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Everything posted by dlh015

  1. I thought that a couple of days ago...lol...everyone has said what they wanted to say at least 3 times...
  2. I just noticed that the banner is missing this morning. (On the US version anyways...) Is this a permanent change or perhaps another IT error? I was able to find the Health protocols at the bottom of the page under Travel Updates. Not a big deal, I am just curious what others see...
  3. Princess has done *exactly* the same thing. Lots of blah, blah...no reality. Operators trained...commited to, etc, etc. Not true a single time. It's just best that folks be aware of this...I certainly was after the first time...lol...
  4. Uh, thanks for telling me something I've already known for lordy knows how many decades... That you feel the need to point this out just shows how much work is yet to be done. ETD: Sorry, political was bad wording...
  5. I just can't convey how wonderful it is that you have shared your journey with all of us and how amazing your photography and commentary has been. Thank you 🤩 and, of course, Happy Anniversary to you and the Mr.!!🎉
  6. Pretty much what I do...but not the shorts on the first night. That's when I wear my Hawaiian shirt... 😂
  7. Perhaps they instruct them to call their superior (restaurant or hotel manager??) should a passenger adopt a nasty attitude? Someone empowered to lay it on the line to the unhappy person(s) that they will be restricted to the buffet for the rest of the cruise w/o reimbursement regardless of their status with the line? Or some such big stick? There must be some sort of protocol for those cases...
  8. I'm crushed...absolutely crushed, I tell ya. I won't ever read one of your posts again! Harumph.... (There, *that* ought to teach ya...) 😆
  9. You appear to be stocked better than some bars I used to tend back in the day. Bon Voyage!
  10. Their marketing folks sure don't seem to be aware of what their IT does...lol. Or perhaps the other way around? Got this email this morning. (It's Monday here) The first line is: 'Our Weekend Flash Sale is the perfect chance...' 🤣
  11. And also judging from the picture, I daresay they will make good use of the Drinks package!😀 While I have cruised on Cunard, I haven't stayed in a Queen's Grill suite. However, we have one booked on the Queen Anne in 2024. I will surely be following this thread...
  12. That, without a doubt, is the most positive post from you that I've ever seen...😐
  13. Oh, truly, you *must* do the fresh wasabi!!! I can't wait to hear your take on it...
  14. I know...honestly, I was just kidding. But it just didn't translate well in this venue. Sorry about that. Like Georgia_peaches, I've done a fair amount of editing work. I get what you mean. For me, there, their, your, you're always makes me look twice...especially when I do it...lol...
  15. You make a lot of statements. But with no documentation for the most part. And you took Gary Bembridge completely out of context. You said: "Now the crew are getting rated on the ENTIRE cruise experience rating, rather than just the crew questions. That means if you had a bad experience AND YOU MENTION IT IN THE SURVEY and it that had nothing to do with the crew, such as noisy neighbors, the crew is still going to get dinged for it." Gary said: "When I was discussing this with my waiter in the restaurant, he was saying that the most important score for them on the survey is the overall experience in there, not just the service." Note "in there". There is NO mention of "the entire crew" getting dinged...you have made up your own interpretation of the whole thing! From two sentences...and hugely expanded! I have no idea how you managed that. Later post: "Gary explains it better in the video. He does his homework." No, he doesn't. What 'homework' are you talking about? You should do yours. (Oh and btw, I've watched many, many of Gary's videos.) Then later: "Given the history of these surveys across the hospitality industry," What's your source on this? What's the 'given'? And: "For instance, in restaurants that have surveys on the little kiosk device on the tabletop, it's pretty well documented that the server gets dinged for ANY response on that survey that is less than 5 stars or whatever the highest rating is." Pretty well documented where? And ANY response less than 5?? How do you know? "And that's regardless of what the question is. Could be price, could be they ran out of the fish-of-the-day, could be cleanliness. Doesn't matter, server gets dinged." Again, how do you know? "I'm assuming that cruise lines are similar in this regard." That's exactly what you are doing...assuming...based on who knows what. And lastly: "Anything less than all 10's is considered failing." That isn't said in the video or anywhere else except in your postings. I think you've certainly blown things way out of proportion...from basically a few remarks you heard in a video.
  16. Yo should be good with a Certificate of Recovery...here are the requirements for Italy from the Celebrity site: https://www.celebritycruises.com/healthy-at-sea/italy-travel-requirements ETA: Note that some ports don't accept the Certificate for excursions/debarking...you will need to check it out...
  17. Are you saying you have had and then recovered from covid? And that you are testing positive 2 weeks later? BTW, if that is a result from a PCR test, that is not really meaning you caught it again...the virus can hang around for up to 90 days and be detected by PCR testing. Forgot to add, most cruise lines allow you to board if you have a certificate of recovery from your doctor/health care facility if it is less than 90 days since your recovery. And of course that yo are showing no symptoms... Don't know if this is still allowed with Celebrity but I imagine it is...
  18. So if I say to our waiter "My wife and me would like to see the wine list" while wearing shorts and a baseball hat, your head will explode?? Note to self: run post thru Proper English checker...people are watching (well, reading...)
  19. I would certainly like one venue where you could be sure that everyone would be following a dress code. And know that it would be enforced. I would prefer that it not be a specialty restaurant but I am sure I would make do. ETA: This would be so that we could celebrate a birthday, anniversary, whatever, in that environment....or if we just felt like it...
  20. Wish they'd send me one!! But I haven't sailed X yet...will in January and will be sure to register with the Blue Chip Club. Or, do I have to wait until I'm on board??
  21. Oh, go for the tux! Lots of folks on Cunard will be wearing them. We think it's just plain fun...besides, my DW thinks I still look good in one. And boy I get tons of looks...I wonder if it's the lime green color... All kidding aside, it was refreshing to get gussied up...not to mention that the tux will probably outlive me...so I gotta get my moneys worth, right?
  22. Don't cha just hate that 😀 And here I thought you were living high on the hog!!
  23. Noticed you folks were gone for a while...figured you were gracing some ship some where...lol...
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