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Everything posted by Daveywavey70

  1. That’s wonderful HJB. It has the same cadence as much of Noel Cowards work, I suppose because it’s the same era. I Actually have one of Noel Cowards old lucifers that was gifted to me by a dear friend of his. I Very much enjoy the sentiment of the ditty.
  2. Sorry HJB, way before my time so I missed that one. I Do think I was born in the wrong era but that’s probably a good thing as I’d be dead by now if not. I Missed seeing all of my jazz heroes perform live except one. Eartha Kitt! There was a London drag queen (Adrella) that always did Champagne tastes and drank a bottle during the song. Eartha came onto the stage part way through, called for security to remove said drag queen from the stage and finished the set. This was a weekend in Butlins in Skegness organised by the late great Paul O’grady. A Moment I’ll never forget.
  3. Are you able to get Britbox over there? It’s a uk app but nothing a VPN couldn’t sort I’m sure. It has lots of 70s stuff on there (that the snowflakes haven’t kicked off about) if you appreciate our humour.
  4. Duke of Clarence? As long as Julie London is on in the background 🙂
  5. Comic genius. I Am a child of the 70s so grew up on them and the other fantastic comics of the time.
  6. We have Mayo here and I have learned previously on these boards (during salad cream gate) about the monstrosity that is known as miracle whip. I’ve yet to experience its delights. I’m still no wiser as to what a cheese ball is though, google doesn’t do it any favours.
  7. Just watching Shitts Creek for the first time here. What on earth is a cheese ball?
  8. Well I suppose it keeps them away from the Bastille.
  9. Apologies to non Britts that don’t know who Jacob Rees-Mogg is.
  10. I Suspect she may be very well preserved Lola 🥳
  11. You’re welcome. They are also known as tinnies when they contain cheap strong beer.
  12. A brew that many a teenager began their drinking career with in the 80s. Tastes best when consumed whilst sitting on a park bench or in a bus stop.
  13. It's actually written in the style she talks about wine though JP. Funnier if you know who she is 🙂
  14. Give my regards to Flame and Bunsen if you see them in Auke Bay. Bunsen was only 5 months old when we saw him there. He was having a Whale of a time. https://www.facebook.com/darren.s.owen/videos/10219984392386089
  15. The advantage to that though is that it contains the enemy in one place leaving other venues free of them. I Think the Police refer to this tactic as kettling.
  16. Viz online. JCB's don't take much strength to operate M.
  17. It sends shudders down my spine Lola, as does bad air. We are so lucky here in Wales. If I close my eyes though I can still smell that beautiful Alaskan air we were so privileged to breathe. My heart goes out to all those that are suffering right now.
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