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Everything posted by HBE4

  1. I always think the same thing whenever I see a post about some leaving Royal for good. There will be several more customers to take your place. I remember reading somewhere that only 15% of the US population have ever been on a cruise ship meaning 85% have never cruised. Even if you eliminate those that have no desire to cruise, there is still a huge untapped market out there.
  2. Since only Interiors are listed, does that mean there are no specials on other cabin categories?
  3. I guess that's the "Gone" portion of the GGG sale.
  4. Is this no longer true? I've never sail on X but my impression is that it's a more mature, more refined and upscale version vs the Royal brand.
  5. I've always said that the sign of a "true, life-long friend" is someone who you might not speak with for months - or even years - at a time but as soon as you get together, the conversations resume as it's its only been a day.
  6. @Sunshine3601 trying to steal @Ocean Boy BFF? https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=865750768471946&id=100051110923965&post_id=100051110923965_865750768471946&mibextid=CDWPTG
  7. Lenoard doesn't really have a dinner time as there is always a bowl for him to nosh on. And since he's my stepdaughter cat, she keeps the bowl in her bedroom. But when it starts to get to low & she's not home, he'll find me, meow very loudly at me & then turn an run away. He'll stop & turn around to see if I'm following him. If not, he'll come back & meow at me again very loudly. Eventually I'll give in & follow him. Of course, he'll always lead me to his bowl as if to say "See, it's not full enough. I can see my reflection in the bottom ". (It's a metal bowl). There will be a plastic bowl in his near future.
  8. Gentlemen! Stop that crazy talk immediately or I will be forced to report these posts to CC admins pronto. 🤣🤣🤣
  9. Wow. 3 months?!? It barely feels like 3 weeks. Then again, I lose track of time easily. In my mind it's still mid-July, not end of Aug. I loved reading about Summer of Fun 3.0. You're like the grandparents I never had. 3 of the 4 passed before I was born. The 4th lived on Germany (my mom is from Germany). I did get to spend 3 summers in Germany as a child and looking back it was fun. But at the time I was too young to appreciate it. I was 5, 8 & 11 years old when I was there. The last trip I finally began to realize how lucky I was.
  10. Was that Nate saying "Holy crap, it's like a mountain". 😅 I guess it is hillier than it looks in the photo's!
  11. Out of curoisty, when staying at a land-based hotel, do you seek out the person that does laundry to tip them? Or the person cleaning the bathrooms in the lobby or the person cleaning the pool? I leave a tip in my room for the housekeeper & that's all. I'm pretty sure it doesn't get shared with the "behind the scenes" people that enhance my hotel experience. After all, a cruise ship is nothing more than a floating hotel. For the record, I leave auto-grats in place. But I would never flame anyone for choosing to tip differently, especially since Royal gives them that choice. After all, it's their cruise, their experience and more importantly, their money to spend.
  12. My stepdaughter watched all of the episodes the other night & said I need to add it to my watch list & watch it as soon as possible so she can talk to me about it. Should I be concerned? 😧 (not really concerned) 😃
  13. I not sure what surprised me more. That he would admit 20% of the people would consider other cruise lines or that 20% of the people would actually change cruise lines. I'm assuming that they were serious and not just issuing empty threats. I guess everyone has their own line in the sand, so to speak.
  14. The news is so good that it's worth sharing twice!
  15. So Pizza remains free but what about the hot dogs, towel animals, elevator rides and toilet paper? 😉😇😄
  16. I agree. Plus, they are usually bite-sized videos that can be quickly watched, unlike some of those 30+ minute long infomercials. And now I'm wondering if a few of the people on this thread engage in some of the loser moves mentioned his video. 😄
  17. If Leonard sees a closed door within the house, he let it be known he's displeased. Either by trying to push the door open or by meowing until someone opens it for him. Often time, he'll just peak in and then move on so it's not that he wants to go into that room, he just wants the option to maybe go into that room sometime in the future. There is one bedroom that has become a junk room/storage unit that I keep the door closed at all times, mainly because it's embarrassing. I'm afraid if he goes in there, he'd be lost forever. 😀 It took awhile but he finally has accepted that the door will always be closed. Funny, he can be anywhere in the house & every time I go into that room, he appears within seconds as if by magic. Googling "Hog Oiler". EDIT: Yep, it's exactly what it sounds like.
  18. Because I like to play devils-advocate.... If I was a Royal executive reading this thread, I'd come to the conclusion that: A) Our pizza isn't great, B) A lot of people don't like it and C) People seem to have no issue eating it up as fast as we can make it a long as we give it away for free. By charging for pizza, it'll offer the dual benefit of saving money by not giving away food to those that don't "like" it and making money off those that genuinely want it. To a bean-counter, it's a no brainier of a decision. The only real problem is that often times pizza is the only late night food option. Makes me wonder if they'll replace it with a different late night option or not charge after a certain hour. Having said all that, as a passenger, I'm against the change though it probably wouldn't stop me from booking a cruise. I'd probably eat a little less when stumbling out of the casino bleary-eyed at 2 am. I'd also be okay if the basic Sorrento's pizza remained free and they charge for a better quality specialty pizza.
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