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Everything posted by Daveywavey70

  1. That’s nothing compared to the methane I’ve been breathing in for days on here.
  2. It’s far too late here to lay my hands on the original research but here is a link to the headlines. https://academic.oup.com/ntr/article/21/10/1371/5040053 I Know that many on here have no interest in the facts and will again shout me down but those that still claim that vaping and smoking are the same thing I really don’t have the time or the inclination to waste my breath arguing with, they won’t accept that anybody has a valid view that disagrees with their own. Yes I know that some Vapers are extremely inconsiderate. They need to be kept in line with a clear and well defined policy. I Also know that many are not inconsiderate and we will not see this as a green light to vape everywhere onboard (quite a sweeping supposition repeated many times here). Revelling in the victory of having the signs removed does nothing to help with that clarity. These posts have been so disheartening to read. The whole attitude of the people posting about this seems to be that no opinion other than their own has any validity and the louder they shout they will get their own way. What a sorry place this is.
  3. Well that’s not surprising considering the responses received from many here. Why would we waste our time arguing with people incapable of reasoned discussion or willing to carry out even a little research? Why let the science get in the way of a good rant? I Went straight to the exec office to applaud their decision and received a phone call the following day to thank me.
  4. If I Knew it was Canadian I’d have watched it years ago!
  5. I’ll have to have a word with Netflix. It keeps showing up as a US comedy over here.
  6. Sorry HJB but it’s straight from the U S of A. Schitts creek.
  7. I Must be especially blessed. I’ve yet to sail Celebrity but within 24 hours of emailing them I received a phone call from Miami thanking me for my support of the new policy. I’m much more in awe of Celebrity as a company than I am of their passengers.
  8. Nearer my God to thee was apparently the tune being played as it went under. Not one I’m sure the Silver voices know, unfortunately.
  9. A bit like Moira Rose once played a nurse? 😉
  10. That a very Northern term Turtle! Where do you hail from?
  11. Cunard turns me off as I find the class system attracts the wrong sort. I Quietly put them in their place when I mention I’m good friends with the family (not the son that inherited the line but even so).
  12. I’m more worried about how underdressed I’ll make the rest of the room feel on my first Celebrity cruise next January when I turn up in my Bentley diamond velvet smoking jacket and Loubie dandelions. I’d hate to embarrass them.
  13. Thank you so much Ryan, I’ve loved following along with you and your wonderful family. I wish you could have wangled another leg. Wishing you a safe home. I Know what you mean about the dilemma. I remember sitting in the hot tub at the back of the muse with a glass of Champagne in the most pristine place you could ever wish to be watching black smoke billowing from the funnel and feeling so sad about it.
  14. Yeah I’ve got it to look forward too.
  15. Only 180 days to go! Did I mention that my day trip to Antarctica has been cancelled? Not enough uptake for the Brisbane flight. I'm gutted but it does mean an extra day on Lady Elliot Island.
  16. I’m loving this trip JP. Looks like you’re doing most of the things I’m planning for my own little trip to SA. Keep it coming.
  17. I'm on the sister train in January, Indian Pacific Perth to Sydney. I'll let you know how it is.
  18. Because Cruise Critic first and foremost want to sell you the cruise themselves. They are part of Tripadvisor.
  19. Do all of you “we book suites and if we don’t get our own way we’ll go elsewhere” people have any idea how Karen you sound?
  20. I’m hoping that it’s just the keyboard warrior effect but I had such high hopes of my fellow Celebrity passengers that I think I’d rather just lose my deposit than cruise with these people.
  21. Thank you for your considered response Bo. I Also believe that it shouldn’t be a ship wide thing and should be allowed with clear rules that would be easy to enforce. The suppositions on this thread have been just ridiculous. People have twisted what I have said beyond recognition. I’d just like to reiterate the point that I believe that smoking or using a larger volume vape that encroaches upon anybody else’s space is an absolute no no for me. Using a vape that by the time I exhale has been completely absorbed by my lungs may be a miracle to some but that is what lungs do. It is simple science. Also, every single case of popcorn lung that has been diagnosed has been a consequence of a certain type of vape that is certainly not what I use or legal in most of the world. My simple statements have resulted in me being ridiculed and accused of lying. There are an awful lot of people spouting facts that aren’t actually correct. The saddest part of all of this is the lack of ability of people capable of engaging in a debate. I stand by the statement made by public health England that vaping is at least 95% less harmful than smoking and I am truly grateful that I am 5 years free of smoking, purely because I found a vape that worked for me. I Do not in any way condone the use of vapes that exhale volumes of vapour that would encroach on any bodies space or smoking in any enclosed area. I Never try to bend rules. I Just want to live and let live. Whilst I don’t bother anybody else I also don’t want to be bothered. I am not lying to myself as I know I never exhale any vapour whilst close to anybody else. I’m so disappointed by the vitriol exhibited on this forum and have now switched from being so very excited about my first Celebrity cruise to dreading the thought of the people that I will be trapped on a ship with.
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