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Everything posted by Daveywavey70

  1. How curious that a mention of an elderly Gentleman’s clothing shop that went bankrupt gets asterisked out. I had no idea that the mere mention of a name that combines the colours of blue and yellow followed by the description of a small forest was so controversial!
  2. H&H we’re just the best but they seem to be something very different now. No Special occasion other than a desperate wish to be out in the world again, that’s special enough for me. Me too Lola. North Wales can be a bit of a dry spot when it comes to Haute Couture. I’ve never been a fan of cable knit cardi’s and since *****’s went under there’s not much left. The local tailor that worked from a prefab at the end of the local railway platform wasn’t bad at all but he curled up and died a few years ago now. Hi Karin. Welcome to the cooler. I’m so sorry to hear bout your loss. Mr Luxury, thank you so much. That is exactly what i’m looking for. https://www.buddshirts.co.uk/classic-fit-plain-stiff-bib-neckband-double-cuff-dress-shirt-in-white.html I’ve had a couple of dress shirts tailored but they just don’t cut it. This is perfect. Eternal gratitude is offered. Sometimes I miss London. And I hope you never do! My new Louboutin Leopard print high tops arrived today 🥳. I Don’t intend to either!
  3. I’m glad you weathered the storm Lois. I Was thinking of you.
  4. Haha, It’s something extremely specific I’m looking for Rojaan. It’s the extremely old fashioned kind of dress shirt that seems to have disappeared. H&H don’t do them anymore, they are something completely different now. I’ve had a couple of tailored dress shirts made but they technically aren’t correct. Luckily a wonderful member of the cooler has pointed me in the direction of the perfect shirt. https://www.buddshirts.co.uk/classic-fit-plain-stiff-bib-neckband-double-cuff-dress-shirt-in-white.html
  5. Mr Luxury perhaps you could advise? I Would dearly love an old fashioned detached collar, side pocketed, bibbed evening shirt. I’ve got a good supply of collars and studs but I Need a new shirt. I Always used Harvie and Hudson in the past but they seem to have been devoured by some sort of “corporation” are any of the old tailors still there in Jermyn St . I Never feel like I’ve made the effort without the rigmarole of a proper bow tie and collar studs.
  6. Well I’ve decided my old Harvie and Hudson detachable collar dress bib shirt needs retiring and I’ve been looking for months for a replacement but to no avail.It seems the whole of Jermyn street has been bought out by internetty type businesses. I Only go to London under gunpoint these days. Can anyone suggest where I might find a true old fashioned, detachable collar, starched bib evening shirt, preferably online but if not by visiting the Capital if I Must? All this talk of Formal nights has filled my soul with dread of the thought of having to turn up in something by M&S.
  7. India and Sri Lanka are both holidays I’ve had cancelled in the last couple of years. The e-visa situation in India is baffling as almost every other country other than the UK is allowed. The situation in Sri Lanka is just awful. I Hope things improve soon for them.
  8. Try a glass of Madeira with it Lola. It’s just the best with cheese.
  9. After the events of the last couple of weeks has anybody else started rewatching the Crown? As much as I loved watching it “before” Watching it again since recent events both fills me with utter pride and respect for the life of an incredible lady who devoted her whole life to a role she had no choice in accepting. She conducted those duties until the end of her life without question or complaint. I Did share an extremely special moment with her many years ago and can vouch that her smile was absolutely genuine and her sense of mischief was a pleasure to see.
  10. I Think they do it because they are in the pockets of the tobacco companies myself.
  11. I Was truly taken aback and came across it purely by accident. It’s one of the very few things I have to thank YouTube algorithms for. It picked up that I’d been researching Thailand and that I’d been looking for a new vape and suggested a video from someone that had been arrested!
  12. I’m all in a dither as I’m in the process of arranging an epic SE Asia tour with a night in Phuket, 2 nights elephant hills, 2 nights Siem reap to see Angkor Wat, flight to danang , Hoi an and Hue and fly to join the Spirit in Hong Kong on the 19th and travel down to Singapore. I’ve just discovered that I could face 5 years in jail for taking my vape into Thailand, Cambodia, HK or Singapore so the trip has no option but to be off. What a shame that the governments of these Countries would rather watch people die from smoking rather than loose their sweeteners from the big tobacco companies.
  13. There’s a lot to be said for a hole in one. (Sorry but not sorry 😁)
  14. The Red soles are so important though Host Jazzbeau.
  15. I’m in trouble again. We’ve been together for 19 years and it is his birthday and I love him very much so I’ll cut him some slack but I do beg to differ. What sort of car could you have bought anyway instead of a pair of Loubies?
  16. I’m really sorry if it Is adieu Jeff, you’ve been a wonderful friend here over the years. If you are passing though can I order 6 salt beef, 2 chopped liver and 2 egg and onion?
  17. Speaking as someone on the front line, I Can vouch for the fact that many industries are facing an almost impossible time right now. Costs are spiralling and unpredictable, staffing is impossible and supply is unpredictable. All that anyone can do is their best. SS, along with many other companies have defied all odds by even still being here. I Think the most important thing that would lead to a disappointing cruise is an expectation that things will be as they were before the “nasty”. I Myself went on a cruise on an alternative line in January. I Can only say that my expectations of sailing on a different line in a part of the world I never thought I’d ever visit, at a time when testing, masks and entry requirements were all consuming were not high but I was so desperate to get away I Did it anyway. It turned out to be one of my most memorable holidays of my life. If perfection is important to you then maybe I’d suggest cancelling all of your travel plans for the next couple of years. If you’re happy to go with the flow then you’ll have a great time.
  18. I Must concur that having shared Tapas with the M&M’s under the Liverpool town hall clock after being “ferried cross the Mersey” and being driven round the city on a bus, the cooler is wholly responsible for creating wonderful and cherished moments in our lives.
  19. Thank you my to all of my cooler friends for all of your kind words of condolence and respect upon the loss of our Queen. God save the King. A Beautiful portrait of her Majesty was painted by an Italian artist that lived in my home for a year in the 60’s, Pietro Annigoni, that I Have attached. I Must admit that it is only my second favourite portrait of her. I Also Shared a very special moment with Her Majesty once but that isn’t for public consumption. A Truly remarkable lady. A Lifetime of service and an education to all on how to live your life. I Truly hope that my humble tribute to an amazing lady that devoted her entire life to the service that she was born to Will not be reported as harassment as all of my other posts are. Tomorrow will be a very sad day.
  20. We proudly hang his portrait in our lounge. Word is he may have visited my house as it was owned by his advocate general of Bengal from the 20s to the 40s but I don’t know for sure. His granddaughter has certainly visited in my time. What a wonderful man he was. There where many stories about him whilst I worked at the Savoy and I Knew many people that served him for many years. My favourite story was about the time that they couldn’t find his private Claret glass that could hold a full bottle in the Grill dispense bar. He went nuts and when they eventually found it, he shouted that this glass never leaves this bar again. Till the end of my days it was locked in a cabinet in the Grill dispense bar. Nobody is perfect but without him the current EU would have had a 50 year head start. The current cancel culture is absolutely flawed. History is there to be learned from and tipping statues into a river does nothing to prevent mistakes being repeated.
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