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Everything posted by Roscoe13

  1. It sure looks like all this week Stewart has really paid homage to the TADA! The Towel Animals with Disabilities Act.
  2. Now if you could get famous fresh lime Cadillac margaritas with the free lunch...
  3. To be clear, when Cheers was first introduced it was unlimited alcohol. That didn't last too long, maybe a year or less. Then they amended it to 15 max. alcoholic drinks per day and it that time the upped the cost up to 50.00 per drink, and then the 20.00 per drink that it is today.
  4. I know a LOT of Seinfeld trivia, I mean a LOT...but alas @Saint Gregknows more. His details are more vivid, his name recollection more accurate. My theory? His brain just hasn't absorbed as much alcohol as mine over the years. BTW, it's time for the airing of grievances! And I've got a lot of problems with you people!!!
  5. Carnival centerfold?... I can see it now... Miss Mixology Contest Winner May 2019 Turn ons...Long walks around deck 5 at sunset Elevators that go sideways And juicy watch sales! Turn offs... Bad tippers CHOGS and Alchemy bars that aren't open. Memorable quote: "If you ain't 15 in you ain't ship!"
  6. Had you booked SWA through PDX I could have saved you the lodging cost. Casa de Roscoe is su casa. Possibly Mr Megan too... But no relatives!
  7. Hey! Seer Sucker sport coat with cargo shorts! I believe that man is my spirit animal when I reach his age!! Wait, I am his age...
  8. Well, we know he had to have taken a leak in the water! How long until the anti-Carnival sentiment shows up to tout the poor treatment of the environment?
  9. I have achieved 33% of that list and I am always pressing my TA to line this up... Make it happ'n capt'n
  10. But with the industry discount and the Richard Branson discount plus the drag queen double discount... $399 per day 🤣
  11. Call it by it's name!! Go on say it, Mexitini!!
  12. I didn't know that Novak Djokovic was on board as your celebrity bartender. Cool story brah!
  13. How's life on the red planet? Bright pink is the new red. 💓 just ask Mars!
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