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Everything posted by AndyMichelle

  1. Then, unfortunately, if you arrive early, your only option is to wait outside in the queue... P&O are not budging and this is how it is for now. If you can't physically walk for 10 mins to Oxford Street, won't get a taxi, are worried about getting robbed, then ask P&O for assistance or queue... It's not nice, but they must feel it is necessary. Andy
  2. Just glad we are not boarding today... The IOW festival starts and one of the major roads near the port, Town Quay, is closed due to a police incident... Just an example of how things can go wrong, no wonder we all want to get there early... Andy
  3. Unfortunately Dave, the Admiral is one of the 'Spoons' that is closing down at the end of the month. 😒 You might just catch 'last knockings' on your upcoming cruise. Andy
  4. Hi Ian, They are available. Depends on demand in the town to how quickly you will get one, especially if there are multiple ships in, but they are constant. Prebooking is a bit difficult as you never really know how quick you will collect your luggage etc. Have a great cruise. Andy
  5. If you are not able bodied, request assistance. I doubt they would leave you standing in a queue. Unfortunately, P&Os stance is arrive on time or be prepared to queue, we all just have to work within the rules the best way that suits us. Andy
  6. Drop your luggage off at the port...
  7. That's hit the nail on the head John. For us returning cruisers and newbies, we don't know, that's why we ask... We all have different requirements, so one solution that is supposed to fit all just won't work for many. The fear of getting stuck in the traffic in Southampton is enough to make us anxious, especially with a late boarding time... If we had priority or an earlier time, we wouldn't be worried. We have come up with a solution that suits us, but unfortunately won't suit everyone. There is no need to criticise passengers who do it differently or are trying to work a way that takes away the worry for them. If all the late boarders planned to arrive on time and Southampton came to a standstill for hours, which it sometimes does, either hundreds of people would miss their holiday or the ship would delay departure, which we know is not always an option... Everything will probably be OK, but that doesn't stop loads of us worrying and wanting to minimise our risk. I have changed my view on the queues and now feel most people in them are quite happy to wait, now it is clear you will have to, at least they know they are there. Of course they will be wishing for an earlier time, but at least they 'ain't missing the boat' 😂 This has nothing to do with people wanting to get in the buffet early, it's just about getting on board at all... Andy
  8. Where is Zap and what have you done with him!!! 😂😂😂
  9. Why do these threads go round in circles... It's simple, if you arrive before your boarding time, drop your luggage off and either be prepared to queue outside, or wander across the road for some lunch or a pint. You don't need to go right into town, Oxford Street and Ocean Village are a short, flat walk away... Assume traffic in Southampton is going to be horrendous, it often is. I live locally, but will be arriving early, but I don't expect to get on board early. Andy
  10. From other reports, you join the queue and are called at your allotted time, (hopefully before) then leave the queue. If you are very early, do what we plan to do, drop your luggage off and walk across the park to Oxford Street for some lunch. It's only a 5-10 minute walk and has some lovely restaurants. We have been given 3.15 boarding time and although we are fairly local, are fully aware of what can go wrong with Southampton traffic, so won't be taking any chances... Andy
  11. This thread got me thinking, always a dangerous thing😊 After many years of cruising with P&O with lots of different Captains, the only 2 I can remember are Neil Turnbull and Wesley Dunlop, and would happily sail with either of them again. I suppose that means the others cannot have been that memorable, or I just did not take any notice. We never crashed, so they must have been OK... 😂 Andy
  12. Very jealous Barbara, have a great time. Andy
  13. Food looks fantastic Graham, I guess that's mainly Epicurean? Glad you had a nice time. Andy
  14. Yep, and surely understandably so? I want to take Michelle to the Epicurean on her birthday, of course I don't want to miss out... Andy
  15. Not necessary, but so many stories of passengers not being able to book what they want for celebrations etc, so I understand why it's done. Andy
  16. It seems the way to get on board quickly is to put a knife in your luggage... 😂 Disclaimer... Don't try this at home folks... 😂 Andy
  17. That's nice to hear, they were still doing it in 2018/19 on Aurora. I believe the reason they stopped was because of the potential spreading of germs. Andy
  18. We get on as you get off Dave, and ours is not showing Flam or Olden, the only 2 we are excited about... As said before, hopefully it's just a glitch... Andy
  19. Is he crazy!!! Have you not told him what happened to poor Sandra? Better check that insurance policy 😂 Andy
  20. This confused us too for our Britannia cruise. I think it's just an anomaly as when you dig a bit deeper, it still says port day, our excursion in Olden is still showing and you can still book excursions. Also, look on the itinerary map, it's still showing Olden. If you buy the cruise today, Olden is still there. I'm sure it's just another P&O I T glitch... Andy
  21. The Sizzling pubs down here tend to get overrun with large families due to the cheap pricing. Mayhem, a bit like Ventura during school holidays... 😂 Andy
  22. Yes, we have requested a table for 2, late sitting. We are not too worried about the flexibility, we will plan our days around our dinner. If we have to share, no real problem for us, we like to meet new people. I can fully understand why you would stick with freedom, I expect lots of people like us are changing to fixed dining and requesting tables for 2, so hopefully this will work in your favour... Whatever happens, we are determined to have a great time and are sure we will. As Zap says often, we will get fed, looked after and entertained... What more could you want... Andy
  23. I saw this on the news. Very tricky subject. Their argument seemed to be that they were entitled to be offered the same 'rights' to enjoy their holiday as everyone else. The practicality does seem high risk, so I can understand P&Os stance, but sad that they missed a holiday they were so looking forward to. My father was blind but managed to adapt to lead a 'normal' life. I hate to think of him being denied doing something that he would have been confident of being able to cope with. That said, P&O have a duty of care for all passengers, so understand why they would not want that responsibility. Andy
  24. Your review certainly helped us, so a really heartfelt thank you. Opinions, good and bad help many cruisers make informed decisions. I never want to risk waiting 2 hours to eat, which has been reported by many, so am glad the fixed dining option is still available on Britannia.. I know this is probably the exception as many others have not had to wait long, but I ain't risking it, no way Pedro, it would spoil my enjoyment. Thanks again for taking some of the worry away for us. Andy
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