but I'll give it until tomorrow before putting out the bat signal. Besides if she doesn't have her phone I might be texting a Nigerian prince who wants to talk to me about my extended warranty? ðŸĪ”
  2. Exactly!! She and I are gonna corner the market on those $2 street beers and ship them to ball parks and arenas everywhere in the states for about a 674% return on investment. We should have enough to retire on and post bail for that ship card scofflaw in about a year!!
  3. Of course!! We are going to need a bigger bar!!
  4. You'll be there for sure... When it's time to collect us!
  5. Oh yeah! He's a decent bloke 👏 All 3 of us will be deposited there often.
  6. Is it too early to ask you to save 4 more spots next to you on Coki beach for this January?
  7. Can't react, huh? Did I ever tell you that you are my hero? You are everything I want to be! You are the wind beneath my wings!
  8. Wait a minute! This conversation is like Deja Vu all over again! We settled this over on the Tribe. BTW, Team Beets!
  9. Prediction...the person sporting the halter overalls will be that one person that you constantly run into everywhere on the ship...
  10. GTK!! Awesome!! Have fun storming the castle!!
  11. 2 comments...First very glad you made it to San Juan safe and sound, Mr. Megan too!!! Second, Casa Wilson? Are the door handles covered with small volleyballs with a blood stained hand print?
  12. Maybe I focus on the wrong things, but the flight attendant (stewart) in the first pic...wearing full on heels. How? That sounds like the very definition of uncomfortable or an audition for Mad Men?
  13. I can honestly and permanently answer NO!
  14. I think you shoulda had 3 way call with Vanessa and Nelly and let them know that, "Itch better have my money!!!"
  15. One of those words in your question is a big clue...
  16. I swear, I really don't even know you anymore!!ðŸĪŠ
  17. On my 2nd try I nabbed 2k points on the scratch and sniff.
  18. The reason that only a late arrival time was available is because most cruisers who want an earlier arrival time start the check-in @ midnight the first day it's available. Then they go back and edit all their check-in information at their leisure. You'll know for next time.
  19. "You never close your eyes when I cruise your ships anymore..."
  20. I think you have NCL confused for Virgin Voyages...😁
  21. The salads available on the Serenity @ Fresh Creations come in a deep bowl. No lid or covering required.
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