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Everything posted by cruisebeachgirl703

  1. Was on the Joy Haven July 2022. Haven bartender asked for card every time including just bottled water. Ordered water at the casino with P+. Not far enough out of port, got charged the virginia tax, which is fine, but he had other person's drinks on our tab, pina colada, etc. (had the wrong items taxed taken off)
  2. With all the recent cutbacks sounds like an attempt to save money on liquor. The bars are shut down during muster drill.
  3. Has anyone sailed recently and have firsthand experience with changes or cutbacks. Have you enjoyed a perk previously in the Haven and now it has been impacted?
  4. thank you to ziggyuk for the prosecco/champagne details. helpful!!!
  5. One time they tried to palm us off with glasses of Prosecco thinking we would not notice. So did someone actually put prosecco in front of you served in a glass and tell you it was champagne? Hoping to get the story so we can be prepared in March.
  6. One time they tried to palm us off with glasses of Prosecco thinking we would not notice. Would like the details on this incident.
  7. Gary, can you provide the names of the vibe bartenders? and someone had asked who the casino hosts were, interested. we sailed the breakaway many times. i know staff move but still fun to ask. will miss you in a few days when you are no longer on board. thanks
  8. Gary, I want to thank you for you taking the time during your cruise to post. You are most helpful. We have learned so much from you. Enjoy!!!!!
  9. enjoy your haven lite! any info on casino personnel would be great to know. thanks
  10. For anyone who has stayed both in the haven courtyard and outside the haven courtyard did you find any difference in service level from the butler. Either positive or not. Do the courtyard suites potentially get the experienced butlers? Ship and specifics would be great!
  11. Would be interested in the not good experience in the specialty restaurant details. Also, who was the concierge. Thanks. Looking forward to joy haven in march 2023.
  12. Looking forward to restaurant menu pics when someone has time. thanks.
  13. Does anyone have pics of any of the 4 restaurants on Harvest Caye. Thanks.
  14. We had 3 different butlers. Our first cruise we had Ales - Fantastic Butler and would drop by on a regular basis just to check in with us. Second cruise we had Demir. He was very efficient and would quickly take care of any request but had the personality of a rock. We were asked if we wanted to have him for our 3rd cruise and we declined. Third cruise we had Tridip. Thanks Jim. That is helpful.
  15. Jim, May be somewhat of a repeat question. During this whole period was your prh/butler the same or did it change? You did mention 2 previous names. Thanks.
  16. Jim, are you saying the RS was available but your moveup wasnt accepted? Meaning they chose not to take more money? So even a strong bid can be for not?
  17. Thanks for the great review and wonderful pics. Will miss the daily posts. Safe journey to you and Iain. Until next time!!!
  18. Following along Jim/Iain. Enjoying your pics, both the ports and food!!!!!! At some point if you are comfortable, can you post who your personal retreat hosts have been along the way. We were on Summit July and Equinox May. Our room steward was Nelson who you mentioned. He was great to us. We loved Penelope as well, very nice!!!!! Thanks Jim.
  19. Beautiful Pic of you and hubby!!! Glad you had a wonderful birthday cruise. Safe journey. Looking forward to your next one!
  20. Thanks for taking us along. Always enjoyable following with you. Did you say the oceanview cafe had started out self serve and then went back to full serve?
  21. Was on the Joy July 10th. We are both sapphire. Went to the future cruise desk and mentioned to the Manager, no behind the scenes tour and no dinner with officers. Asked for OBC and was told the last week was the last time and the OBC had been discontinued fleet wide by corporate. He started to say something about wines around the world had taken place on day 1 and we walked away before he could finish. We told our Haven concierge about our dissatisfaction and he inquired on our behalf. He told us the Manager called corporate and the OBC was discontinued. Doesn't sound fleetwide to me. Not surprising.
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