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Everything posted by dlh015

  1. And how many here will believe the poster is a TA...lol. And besides, it would probably violate some CC rule...and I doubt a TA would post something about Celebrity policy on this forum...they might tell you on a phone call, but not here... But I could be wrong 😀
  2. Agree about quantifiable numbers vs rants. But ignoring social media trends on various topics is certainly missing out on datapoints... I would also agree that the sample size here is small...
  3. Agree with first part, not the second part. I am absolutely sure that the surveys have more than their fair share of critics...it's the nature of the beast... And, no, I'm not saying that CC posters are unbiased...lol...
  4. As far as US beef goes...only about 2% of US beef is rated Prime... https://www.masterclass.com/articles/breaking-down-usda-meat-grades-difference-between-prime-choice-select-meat-grades
  5. Yes, I always do the math for AI on any cruise line...you gotta be careful sometimes...(actually all the time come to think of it...)
  6. One can argue that this rollout of the $10 penalty is confusing at best...there appears to be no smooth and well thought out plan for any of the changes...more of a shotgun blast...or throwing something against a wall and seeing if it sticks...
  7. I'll be on the EQ next week...as will be at least 5 others here...I'll be sure to check it out. The ship appears to be full...
  8. And, gosh, where would you pee if you had to pay for it?? 🤣
  9. And, as a matter of fact I have started to consider that, too. New ship builds can make great use of carving out Suites and reducing regular balcony SRs...then who needs a buffet and the like?? Radical thought, huh?
  10. Agree. I was thinking the same about an hour ago... Generally, I'm an optimist...but the individual changes taken as a whole are indeed saddening... I guess I'll make my own assessment starting 10 days from now...
  11. This change in the dinner buffet dovetails nicely into the added $9.95 charge for Room Service...
  12. Perhaps a third option will appear (like Princess)...Everything Included!
  13. Nah, they won't know 🤣😆🤣 You can tell that from the website...LOL...🤪
  14. Well, all I can say is I'm sure there was no box for me...I made 7 reservations in row. *OR* I had a very senior moment...which is always a possibility... ETA: BTW, the reservations were for Select dining...
  15. I saw that a couple months ago...Nov 7th to be precise, when I made reservations for the Apex for a March 2024 cruise. There have been some posts about it but I don't remember if there was a thread started for it... What *is* different from what I saw is the addition of the check box. That certainly wasn't there.
  16. Yes, I saw that you had 'targeted' in the title....but with Nutsaboutgolf posting about having more than 100 offers and having to add offers to get to the Celebrity one, I thought I would ask... However, I should have echoed the part about more than 100 offers...oops... ETA: I was surprised that I had the offer...I don't use the card very much...but I have had the card since 1984...perhaps that's why I got the offer??
  17. Are you sure? My Green card had this offer: "Spend $500 or more, get $175 back " This would be given as a statement credit...good until 3/31/2023
  18. Then they would have to allow men in Speedos! No thanks 🤢
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