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Everything posted by phoenix_dream

  1. Yes, they still offer the Classics menu in Luminae, including the french onion soup. Don't remember seeing prime rib on the menu. They will try to prepare requested dishes if notified the day before, depending what those dishes are. For example, we had no issue getting filet mignon if requested the day before. We also were able to get items off the main dining room menu, if requested the day before (note - we did not ask for these things daily - just if there was no menu item we liked). Also note - these answers are as of now. There's no promise that Celebrity won't continue to delete menu items like they're testing on Equinox, although even those don't apply to Luminae..........so far.
  2. As one of those who does not like the change, I can tell you my reasoning. Not everyone will agree of course and that's fine. I don't intend to debate it; just want to share my view. First of all, every cruise line has a different vibe to it. Celebrity has always been a bit more classy and laid back than Royal Caribbean, which in my opinion doesn't track with a stop at an island amusement park (which is how I view it). Celebrity has also been more of an adult cruise line - don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with having some kids onboard - I sailed X with my son as a child. But it is not designed with a whole bundle of activities like Royal ships. I am concerned this change will bring a lot more families with young children onboard and overall the ship is not designed for large groups of kids. It just isn't, nor was it meant to be. And finally and probably most important, this is yet another move that seems to follow/mimic Royal - the latest before this being the attempt at menu deterioration and up-pricing for the better food options. I liked the idea of having a choice - a certain vibe on Royal and a different vibe on Celebrity. My favorite was obviously Celebrity. I don't want it to turn into Royal 2.0 but it seems to be trending in that direction. Makes me concerned about what's next. For the first time in literally 30 years I am considering other options (for these and other reasons, like pricing).
  3. Interesting that if the cabins were trashed so badly that information never made it to Cruise Critic where it would normally generate quite a bit of conversation. Or am I not remembering a thread? Or was it just one or two cabins?
  4. I can tell you how I define it. Suite prices for the cruises we considered are literally double what we paid last year for similar cruises. But they keep filling them so it won't change unless that does.
  5. But consider that if you’re letting your door slam in retribution you are also disturbing your neighbors on the other side, right? And across the hall if there are cabins there.
  6. I agree it is all about the $$ as it is with all businesses. But I think that translates directly to age and status. The younger crowd are the ones (more often these days) paying the prices of the expensive suites, buying photo packages, buying shore excursions, etc.. Those of us older and higher level CC status have mostly been there; done that and don't spend as much onboard. Not all of course - some got to Zenith or Elite Plus fairly quickly by sailing in high level suites for example. But I don't think that describes the majority. So I think at the end of the day we are saying the same thing - I just maybe didn't explain myself well. Bottom line - it is the bottom line that matters.
  7. That's a good point. At the risk of sounding like the boomer than I am, it seems that today's younger crowd seems to enjoy a much more casual experience and (I'll really annoy some here) doesn't seem to care as much about following rules as those of us older folks do (or at least a large majority of us). To me it's a matter of respect. But not everyone thinks the same way I do.
  8. Here's a quote from their website. I don't have personal experience but it seems like it would be no problem: Also this it a great solution for people with mobility problems or wheelchair users to get around the island. You can strap your wheel chair on the golf cart.
  9. If "more included amenities" is something that's important to you, then E class ships are definitely the way to go. They have beautiful Retreat decks and Retreat Lounges designed specifically for suites rather than converted from Michael's Club. That said, overall I much prefer M or S class ships to E class. They are much more comfortable to me, and often much less crowded. We sailed a B2B on Connie last year in a sky suite. The room was spacious, as was the balcony which we loved. The furnishings were older, although in some ways I find them more comfortable. Two particular downsides - the tv was old, small, and did not even have online interaction like S or especially E class. No movies whatsoever (not sure if it was just our cabin or all cabins). The bathtub/shower combination was a mess - my 6'3" husband could not even stand up straight in the shower. And the bathroom was much smaller and less nice than the one we had on Apex. All that said, for that kind of money difference I would have no hesitation picking Connie over Beyond. In fact, perhaps you can consider going with Connie in a little higher level suite, keeping in mind as others have said that if you have unlimited specialty dining the options are much fewer on M class.
  10. I think the issue about caring is that those of us at the highest level Captains Club (Zenith or high Elite Plus) are not generally in their desired demographic. They want the younger crowd, the ones who are willing to splurge on high suite prices, buy photo packages, pay for shore excursions, gamble, etc.. Many of us in the higher levels are of an age that we don't do that much anymore. I know this is of course not true for everyone, but I think it describes a large percentage of Zenith and high level Elite Plus passengers.
