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Everything posted by phoenix_dream

  1. Doesn’t track with the article I read. Supposedly this was announced two days ago and passengers were being contacted. Guess we’ll have to see if the article is wrong or the website isn’t current.
  2. The information I am referencing talks about 4 cruises, through the end of November, 11/23/24 to be exact. It didn’t say exact days so I presumed (perhaps incorrectly) at least 7 days each.
  3. Thanks but I was looking for a more ‘official’ list. This one doesn’t even mention Apex. And if what there is, is valid, that’s even more confusing. People are commenting Eclipse needs some updates. But she is scheduled for 2025. Why do Apex first?
  4. You do you, but I have sailed with my adult son in a cabin with my husband and I and we managed. Not as comfortable as when he was a kid, but it worked. Have you considered an inside cabin across the hall just for sleeping and bathing, and he could hang out in your cabin? Or perhaps a Sky Suite (although talk about sky high prices, those are definitely up there!).
  5. Could you share where you found this information? I just posted a general question asking if anyone has a dry dock schedule they could share.
  6. I know they haven't scheduled any more full revolutionizing yet, but does anyone know what the current dry dock schedule is for regular maintenance and such? I was shocked to read on another (reliable) board that Apex is going into a 4 week drydock in October of 2024, with 4 cruises cancelled to accommodate it. She is such a new ship and still in excellent shape! I may be misinformed, but I thought the routine dry dock maintenance schedules were usually only a week or two? Or am I wrong? It just seems odd with several older ships needing improvement (if not revolutionizing) that they would tackle Apex so soon. Perhaps there are other dry docks for some of the other ships for which I am not aware? I tried searching the Celebrity site but came up with nothing. Does anyone have a schedule to share?
  7. We will just need to agree to disagree as to who's being petty. I think expecting them to let you bring on whatever amount of wine you like is unreasonable, as well as naive. So enjoy Oceania. Hope they cater to you as much as you want. I wonder if you've sailed on them recently. People have said they are experiencing cutbacks as well, as is every other cruise line sailing.
  8. So you’ll quit sailing with them because you can only bring on one bottle of wine rather than two? Wow. Treating like children?!?? That’s reading a heck of a lot into it. It’s about $$.
  9. This! I’ve also noticed that many of the bad reviews and super complaining posts seem to be coming from people coming out of the woods so to speak. Meaning, they may participate in Roll Calls or other boards, but I’ve rarely seen them post in Celebrity threads. So they suddenly show up to rant and rave. Where were their posts about the great cruises? Where is their participation in commenting and helping other cruisers? I take their comments with a grain of salt. No, make that a whole chunk of salt. Are their comments wrong or not validated? Not necessarily. But I’ll pay more attention when someone like you or another I recognize and know to be a more reasoned critic posts about their experiences.
  10. I sailed her last year and had a wonderful time. She has not been revolutionized so there is a little wear and tear here and there but I didn't find anything bothersome. And BTW, the beds were very comfortable! I have also sailed multiple times recently on S class ships and have not had a bad cruise yet. Yes, there are some cutbacks as you would find on any cruise line right now. But overall service was excellent, entertainment was good, food ranged from good to very good, etc.. And you are right - no embarkation champagne anymore. But is the line still a cut above Carnival and NCL? No question. Better than Royal? Depends what you like. Depending on the ship Royal may have a little better entertainment experience. But overall I would advise you to relax. And please report back - I have a B2B on Eclipse in a couple of months and would love to hear your feedback as well🙂
  11. I know - how rude is that?!?! For someone using it legitimately, fine, no issue. But trying to sneak in way more than you are allowed by working the system, not fine. Selfish and inconsiderate.
  12. As respects being near the elevator, that's our favorite spot to be. Never had any noise issue due to elevator location.
