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Everything posted by dlh015

  1. A better question might be: "Is anyone else NOT having issues with their website?" 😁
  2. Amazingly enough, the email greeting is apparently tailored to the client's level... Who would have thought that the IT department was capable of that?? ðŸĪ” I mean, gosh, I haven't gotten my edocs yet and I'm 27 days out...I guess the 'wonderverse' has taken precedence...lol...
  3. That is a great itinerary...and Kotor is a real hidden gem...it was *amazing*... I agree with what most have already stated about Italy...Florence, Milan, Rome all great but far from ports. Best to arrange other ways to explore...Naples is nice too for going to the island of Capri...a fantastic place. (not to mention Pompeii...)
  4. Yep...same here...know the song and remember the times like it was yesterday... Saw tricky Dick hisself and guv Rockefeller in a motorcade in Bronxville NY...
  5. The Terrace Houses are the most recently discovered ruins in Ephesus and they are *very* well-preserved. They were the rich folks houses. You walk by them during the regular tour...it has it's own entrance... I can recommend ekoltravel dot com for that. They will do the private tour (just the two of us on ours) and include the Terrace Houses if you want. A driver, a guide, and a nice vehicle and you can skip the rug thing. You pick the time you want them to meet you at the ship. And when you would like to return. I imagine they would also add on anywhere else you would like to visit in Kusadasi... Someone reco'ed them to me (and a few others chimed in) right here on CC...I also used them for Istanbul...same great service...
  6. Good for you!! Does your tour include the Terrace Houses? It is a truly unique experience...of all the ruins we've visited (and we've seen quite a few and in many countries), Ephesus was the best. Bon Voyage!!
  7. Shocked, I tell ya...just shocked 🙄
  8. And sometimes, they offer deals with 0% Single Supplement!! Like I got for my cruise in January...booked it this past August...
  9. One of the best 'Live' reviews I've had the pleasure to follow!! Thank you!!
  10. Thanks for posting these pics! Added this port to my list of desired destinations!
  11. Strangely enough, this showed up a few days ago in my cruise planner for a Jan cruise on the Equinox. I hadn't seen it before...and I received no email.... Can't check now because I get the 'We can't complete your request right now..." message...
  12. Yes, you got the higher prices. Three of mine, booked back in October, were lower than the 'sale' price. However, four other ones, booked late November/early December, were much cheaper. For me, it all worked out for the best! If I had booked all my excursions back in October, this sale wouldn't have mattered much. Sort of reminds me of a Walmart price rollback 😁
  13. Can't help noticing you're gonna have a 'carpet presentation'...lol... As you have said, 'ruins are ruined'...but truly, Kusadasi is really about Ephesus...it is amazing. Wine tasting? Blah...no comparison...I enjoy a good wine but... And, we just told our guide that we had *no* interest in stopping for a carpet demonstration...and we went directly back to the ship...see my earlier post for the website/agency...
  14. Thank you...hadn't checked her account...duh...
  15. Don't know what you are referring to... That's been that way for a while...mine doesn't show my wife's either...ordered 11/1...(not saying it's the right way to do it...but since it shows up on the invoice, I don't care...now, if it isn't on her seapass card, well, I'll have a copy of everything with me 😁)
  16. That information is shown in 'Order History'...log into the Planner, under your cruise, click on 'Plan My cruise', then click on your initials in upper right corner circle, click on Order History...
  17. IMO, you definitely need a shore excursion for Santorini *if* you would care to see the ancient ruins of Akrotiri with a knowledgeable guide as well as the rest of the island. Also the same for Kusadasi to see Euphesus. I can recommend ekoltravel for that. They were great. ETA: Haven't been to the other ports (yet)...
  18. Perhaps it has come to their attention that folks haven't been thrilled with the wifi on board and are not happy with the price they pay? Even with the advent of StarLink? (which hasn't reached it's potential as yet...) Just speculation of course...who can guess what the marketing folks are thinking 😆
  19. Just checked again...my results are still the same...most have returned to the old charges. And I now notice (but it was probably there earlier), the red lettering on some excursions is 'pre-cruise savings' and others is 'cyber savings boost'...
  20. I know...I find it strange also...who knows what the story is...I wouldn't be too surprised to see them go back to the sale price...lol... Biggest changed one one was the Behind-The-Scenes tour...was 124, then 89, now 124 again...ðŸĪŠ
  21. Of the 8 excursions I cancelled/rebooked, all but 1 has gone back to the original price. I also booked 2 that I was on the fence about...they are also back to their original price... Whew...just made it...couldn't get in all last night, got in at 7:15 am today!
  22. Woo-hoo! Have saved $150 so far on my 2024 Caribbean cruise on the Apex!! I also saved about $30 on my upcoming Jan cruise...I had booked them months ago before they upped the excursion prices so my savings weren't as much...but I'm not complaining. Also, a bunch of excursions I booked are suddenly sold out!! ETA: Oh, btw, no sale price on the Hot Glass class though...
  23. ARRGGGHHH...glad I called in for the one excursion (behind the scenes)...was going to check others when it came back...*very* frustrating... Conspiracy Theory #1 - they purposefully crashed the excursion page because of the massive response and wanted to save the money...lol... (honestly, just kidding...)
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