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Everything posted by complawyer

  1. why not let the 2 adults deal with changing cabins on their own?
  2. sorry, if i gave misinformation, but i dont think the op indicated they were sailing on the getaway
  3. while i dont particularly like the place, le bistro has a very nice med sea bass, and i think psac forgot to mention there is a $25 upcharge for lobster tail. La Cucina offers a wide variety of non-meat dishes. Probably in her best interests to avoid cagney"s or teppanyaki, you dont need to order the steak, there is chicken, scallops, and sometimes my wife just orders a double order of the shrimp. worse comes to worse there are a plethora of non-meat choices in the buffet. i'm pretty sure she could find something to eat there
  4. im sure i'll get tons of flack for this post, but ive already admitted to being a grumpy old man. imho the best dish in le bistro, is to eat anywhere else but there (lol)
  5. while i think in general it's a good idea in theory, but in practice it may be cost prohibitive . the usual fare (i think ) for a solo traveler is 1 1/2 x's the cost of 2 people. depending on costs, why dont you look into the garden villa ? the cabin itself has 3 bedrooms, and is over 4,000 sq ft, with an almost additional 2000sq feet of deck.
  6. at least not in the half dozen haven or suite cruises we've taken. there always seems to be an indian station in the buffet, and i think there is also a middle eastern station, but if so they will both be in the buffet. have you checked the menu's yet?
  7. we just did a b2b. we stayed in the same cabin, but had to go to guest services to have them re-code the room key. we did not have to leave the ship, but you can if you wish, and if you do, you will get a sticker that says "just passing thru!. this will allow you to bypass the boarding mess. also i went down to the muster station, and they checked me right in. obviously you should leave the cabin so it can be cleaned. you should also remember that even if you're doing a b2b, essentially its an entirely different and separate journey. if you are entitled to perks on the 1st leg, you are entitled to the same perks on the 2nd. ie: if you are entitled to extra dinners in the specialty restaurants, you are entitled to the same specialty restaurants on the 2nd part of the cruise. also if youre entitled to 1 free bag of laundry on the 1st, youre entitled to a free bag on the 2nd. if anyone differs, this was my personal experience on a b2b starting trieste to trieste and then trieste to rome
  8. the menu in the haven restaurants, (breakfast and lunch) havent changed in years. what specifically do you want to know? usually, breakfast in moderno and lunch in cagneys. if you log into the ncl website and check you reservations look under dining options, and you can see the menu's
  9. anything specifc you want to know, your's is a pretty open-ended vague question. we've been on a few b2b's so i'd be more than happy to try and give you some insight
  10. to quote good old charlie brown "good grief"
  11. phillygwm: depending on the length of the cruise, we'll try the mdr for dinner a few times, while we're not big fans, the food and choices arent bad. also if youve cruised with ncl more than a few times, you'll have to admit the specialty restaurant menus never change, and even if you're staying in a haven, the breakfast and lunch menu's never change. so, imho, give the mdr's a chance, i dont think generally speaking that you'll be disappointed.
  12. if you've booked a "haven suite" it doesnt mattter where it's located, the haven perks are the haven perks, regardless
  13. not only that, but ncl has jacked up the original price, cut that price in half and are trying to convince people they're getting a deal. anytime ncl runs one of it's "amazing sales" (which in fact they have been doing in one form or another for a couple of years) it's buyer beware!
  14. well, there was no indication of where he went for dinner, but he claims the dinner was turkey, so i dont think that's served in cagneys anyway. also, i dont think there should be any expectations for any particular menu item. sometimes s**t happens. my point was with all the problems people complain about on this site, not getting to order prime rib on the first night out seems very, very, very picky., and i'm truly sorry for his misfortune, but i think this problem is laughable! with the various choices of beef in cagney's or even le bistro, im sure he could find something to eat that would make him/her happy. by the way i have noticed that sometimes o'sheehan's has prime rib as a special. (personally, i avoid o'sheehans like the plague) by the way, i never order prime rib anywhere, my palate is just not that sophisticated
  15. chiefmatejrk im pretty sure no one books a cruise on any line, to any port with the assumption, or expectation of getting a prime rib dinner. ive been criticized for many of my posts, but really, to post about a lack of prime rib. the guy should get over it.
