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Everything posted by phoenix_dream

  1. That's pretty rude. It's not a silly question. I've sailed extensively on Celebrity on all ships but one and am subject to motion sickness. M class does not handle rough seas as well as S or E. Still a big ship and generally smooth sailing but M class is definitely different.
  2. I have heard it does but haven't tried it. I have had success using Facebook messenger
  3. Can someone currently or recently on Eclipse give me some feedback on using OBC in the casino. Specifically: Do you have to go to the cashier? And if so, is there a minimum and maximum amount and do you need to use it all before you can cash out? If you can do it from the machine - same question as to whether you need to use all you've downloaded before you can cash out. I know this varies by ship but don't recall how Eclipse handles it. TIA
  4. Different tastes for everyone. Not sure of the quality of singers on this particular ship, but Topper is one of my all time favorite Celebrity shows! Love the music options. Over the years (and many cruises) we've seen some great singers, and some just ok singers, but never bad ones. And having a live orchestra is great and being eliminated on many lines. I did not care for Amade either - once and done for that one.
  5. Only 78, and it was last year. Seems a little small compared to some I am seeing! Sadly next year it will be less - just can't afford to cruise as often with the current prices.
  6. You also are able to bring water onboard upon embarkation and in the ports. I have been in a couple of ports where there were signs saying people couldn't bring on water in plastic bottles, although truthfully I didn't see anyone enforcing that.
  7. Unfortunately, there is nothing "typical" these days about fares going up or down as the cruise industry and travel industry in general are definitely not in typical times. My best advice if you want to risk it, would be to check the availability of cabins you are interested in. If there are a lot of open cabins then prices may drop after final payment is due. If the opposite is true, I would expect them to continue to rise. Right now many cruises are selling at capacity (and in fact, some at over capacity!). I'm not saying you may not find a deal somewhere, but they are rare. Prices are, overall, much higher than they have ever been. Lastly, some of the large cannot-be-named-here travel agencies have sales at specific times like Memorial Day, or 4th of July.
  8. I was in a Sky Suite in January. Absolutely loved the bed! I also wish I could take it home with me. Firm enough to be supportive but soft enough to be comfortable. I believe they had upgraded the mattresses in all cabins, but I cannot guarantee that for sure of my own knowledge.
  9. That is not completely true. Equinox was indeed upgraded partially. The full revolutionizing could not be completed due to some kind of issue in the port area which specifics I don't recall. I sailed Equinox on a back to back this January. Full disclosure - I was in a sky suite. I thought the ship was in great shape. She is, in fact, my favorite of all the Celebrity ships (I confess some of this is due to knowing several crew members from multiple sailings over the years). Silhouette does have additional restaurants and their Retreat deck has the bar and hot tub as you mention, whereas Equinox does not (I personally don't care but some might).
  10. I don't agree with much of the OP's original post, but I wanted to respond to this point. I can speak from my own perspective only. I certainly don't let anyone's attire ruin my cruise. But I also don't like traveling with people who feel entitled - that rules don't apply to them - that they paid money for their vacation so they'll do whatever they please. IMHO there is way too much of that in this world already, and it seems to have multiplied exponentially since Covid shutdown. And where does it end? Is it ok to wear swimsuits to dinner? Can I wear a see-through top (heaven forbid LOL). How about a bikini? Yes, extreme examples perhaps but if anything goes what's to say that won't be next? To me it's not about the times they are a changin'. It's about respect. So I don't give a hoot what they actually wear, but I do care about the 'the heck with rules and the heck with how this affects other people' attitude. When one contracts with a company to take a vacation on their ship, they are agreeing to abide by the rules of that company. If you don't like the rules that's no problem - just find a place with rules you are happy with. And the ship should enforce the rules, but at the same time just because you can get away with something does it really mean you should? What's that quote about the meaning of integrity? And as one last point - while I will say again that what someone wears does not ruin or make my cruise, there is such a thing as ambiance, and that it part of what I am paying for when I book a Celebrity vacation. Ignoring the rules and dressing like you are going to a garage sale definitely impacts the ambiance of the ship.
  11. As it happens, most often I do wash my hands on ships with sinks (and always if I have not just washed them), and always will use the sanitizer if it's available upon entering. But I don't like being judged as non-sanitary if I've just washed thoroughly and don't care to do it again. As it is, by the end of my cruises (and I usually do B2B) my hands are like sandpaper from all the washing and sanitizing. If you see someone licking their fingers and then picking up a serving utensil, then you know they are not being protective. But I just don't like people ranting and raving that anyone who doesn't stop to wash their hands or bypasses the sanitizer is necessarily unclean. There is no way to know that.
  12. Exactly! My 6’3” hubby could not stand up straight in the tub/shower.
  13. I don’t need to check those prices as I travel regularly and just booked three land trips with more on the agenda. I have seen some obscene hotel prices as well, but have been able to adjust my destinations and dates to those that are more reasonable. I also avoid the prime destinations you reference as they are indeed jammed and expensive. Luckily I’ve seen most of the US already so am happy to visit less crowded places that still offer some nice botanical gardens, arboretums, good restaurants, etc.. Not as much fun as a cruise but still very enjoyable and affordable.
