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Everything posted by phoenix_dream

  1. Do all the Celebrity tv's have this option do you know? I don't recall on Equinox but on our Connie cruise last year the tv's were very old and didn't have any menu options available. ps - thanks for the tips
  2. I know what you mean about wishing you could help out just for awhile. I never got Certified, but I was a project manager for corporate wide business process reengineering projects. Sometimes it's all I can do in my daily life keeping my mouth shut about all the efficiencies I could suggest across so many businesses.
  3. Thanks for your comments! And I agree, you do have a point about even mentioning cheerleader- it’s too often used to insult anyone defending Celebrity for something.
  4. I find it very toxic lately as well. That's why I started this thread. I know Celebrity isn't perfect but I wanted to hear some positive experiences for a change! Unfortunately even this thread, whose sole intention was to hear positive things, is dipping here and there into negativity and in a case or two bordering on snarky.
  5. I know there are a few Zeniths who get lots and lots of attention. He may be one of them I don't know. I just know I'm not. (not complaining, I'm happy with the perks I get and the chance to enjoy a nice cruise!)
  6. I haven't been Zenith very long admittedly and obviously you have been, so perhaps over time my experience will be different. I just haven't noticed changes so far other than at CC gatherings, where sometimes Zeniths were recognized, sometimes just seated up front, and at least once not recognized at all in any way. We'll see. I don't really care one way or the other. I enjoy the nice perks and never really sailed just to attain any status anyway.
  7. If you are referring to my post, you are misquoting me. I specifically said I do get more attention in suites. I said as a Zenith (granted, a new one) I have not seen more attention paid to me.
  8. I do think you are on to something here. IMHO overall behavior in general on and off ships has reached new levels of entitlement and rudeness. For example, I have never in my many years of life seen the amount of horrendous driving behaviors as I have seen since Covid. Drive close to the speed limit and you'll be run off the road! Cars zipping in and out of lanes. Ugh! Look at the crime happenings - we won't get into political debates here just look at facts - gangs of people smashing store windows and grabbing whatever they can find I guess because they figure it's owed to them, and crimes of much worse consequence. One thing I've also noticed on these boards is that most (not all!) of the really ranting complaining is from people who rarely participate in the general, asking questions type of posts. They come onboard here just to rant and rave about their perceived problems (some valid of course and some so entitled and snobbish they are beyond belief). Have things slipped? Of course. Hello, there was a pandemic where the cruise lines lost millions of dollars. Something has to give. They have to recoup their losses and of course their passengers have to provide the way to do that. Do I like all the changes? Of course not but most of them I understand. Have I had a great time on all the many cruises I've sailed on Celebrity since restart? Yes I certainly have.
  9. I can't speak for Jim but I can tell you my experience. I reached Zenith status last year. I can honestly say that except for being recognized (sometimes) during the Captains Club event as far as treatment goes I see no difference between before Zenith or after Zenith. I get no more attention now than I did then (and I've cruised several times since). I also cruise a lot of B2B cruises and yes, once I get to know the waiters and such and treat them well of course they will continue to take good care of us, but they do that on the first leg too! Have I made some staff "friends" over the years? Of course, but with all the ships, and all the various positions onboard I might be familiar with one or two or maybe three of them on a particular sailing. This is especially true since Covid, as many of them quit to go into different occupations. I have sailed mostly in Aqua Class and last year due to better prices (now long gone) in suites. Yes, I got more attention in suites than in AQ but I certainly paid for that extra attention. But as a Zenith or a B2B person, nope, that assumption is incorrect based on my experience at least.
  10. totally agree. I've been on several cruises recently with stagnant roll calls and full ships. My opinion is that a lot of people booking cruises this year are new to cruising, and don't even know about Cruise Critic.
  11. yes, my point was that they have not eliminated the "on request" option. In your post I was referencing you said it was up to the individual hotel managers if they wanted to offer daily housekeeping. In the paragraph you posted you are assuming that means not all properties even will provide it on request. I interpret it to mean some may still offer daily housekeeping without the need to request. But enough Hilton debate. Let's get back to complaining about Celebrity lol
  12. And which crystal ball did you use to determine that? Maybe you're not aware but oftentimes they do some updates while they are sailing. For example, on our last cruise we left one day to old balcony furniture and came back to brand new. I understand they can't do a significant update while at sea, but they can make more changes than you would think, I sailed Eclipse about 9 months ago and while it was certainly not perfect, I would not have described it as sad. We were in an Aqua Class cabin.
