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Everything posted by phoenix_dream

  1. I think you are being unfair with your comment about perspective. I can speak for myself here. I always board with a positive expectation to have a good time, which I always do. I also consider myself lucky to be in a position to cruise, but that doesn't mean I have to be happy about all the cuts and downgrading that was done, especially with no notice, no announcement, and after payment. That's just not right. If you ordered a Rolls Royce would you be happy to be delivered a Chevy just because you're able to own a car? I think not. I do 100% agree that once you're onboard relax, enjoy, and be happy. But don't put people down for reporting all the changes adverse to customers who expected a promised value for the price paid. If not for these sites, we would never have heard about these changes until we were shocked with them onboard. That would kill a good vibe pretty quick.
  2. I love the Retreat on Apex. The lounge is a nice size and has good service and nice snacks. On the deck there is a small bar and dining area where you can get a quick lunch. I am not into lounging in the sun, but they have a small pool and a nice sunning area. If you want shade you won't be as lucky- not much to be found. I frankly did not care for the Luminae experience as far as design. It is one big room so when crowded, which it usually is, it gets very, very loud. Service and food, however, were very good.
  3. I am a loyal cruiser - my upcoming will be my 80th Celebrity cruise. I have, this past year, posted my share of negative comments. Those of us loyal to Celebrity have seen so many cuts and detrimental changes, generally with no notice and no recourse for people already booked and fully paid. In so many ways, these negative posts have been very helpful as pre-boarding we would never have heard about the changes any other way than social media as Celebrity certainly will not advertise cutbacks. And some changes were so crazy that all the complaining done here resulted in many emails to head office to the point where the changes were rolled back. That said, despite these changes I am very much looking forward to my 4 upcoming cruises. I have never had anything but a great cruise on Celebrity. The staff is outstanding. The food is generally good to very good. Entertainment is not their strongest point, but is usually still quite good. Overall I always have a good time. As a new cruiser, you will not even notice or know about what has changed so it won't bother you. I would definitely not cancel. Honestly all the changes have caused us, for the first time in 20+ years, to consider other options but I still will consider Celebrity as well when booking future cruises.
  4. I have sailed Alaska on Celebrity many times. In general people are more casual on these cruises. not unusual to see jean, hoodies, and hiking boots in the dining room for dinner. Usually chic nights are a little dressier, but in general still more casual than other itineraries. As to food, unfortunately I have never known them to locally source any of the food. Disappointing. So unlike our usual Caribbean itineraries we will often go for some local food onshore. I have never seen the casino or stores open while in port regardless of the time it departs. Enjoy. You will love it! Some of my very favorite cruises.
  5. I wonder if the lowering of Roll Call participation has to do with the changing demographic on the cruises. I think many of us "old timers" found it pleasant and useful to chat with our fellow travelers. These days cruises are full of younger people, as well as many people new to Celebrity (also usually younger) who maybe don't even know about Cruise Critic let alone Roll Calls and/or couldn't care less.
  6. Definitely useful advice. If not for posts here and on FB we would never know about some of the adverse changes until after we had boarded, or after we had paid in full. Celebrity, like all businesses, will shout loud and clear about positive changes, but sneak bad changes in and hope no one notices.
  7. Let's face it folks Keno is a game favored by the AARP crowd. Celebrity doesn't care about what we want, they want to attract the younger crowd. I am also a 90% Keno only player and find this very frustrating. Even the ships that do have it only have 2, and they are often taken by poker players.
  8. Exactly! I'm not denying the OPs experience, but it is certainly an exception! I've sailed 9 times on Celebrity last year including a b2b on Equinox and I had ZERO issues of the type described. Anyone canceling because a few people experienced issues like this is making a big mistake IMHO. But go ahead- it will make the ships less crowded on my 4 upcoming cruises! (Including 2 on Equinox)
  9. So if she just washed her hands in the cabin and literally did not touch anything before entering the buffet or dining room, exactly why does she need to re-wash her hands? Geez. I am very careful about cleanliness for the record, I wash hands, carry and use hand sanitizer, etc., but this judgment is a bit much.