  14. I wish people would stop always assuming that people who don't use the hand sanitizer or wash their hands upon entering are unsanitary. Speaking for myself, I often use the restroom prior to entering dining areas and wash my hands thoroughly, and leave without touching the door (attendant opens or I may use an elbow). So I am just as sanitary as the hand washers inside. I also practice good hygiene when gathering the food, and always use some hand sanitizer before eating that I bring with me - always - whether in the buffet or prior to dinner in the restaurants. Sorry - it's a pet peeve of mine and I don't want, nor deserve the scowls I get from some. I also don't like the noro's on this ship; Covid's on that ship posts. I know, I know, I don't have to read them. But both viruses are here to stay folks. Do we have to keep reporting on them? It serves little purpose IMHO other than scaring people and making them tense about their upcoming cruises. I understand not everyone agrees with me, and that's ok. But that's my opinion. One should always be following good hygiene and beyond that, and avoiding anyone visibly sick, there is little else we can do about it if we want to travel.
  15. I was waiting for someone to say that so I wouldn't have to be the one to start. I would never, ever book an accessible cabin I didn't need unless it was close to sailing and it was open to general booking. There are really very few , especially at suite level, and I would hate for someone to have to forego a cruise because I booked one just for the extra space.
  16. I can say for myself that I didn't cruise to attain any loyalty level, but I sure enjoyed it when I got there. And it is frustrating that some of the perks are diminished. I finally, finally, finally achieved Zenith last year. I wish I could have some of the perks it used to have (like entry into the Retreat lounge). But I have to say I still get a lot. I get a free cruise, free premium internet, free premium beverage, and unlimited laundry. Not too shabby (although frustrating when I book a suite and some of the perks are included in my pricing!).
  17. And related to your last statement, that's really a shame. I can speak for myself - in my early 70's, love to cruise, love Celebrity, but just can't afford to take as many cruises as I have since retirement. So while my cruising days aren't over, they are more limited. Sadly, by the time things level off to some semblance of normal (if ever, but I have to think eventually people will start looking at their credit card debt!) I may not be in any condition to cruise, or certainly not to the extent I would like to now. Land vacations are expensive as well, but I can do a driving land trip including gas, a nice mid-level hotel, and decent food for a lot less than a cruise. In some cases I can even fly somewhere, rent a car, and still be $$ ahead of cruising. Granted I am missing out on some of the perks like all the nice entertainment, but still a good time. Not as good as a cruise, but I am resorting to doing more of that and less of cruising.
  18. I agree - it's usually the residents who do not. Sometimes an honest concern and sometimes too much of "not in my backyard". But the tendering part isn't the concern. It's the ports themselves that are often more and more and more crowded. I have sailed primarily out of US ports so am not very familiar with other cruises. But I know in the Caribbean and these days in Alaska the crowds can really affect the enjoyment of the experience. Many of these islands and small towns just do not have the capacity to handle the amount of people being offloaded on them. I'm concerned that more and more ports will start limiting the number of ships due to the huge size of many of the new builds. Unlike the Montereys and Bar Harbors of the world, they need the income from cruises, but they can only handle so much.
  19. Actually I like having sheers as sometimes the bright sun is just too much in the cabin but we don't want it to be pitch dark either. That said, have sailed on ships where they were removed and it certainly didn't make that much of a difference to our enjoyment. I also don't worry about furniture or carpets that are a little worn here and there. Major issues - certainly would address those.
  20. Hi, Naperville, Wheaton here. I agree with the advice to check the current pricing for any cabins you are considering bidding on. Sometimes the price to upgrade your cabin outright is similar to what you would need to win the bid, and if you upgrade yourself you can pick your own cabin. I am not an expert at bidding but I can tell you that we have bid several times trying to get a Sky Suite from Aqua Class and we have had no luck at all - we usually bid not much over minimum. I also agree that the Sunset cabins are great choices for Alaska - gives you a great view from either side.
  21. Your vacation, your choice. But if you find a cruise line not cutting benefits and services while raising prices please do tell as I just don't think they are out there. The cruise lines are all in the same boat so to speak.
  22. OMG how are the ports going to be able to handle these traveling resorts?? Even now many of the ports are super crowded and a number of ports are starting to prohibit or reduce the number of cruise ships due to overcrowding, concern about the environment, or whatever they believe or claim (for example just in the US, Monterey, Bar Harbor, Key West - three of my favorites!). I'm glad I enjoy spending time onboard!
  23. I totally agree with you. I was responding to the idea that a lot of people were just booking various cruises and then dropping many of them prior to final payment. That is what I just don't see happening. It's one thing to book a cruise like you said, with the idea that losing $100pp is a lot better than paying several thousand dollars extra. But I find it hard to believe (and I know I can't prove it one way or the other) that people are booking multiple cruises and then only taking one or none, thereby losing hundreds of dollars at a time.
  24. And when did I ever say I only sailed in suites?? I've sailed in them a few times last year as the pricing was much better, but most often I sail in Aqua Class, but have also sailed in Concierge and Balcony. So no, most often I do not get to dine in Luminae or have the Retreat.
  25. As a long time Celebrity cruiser I don't generally read their reviews anymore. But based on this thread I decided to take a look. I specifically looked at reviews for the ships I have sailed recently. I was honestly flabbergasted by some of what I read. My experience compared to some of the long, ranting reviews was so different that I could not believe we were on the same ship! Now I understand different people can have different experiences with room stewards and so on, but the rantings about the common elements (like buffet food, shows, bar service etc..) were just so far removed from what I experienced in almost all cases (of course like anyone we found a few bumps in the road here and there). I don't even know what to comment anymore about that, but I know I will not be bothering to spend time reading those anymore and based solely on my own experiences (which is all I can honestly speak for) I sincerely hope people aren't scared away from Celebrity because of some of those awful reviews.
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