  11. I sailed Equinox on a B2B this past January. Had a wonderful experience. Full disclosure - I was in Luminae so cannot honestly comment about the food in the MDR, although we did order off that menu several times and had no issues. This was, granted, before the very recent cut-backs. As to dress - I have to say I did not see any of what you are talking about. I am NOT saying you are incorrect in what you saw - just maybe reassuring you that this is not usually the case and certainly was not like that in January. It's interesting (and discouraging) that it could have changed so much so fast.
  12. All of this math talk made my head hurt 🙂 but it got me to wondering how my beginning cruise prices compare to todays. In the early 2000's we began sailing Celebrity. We were paying in the neighborhood of $1200 for an outside cabin on a 7 day Caribbean cruise. In those days there were no balconies on ships like Horizon so other than suites outside cabins were it. No perks were included. In today's dollars, that converts to somewhere in the neighborhood of $2000. I just checked a 7 night outside cabin on Apex in February. The price for that cabin would be approximately what I paid over 20 years ago. Now some of the niceties we enjoyed then are gone (dessert tray in MDR, champagne on arrival, etc..) But it was interesting that I could get the same type of cabin, on one of the newer ships, for the same cost as 20 years ago. Of course, the really high prices these days are in suites and CC and AQ so the comparison doesn't apply across the board. But it was interesting to compare.
  13. Yes, I agree, but I think that is how they determine the starting bid.
  14. I think some of it is very clear, as actual menus have been posted (including on FB pages). There are still questions of course, but some of the changes are quite clear.
  15. I agree with you about more things the same than different. But I also think that these menu changes are not the kind of thing you need to wait and see - they are real and they are happening to MDR diners. For some that may be a game changer. I usually sail in Aqua, and suites back when I could afford them, and so far the changes don't impact Blu too much, except for the fact that I often relied on the MDR classics or menu items when I didn't like what Blu was offering. For example, I have been on cruises where I order shrimp cocktail most every day. Now I can't. I am not cancelling any cruises for sure - there is still so much to enjoy and Celebrity staff is outstanding - but for many of us, myself included, the dining experience was one of my top reasons for choosing Celebrity. If they keep chipping away at it I may very well consider other lines, especially considering the very high prices right now.
  16. I don't recall any bathrooms on the sundeck but not 100% sure. The Retreat Lounge is the converted old Michaels Club and the closest bathrooms are the ones by the theater
  17. We can only hope. But as long as bookings stay as high as they are, I predict nothing will change.
  18. It's not necessarily the food itself that is being removed and charged for (although for some of us it definitely is). It's the point that a cruise line that is known for, and advertises itself as, having high quality dining is taking the high quality foods away unless you pay for them. Lobster and filet mignon cost considerably more than hamburgers and for many of us they are a treat we really looked forward to enjoying onboard and for many of us have for many, many years. And many of us (myself included) very, very often relied on the classic offerings when we weren't happy with what was on the daily menu. Some of those are gone, and some are apparently only available every other day. Heck, on some cruises I ordered shrimp cocktail every single night! It's an overall cheapening of the product in a manner that really hits home for many of the passengers, while the prices for the most part are significantly higher than they've ever been - not just a small increase, but often a very large one.
  19. Possible? Yes. But IMHO highly unlikely. If you were on a Caribbean sailing, they might adjust the islands or order of island visits to miss extremely bad weather (ie., hurricanes or tropical storms). But Bermuda is not in the Caribbean and I would be shocked if they put you on a completely different itinerary like a full Caribbean cruise. They also don't change itineraries just for rain or thunderstorms, only severe weather. As to inside vibe when the weather is bad? It gets very crowded inside in all venues, particularly if the ship is full. I've never known them to add activities, but they may adjust some pre-planned outside activities to enable them to take place indoors.
  20. I'm glad to hear about the TVs. We did a B2B on her last year in a suite and while I had no issue with the older cabin furnishings (and in fact prefer some of them to the revolutionized ones) my one and only real complaint was the TV.
  21. Do we have to debate about pettiness on two separate threads? Let's give it a rest. I happen to see this change as way different than the one wine per person. You disagree. That's fine, but it's time to agree to disagree and move on. I may look into Oceania, depending on how my upcoming Blu experience is. I finally achieved Zenith level last year after 30 years and more than 70X cruises and it is very, very hard to give up the extra perks that go with it - can make jumping to other cruise lines way more expensive for me. But not saying I won't.
  22. Think we discussed this on another thread. Have stayed at Hilton properties probably 30 or so nights so far this year and many more last. Was able to get daily housekeeping every single day in every single hotel.
  23. I love it actually! But I realize it's hardly Michelin chef worthy.
  24. You've got to be kidding me! I've been relatively supportive of the 'they lost tons of $$ in the pandemic so we need to accept some changes' crowd but this crosses the line for me.
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