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Everything posted by complawyer

  1. if youre booked into a suite or haven suite, the concierge or your butler will take you directly to cagney's for lunch
  2. and i thought we were getting along so nicely, sorry to have disappointed you. i promise to try and do better next time, (LOL)
  3. charles4515 while it can and does occasionally happen, what are the chances of running into the same staff member when youre booked on another cruise on another/or even the same ncl ship. there is probably no one on the staff that will remember you, goofball or otherwise. and cruise5life, how much easier is it to carry 50 $2.00 bills as, 100 $1.00? since you wont need them all at once, leave a bunch in the cabin safe, and replenish as needed. if youre going to use them to tip any staff members,on the ship you can certainly carry a minimal amount wityh you a final note, we were in venice, a few years back, and in marseilles, and they refused to take any american currency. only wanted euros. there was a beggar on the steps of a church in marseilles, and i tried to give him a $5.00 bill. even he didnt want u.s. currency. as i said previously, i just like to hoard any 2's that come my way. no special reason, its just a quirk.
  4. dont forget to polish and shine your tennis shoes!
  5. as long as the hand stays just in my pocket, and goes nowhere else (smirk smirk)
  6. personally, i would just as soon stay on the ship. there is "0" (zero) on either harvest caye or gsc, that would motivate me to waste a day on either, when there is still so much to do onboard (or nothing if youre so inclined .) Give me my kindle, a cold beer, and my balcony, and im more than good to go
  7. i certainly agree that as a free enterprise (no relation to the starship) ncl or any ongoing business can set their prices at whatever the market will bear. my complaint is that they continually advertise a sale, when in actual effect, the prices (1) do not change (2) the free excursions are in reality $50 off the 1st person on the booking, and the excursion is only really "free" for that person if the actual cost is $50 or less. on the + side, however, i recently found out about the 10% military discount and when i go to do a mock booking, the 10% is reflected
  8. next time, stay longer, look closer, and you might even see coyotes or a mountain lion or 2. and im d**ned sure you wont see those in chicago!
  9. zqvol.. are you saying the prices are not overinflated, and that the so called sale is really a sale? if so, you havent been paying any attention over the past few years. and, as an aside, how many ncl cruises have you taken in the past 12 years. i have my own personal reasons for continuing with ncl ( dont bother to ask, it's no ones business) and if you would have read further, you would have seen that i asked for my post to be retracted as once again, in their extreme generosity, ncl is running another "sale"
  10. in that case, lets just wait and see, how good the prices really are
  11. well, this "sale" seems to have been going on in one form or another for a few years. my only problem is the cabin prices never seem to reflect any type of sale. it looks like ncl just jacked up the original prices, and cut them down to normal claiming a sale.
  12. on the deluxe owners suite with 2 balconies, i know there is a separate bedroom, and it claims to sleep 4. is there another bedroom for the other people, and if so, do they have a separate toilet and shower also? we're 3 people, my wife and i, and a good friend who has been our traveling companion recently. we the 3 of us travel, we usually get the 2 bedroom suite (so i know what i'm getting there) this time i'd like to try and splurge. please help/advise if you can
  13. when i posted, this wasnt showing, i wanted to make sure before i made the statement. be that as it may, you will notice once again the over inflated prices have not changed. consequently, since in the goodness of their hearts and in the spirit of the season, and there is now a "sale" please disregard my post
  14. i wont accuse your husband of being crazy, but it seems he certainly likes to live on the edge. one cruise, we were booked on delta airlines, connecting to atlanta, taking the red eye ( i dont remember where we were departing from ) but the flight was supposed to leave lax at 9:00 p.m. it was delayed until after mid-night, and naturally, the connecting flight in atlanta wasn't anywhere near the gate where we landed. the only reason we made the connection, is because the captain was also delayed. i was cursing up a storm, and really sweating it. tell your hubby, pop for the few extra $$$, book an inexpensive hotel for the prior night, then grab a cab to the ship on departure day, it will allow everyone to breathe a lot easier
  15. dress to the 9's if that will make your cruise and you feel better. you will note, however, that most of your fellow passengers will still be freestyle casual. but, dont let that deter you and enjoy the dress up night
  16. well, unless something has changed in the past few hours (and i dont believe it has), isnt it amazing that after a few years of the dynamic alleged "sales" ncl has been running (30% 0ff, 40% off, 2nd person is free), now after all these years even though there is no sale, the prices haven't changed at all?
  17. also remember it's a whole lot easier to be rude, snarky and even down right obnoxious, when you're on line and dont have to talk to anyone face to face
  18. i may be mistaken, but i dont think ive ever seen root beer offered on any ncl cruise ive ever taken
  19. turtles06. if you cruise extensively, you will find that at most ports, there are a number of cabs. you make it sound like we're going to be kidnapped, and later shot and killed. if you completely read my post, we've hired cabs in civi at least twice, in naples, oslo, hamburg, brussels, tenerife, and places too numerous to mention. never once in any foreign country have we ever had a problem, mishap, or threat, and we've always worked out with the driver, where we wanted to go, how much, and how long. ALWAYS!! have gotten back to the ship i n plenty of time. also, it was just a suggestion, so dont get all huffy about it. you can easily fit 3-5 people in a cab, and the price split accordingly, is much cheaper than the ncl excursion. if you dont like to idea of renting a cab at the port, by all means, DON'T DO IT!!!!.
  20. here's a thought, and ive done this a few times. try and get off the ship as early as possible. see if you can negotiate a cab to take you to rome and back to the ship. that way he can take you wherever you want. just remember it's about an hour from the port to the city itself. but!!! it can be done,
  21. one last question, cruiseny4life are they edible, and if so, do their legs taste like chicken?
  22. one last question cruiseny4life are they edible ,and if so, do the legs taste like chicken?
  23. before any more of you try and pile on my good buddy chiefmatejrk, (and especially you sea shark) we have gone very far afield from the original question "is there a dress code" other than Le Bistro, which insists men have collared shirts (and ive never been on ocean blue so i cant comment) the answer is NO! there is not a specified dress code on ncl ships. while i dont expect to see sting bikinis or micro mini skirts on women, or tattered jeans and ratty t-shirts on men, in any dining room, after 20+ cruises on ncl ships, the true answer to thin question is use a little common sense. if you wouldnt wear something in a restaurant on land, it's probably inappropriate to wear at a restaurant on the ship. sure, if you want to wear a suit or a tux for dinner and you wife/girlfriend/ significant other wants to wear a gown, go for it. doing so however, might make you feel slightly out of place, as most others will probably be a whole lot more casually dressed and certainly, i whole lot more comfortable.
  24. hey good buddy cruiseny4life. what the h**l is a flaming leapfrog? where can i get one, and can i decorate the inside of my cabin with it? (lol)!
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