  16. i would never, ever, book a flight to anywhere thru ncl.
  17. oh! the horror, the horror!!! what a terrible 1st world problem, and you even were considerate enough to post it here. hope you dont expect any sympathetic responses (lmao)
  18. we're booked on copa for a transcanal this jan. its a 6 hr non-stop flight from los angeles. im taking my chance and going with copa. i did a little research, and they seem ok. we'll be back feb 5th. remind me on this site, and ill let you know how it went
  19. while the free flight offer, in and of itself, sounds like a great deal, we leave out of lax, and there is always an extra charge leaving from los angeles. while technically it's still cheaper, reading all the horror stories, (and of course to be on the safe side) i will always book my own flight reservations. that way, i can personally pick the time, seats and arrival at port city date. also to avoid any unforseen delays, we usually book getting to the port city a few days prior to sailing. it takes away a great deal of traveling stress, and its a terrific way to city the port city. (especially if you're leaving from a foreign port). Heck, if youre going that far, why not spend a few days sightseeing? we've been fortunate to be able to visit multiple foreign cities for a few days before getting on the ship just imagine leaving from southampton, and not seeing london for few days, or from trieste and not visiting venice. the list goes on and on. so, do yourself and your traveling companions a favor, and book on your own flights other than a "gee, im awfully sorry" (and most time, not even that), ncl takes no responsibility if there are flight delays or missed flights or connections, and you certainly don't get your money back. airlines don't lose money, the seats are already paid for, and most of them are non-refundable, consequently if your butt isnt in the seat when the plane takes off, you lose! we were fortunate enough to start cruising again after covid and flew in april, july, aug, and nov, and believe me, all the planes were packed
  20. we were on a back to back on the gem getting off mid-nov. we had hero cards galore. also, ncl usually send a email asking about your cruise a few days after it has ended. at the end it asks if there are any outstanding staff members you want to mention.
  21. what's the price of the haven 2 bedroom as opposed to the 2 separate club suites. if the price is comparable, the haven should win hands down. you may not be a butler person, but they are useful. he can bring anything reasonable to your cabin throughout the sailing, i always have our butler bring m/m's, and gummie bears (im srill a kid at heart) its nice to have a separate dedicated restaurant for breakfast and lunch, and the first thing i tell the butler i want is to have him bring a pot of coffee and a pot of hot water plus pastries and croissants 1st thing in the morning. when he was about 14, we took our grandson on a cruise on the ncl spirit. it didnt have a haven, but you'll find the suite categories offer the same amenities, and my grandson loved picking up the phone and ordering pizza from the butler. while i'm not knocking it, going to the beach is the last thing i would want to do on a cruise. we get off theship, hire a cab t take us around the port and have a great time. as long as i can take pictures, im happy. by the way, i had to take a 2nd mortgage out on my house in order to pay for all the pictures i took on our our last 2 cruises. (LOL)
  22. we were on the gem in nov and many cabins had door decorations. i cant see why that would present a problem for ncl, especially if they are holiday decorations. i dont think either scrooge or the grinch is sailing anytime soon. so, bon voyage and have a happy holiday sailing
  23. zzdoug, if you can drink $109 worth of booze per day, youre a better man than I gunga din!
  24. unless things have changed in the last 2 months since my last cruise, not only will your tags say "priority", but should also have your cabin number. you should get your luggage much faster than non-haven passengers. also, if your'e in a haven suite, there is a specially designated check in area. the wait there is about 10-15 minutes, and a butler or concierge will come and get you and take you to cagneys for a nice leisurely lunch. make sure you order a glass of champagne to start your cruise off right. chances are, by the time you are finished, your luggage will probably be waiting for you at the cabin door. i also have found both haven and non-haven suites, are usually cleaned and ready for occupancy long before other cabins. i've left my wife in cagney's for a few minutes, to check the cabin, and its usually ready. so, not to worry
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