  13. Here's a direct quote from their website: Housekeeping Hilton continues to offer daily housekeeping to our guests, free of charge, across all of our hotels around the world. It goes on to say that the higher level properties provide it without the need to request it. I can't speak to your experience. Maybe you were told otherwise but the website says differently. All I can say is that I have been to many of their properties, at all levels up to Hilton, and except for early on during Covid restart I have never had an issue requesting housekeeping, nor ever had anyone ask me for a tip. There have been some occasions where we requested extra pillows or whatever and did not get immediate service, and sometimes have to call more than once. So i do certainly agree that service is not what it used to be.
  14. Yes, you have some excellent shows. Two of my faves are Love, and The Bronx Wanderers.
  15. I am also a Hilton Diamond member who has traveled extensively since the pandemic, in Embassy Suites, Doubletree, Home2Suites, Hilton, Hampton Inn etc. in multiple locations. Have not experienced any of the issues you mention except at the very beginning of restart and have never, ever had anyone ask me about a tip. We ask for daily housekeeping when we register and get it every day. No issue. Is it really that big a deal to ask at the front desk for housekeeping or perhaps pick up a phone the night before and make a quick phone call?. Yes, it’s a cost saving measure but as long as I can get it by asking I just don’t see why it’s such a big deal.
  16. I used to love Las Vegas. Have relatives living there and have been going for literally 40+ years. If “normal” means the casinos are recently raking in tons of $$ then you could say it is. Or you could say that last time I visited service everywhere was awful, hotel prices were much higher than last year, airfare that used to be $300 or so is now $500-$600, I had $200 dining credit and still owed $50 more for a nice dinner at Mirage/Hardrock, and as a final insult the blackjack odds were just changed to grab more $$ from visitors. If that’s normal I want no part of it.
  17. You do realize that contracts for these new ships were already signed which makes them legally obligated to adhere to their commitments? And at this point it’s not wholly a matter of growing the business but rather of recouping millions of dollars lost. Of course any business ultimately wants to grow but it takes a long time to make up for all those losses.
  18. Back to normal in the US? You’ve got to be joking or you live in a far different area than I do! Is it better than it was? Definitely. Back to normal? No way. There are help wanted signs everywhere, especially for service jobs. Tons of seniors who used to work lots of those jobs are aging out and/or decided to retire earlier than planned. For reasons I can’t figure out teens and younger adults either aren’t working service jobs or are finding other ways to earn $$.
  19. I just had filet in Le Petit and it was great. They vary the menus - perhaps they had other offerings other nights?
  20. Why am I adjusting my expectations you ask. The reason is that the world has changed. All companies are struggling with supply issues, difficulties hiring staff, training new staff, etc.. Cruise lines lost millions of dollars from the shutdown. In order to survive they need to make cuts and raise prices. Only a clueless person expects life to be the same as before because it just isn’t. To expect it to be is just a recipe for disappointment. Doesn’t mean one can’t or shouldn’t address important issues when/if they happen. But it will take time for things to get back to normal.
  21. I agree with you. I am not faulting people for posting bad experiences. I just want to hear some good things for a change. That’s the only purpose of my post🙂
  22. There are so many posts these days complaining about just about everything on Celebrity. I wanted to start one doing the opposite. I have cruised 17 times since the restart (yes, it's nice to be retired!). I've sailed nine different ships, including M, S, and E. I've sailed in various cabins from Aqua Class to suites. Of all those cruises, I can honestly say only one was a bit subpar with service and food and it was not that bad. The rest ranged from very good to excellent overall. I'm not saying everything was perfect, or that there aren't some cutbacks and changes that bother me but overall I would not hesitate to book with Celebrity again if the price is right. I know prices are very high now and honestly that has caused me to cut back a bit on upcoming bookings, but I think that is an issue with all cruise lines right now, as are some of the other challenges they are facing. I've adjusted my expectations accordingly. So how about we have some feedback from those who have had some great sailings in the past few years? Come on, I know you're out there!
  23. I agree 100% that it matters not one bit which side of the ship you are on as regards viewing scenery. On Alaska cruises you are either in the Inside Passage, where each side has a good view, or in open seas where you are far enough away from shore it doesn't matter. At the glacier, they rotate the ship so all sides have views. It may mean you do or don't face the port when docked but that can change by sailing so you can't predict.
  24. I don't even know how to respond to posts like this. I am sorry the OP experienced a cruise they felt was very lacking. It was their cruise and their opinion of their experience. All I can say is that I have sailed a lot since re-start - don't know the exact number but at least a dozen including 6 so far this year alone - in cabins from Aqua to suites on a variety of Celebrity ships, M, E, and S class. Of all those cruises only one was somewhat below par, and far from horrible. So from my perspective, if this cruise really was as bad as advertised, I feel it was an exception.
  25. You're joking, but I love their meatloaf! Enjoy it much more than some of the supposedly more sophisticated offerings, especially in Luminae
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