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Everything posted by dlh015

  1. Yes...using it on a desktop (WIN 11)...maybe it'll look like yours after I'm able to access it again... I've already noticed some changes they've made to booking cruises (in appearance)...ah, the many wonders of X IT...😀
  2. Yours certainly looks different than mine!. I'm using Chrome for the website...
  3. When you have it reserved, the Sold Out banner is overlaid with the Reserved banner on the port's Excursions page. When you click on details for your reserved excursion, it will show Sold Out.
  4. No, I said the website...not the app!! 😁 You're fine...this is only if you booked thru the X website... Sorry if I caused any unnecessary stress!
  5. *Definitely* 10 days on the Equinox!! As already mentioned don't wait too long!!
  6. Yep, as I mentioned in my previous post...I'm glad I called in to make the change to a excursion. I want to change a couple others but I can't now. Hope the 'sale' is still in force when it returns...lol. We all know how reliable IT can be for this sort of thing... ETA: Oh, and the planner (as far as excursions go...) is still not available...
  7. Today, I see that this functionality has returned. Along with the ability to change your bed configuration. So now, once again, you can cancel your reservation or change your stateroom using the website.
  8. Thanks for posting this!!! Couldn't get thru on the website...'Sorry, it's unavailable right now...Please try later.' Gosh, I wonder why?? LOL...Anyhow, called in and got it adjusted...saving some real money!!
  9. I'm stunned. That might have sent me to GS to see about removing it...I might even have made mention of it in the survey. That's just unprofessional.
  10. Should I be unhappy with the service on my next cruise I shall be sure to bring up your name! "Why am I not getting the same level of service as davekathy?? They don't even travel in suites!!" 🤣
  11. I second that!! 😁 Oh, and thanks to the OP for doing the measurements!!
  12. Truly, setting one's expectations based on comments here, either good or bad, is setting oneself up for disappointment.
  13. Thank you very much for taking the time to outline these suggestions. I had assumed (and you know what happens then...) that something similar to item #2 was already in place. Thanks again!
  14. Care to elaborate? Folks here have a vested interest in such things...and this phrase is a bit of a cliffhanger...
  15. OP stands for Original Poster. Click bait is: "content whose main purpose is to attract attention and encourage visitors to click on a link to a particular web page."
  16. You are of course quite correct...lol...unnecessary sentence there...
  17. Yep. This past June when we checked into our hotel in Barcelona, the staff person explicitly warned us to be careful in the area because of pickpockets. And this hotel was in a very nice section of Barcelona. Having lived in NYC in my mid-twenties, I learned a lot of life's lessons early on that were of great benefit in the following years...lol...
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