  13. Unfortunately not everyone is considerate (and yes, I know this can apply to adult behavior as well). On a recent cruise in a suite there was a baby - I'd estimate 9 months or so. He would fuss and cry off and on and the parents just sat there in Luminae with him. I'm not anti-kid. I sailed with mine from the time he was 3, but I was always considerate of those around me. If he started fussing at dinner, he was marched out and kept out until he could calm down. These parents seemed to be of the "I paid for the cruise so I'll do what I want" variety. Thankfully it sounds like the OP is not that type of person.
  14. I had 6132 on Connie. I actually take notes on all my cabins as I sail a lot and what to remember which I like. I do not remember any visual obstructions on the balcony, nor did I record any. So perhaps it is only some of them. Mine was on the hump, which might explain why no lifeboats below?
  15. Understood. But much of what was shown in the picture, which is what I was referencing, was the gangway and it's surrounding structures. I don't care for Deck 6 either. I spend a lot of time on my balcony and while not all of it is looking down, I much prefer a higher floor so as not to have any vision interference.
  16. You do understand that all that metal work you see is related strictly to boarding, and will not be there once you sail?
  17. If you recently booked, then the only way you can book Aqua Class is as all included, which means you will get classic beverage package and basic Wi-Fi. On Celebrity, you have the option to upgrade your beverage package to premium, or you can pay the $$ difference for alcoholic drinks. You can either upgrade ahead of time, or wait until you are on the ship and make your decision then based on your needs. You also can upgrade to streaming wi-fi. It depends what you plan to use it for.
  18. I guess I'm confused why you don't like S class ships, given your reasoning. They have a very nice, large forward facing lounge. And I'm not sure if you would call it a Promenade Deck per se, but they have tons of space where you can walk around the deck above the pool deck and see the ocean, as well as the aft bars. Not to mention your own balcony. I've spent hours on my balcony on every class of ship enjoying watching the ocean and relaxing. I agree that E class ships have lost a lot of what you speak of, but not liking S for that reason baffles me. I observed the Panama Canal transit just fine from the side railing, as well as from my own balcony. It was on Infinity, which I know is an M class ship, but the forward areas were too crowded and extremely hot due to no shade so I found plenty of other areas. And to answer your question - there are tons of reasons to cruise beyond "seeing the ocean". I'm like you - I love to relax and watch the sea. But not everyone is like that. Many cruise for the ports, the beaches, the bars and shows onboard, etc.. In fact it has been my experience when sitting out on my balcony that only very rarely do I see anyone else doing the same. They are either sitting out by the pool, or off in some inside venue. So not sure seeing the ocean is top priority for many.
  19. And I've never gotten one! My son, who hasn't sailed in several years and rarely gambles, got one but I sail 8-9 times a year and gamble modestly and never get any. Oh well - hope it gets resolved for those involved.
  20. I have a B2B booked for early October. We were going to spend a week after our first cruise in San Diego but when we saw some decent prices we decided to add a second cruise as well. We're in Aqua Class so the prices weren't rock bottom but better than on some other cruises we've looked into. We love these itineraries and just don't understand why they don't book up as well as, say, Caribbean cruises. I'm thinking people who live nearby just do land trips to see the various ports, and maybe others just don't realize what nice cruises these are. Maybe beach and snorkeling folks also don't find them as much fun (I am neither). To the OP - don't worry - the cruise will be great. Eclipse has not been revolutionized yet and is showing a tad bit of wear and tear, but we were on her last year and had a great time.
  21. You're not wrong in your statement. At the same time, most of us pay full price anyway. I've bid on move-ups multiple times - never won one. Yes I could do a guarantee but I never would because some of the locations aren't the best. These days you are lucky to find deals - past final payment or not (not always, but not usually). So at the end of the day, this particular issue really isn't that big of one compared to those not needing handicapped rooms. As to how hard - have you dealt with Celebrity's IT talents???
  22. Not referring to you - talking in general about people who book one way ahead of time not needed.
  23. Yes, sometimes they are lax in enforcing the rules. But sometimes they are not - I have personally seen people turned away. Would not want to get there only to find out I was not permitted to join and would have to head to my cabin (which could be a long way away) to change shoes.
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