  10. I often visit the ladies room immediately before entering the buffet or dining room. Don't use my hands to open the door. My hands are clean so no need to wash again or use hand sanitizer. Just saying know the facts before judging.
  11. Wow I was shocked to read your review. We did a b2b on Equinox a year ago and had great service from everyone. Doing another starting next week. We've been on 79 Celebrity cruises and only once have we had a poor experience with our room attendant thankfully. Definitely take it to the Hotel Director's attention.
  12. That is so very, very true! I am enjoying a reasonably comfortable retirement exactly because I watched those nickels and dimes closely through the years (along with hard work of course). Not everyone who can afford a PH got there because the money fairy dropped some lucky fairy dust on them. I made lots of sacrifices over the years to get where I am now as I'm sure many others have as well.
  13. Nope. Still sounds silly😄
  14. All I remember seeing outside the Blu windows on Apex was a line of lifeboats. Great ambiance. Did I miss something?
  15. Out of curiosity I have priced a couple of my favorites at a couple of higher end restaurants in Chicago - not cheap restaurants and not a cheap city. Celebrity's prices were $2-$3 more per glass. In other words, just enough to push them out of the premium package. And while I agree with your summary of pricing strategy, IMHO one needs to weigh the fact that due to the huge volume purchased of these wines, Celebrity I am sure pays less per bottle than a restaurant pays wholesale. So they are making more than restaurants are, per pour, even before raising those prices. Very frustrating, and very tacky.
  16. yes, they will likely have just one
  17. Which is my personal boiling point. I can handle Millie and Connie - they are decent words in and of themselves. But to refer to a ship as "Silly" is, well, just silly!
  18. Thanks so much for posting this. So my next question is - what about the rest of the ships?? All she talks about is Ascent, although she mentions new wines rolling out across the fleet.. Of course - newest ships always get the best of everything. (ok I'll modify that with the statement that many great staff members choose to, or are assigned to, other ships) If I take a copy of her note and bring it onboard my upcoming Equinox cruise will I still have to pay a surcharge for wines in the lounge or Retreat deck?!?!??? Why do I think the answer is yes. Does she not realize that all the ships are still charging an upcharge in the lounge or deck? Or is her plan to just remove the decent wines like Decoy and Conundrum from the lounge and the deck and just leave the $9.95 a bottle wines?
  19. When the news just came out, believe me they received many, many emails about it. I sent one and got a call - the usual management speak. They claimed they were going to have a meeting about it. That was several weeks ago and nothing has changed. Whether they met or not who knows, but if they did they just don't care.
  20. I agree. Very frustrating. It's my favorite game. And even the ships that do have it only have two. And half the time they are taken by poker players even though they have multiple other machines to choose from.
  21. I said basic OTC meds, not prescriptions. Things like aspirin, ibuprofen, cough drops etc.
  22. I don't understand why 1) people don't bring their own Covid tests with them and 2) why people don't bring some basic OTC meds with them for if they do get sick. Then you can figure out what to do and treat accordingly.
  23. wonder if it's one of those things where some ships are doing it and some are not. So much inconsistency in applying benefits on Celebrity!
  24. Have never worn slippers in a cabin or hotel room on over 80 cruises and countless hotel rooms over 60+ years. Never caught warts, tinea or any other infection of any type. You do you, but seems overcautious to me. But then I'm not a podiatrist either.
  25. You're right - it could be something other than adoption like a second marriage. Currently being in a second marriage I should have thought of that. And like I stated, I believe it was handled poorly and should be addressed. At the same time, does it matter that the family was white and the child was black? Would it have been the same if the family was Black or Asian or Native American and the child was white? I'm thinking yes. Is it all racial profiling? One could argue yes. At the same time where is the line drawn when trying to protect all children from horrible suffering? I just don't think it's all as black and white as is being portrayed by some (no pun intended). Again, I think it was handled very poorly and should be dealt with. But hopefully the intention was good, which one expects would be try to stop the sex trafficking getting more and more prevalent these days. Hopefully they can find less intrusive and insensitive ways of dealing with it.
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