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Everything posted by reeinaz

  1. I booked an inside guarantee for my 12-day March 20 sailing on Sky out of La Romana. I was eventually assigned a cabin on the aft of deck 9. The minimum bid was $250/person for a balcony. I wasn't going to bid because I thought $500 was a lot, but I ended up bidding the minimum anyway. I was notified that I received my upgrade today on deck 10 below the aerobics studio.
  2. reeinaz

    Sheer Rocks

    They didn't give me the depth but did let me know that the plunge pools have shallow areas.
  3. Thanks for the replies. I went back and looked at pics I took on a trip to Sweden. This wasn’t too long after I got my camera. I don’t know what mode I was shooting in. It wasn’t auto. The only thing that changed was the shutter speed according to the photo details. I don’t remember what I was focusing on. LoL I know one is a bit dark and the other a bit overexposed in the clouds. funny that this was years before my 1st cruise and I caught a Viking ship.
  4. The 2nd person isn't charged. Their air fare is 0 on the invoice.
  5. Hi all, I'm going on an Alaska cruise the end of June. I have a Caribbean cruise in March. I want to learn how to use my camera for my Alaska cruise and I'm hoping I can use the Caribbean cruise as a learning opportunity. The pics will just be for my memories and maybe social media. I don't plan on printing anything but will still shoot in RAW and JPEG. My camera is a Fujifilm x30. I've had it since they were first introduced but I've barely used it. I know I need to "just use it" to get to know it, but what types of things could I take pics of on my Caribbean cruise, and in my city environment, that would give me the appropriate camera experiences for my Alaska trip. I plan on just using advanced SR auto. I think I could get as advanced as choosing the scenes myself but setting aperture and shutters speeds, etc. are way beyond my skill level. Oh, I know my camera is not weatherproof and will not use it in wet conditions. I also have an iPhone 14 Pro, but I also don't know how to use that to take "good" pics. Thanks a bunch!
  6. I went with the Steiners and they arrived yesterday. I like how they look and they feel good in my hands and on my face. I can reach the focus knob with no problem. They do feel a bit heavy. I'm not used to holding anything heavier than my iPhone. I couldn't imagine getting a bigger set, but I have time to get used to them and also loosen them up.
  7. Thanks for reminding me that I should be as upset about this as I am about the lack of hashbrowns. Not that I am minimizing or equating the 2. It's just how normalized it's become for places to not have them. Yes, I am one who has at least 1 in EVERY bag I own but that is mainly due to inaccessibility when needed for emergencies. I wonder if they were available at guest services and the concierge didn't know (although I feel like he should have asked). You can get almost everything else at guest services. Motion sickness meds, band aids, etc.
  8. I haven't had a cycle in years but I still bring tampons. Because yeah, one never knows. Lol Plus, someone else will probably need one.
  9. I will be checking all doors to the solo lounge to make sure they are securely shut
  10. I do bring my own towel that I use for beach excursions. It's one of those thin Turkish cotton towels. It's lightweight, dries quickly, and the sand doesn't stick to it. I find it helps me locate my beach lounger quickly because it's different from all the rest of the towels. I can also use it as a blanket or wrap.
  11. Although I use social media, I am somewhat private. People that I actually talk to on a regular basis IRL *might* now I am going on a trip because I told them myself. I post pics on my feed now and then but my feed is private to me. I have to select if I want others to see it. I post in private roll calls and will ask the admin to change the setting from public to private before I actively participate. It's not so much for safety reasons, but I don't care to share my business with everyone. And just because I'm away doesn't mean my house is empty. People can eff around and find out if they choose 🙂
  12. After the third time seeing this, I don't let the bus out of my sight. LOL Sometimes I just hang out with the driver. That has honestly been more interesting to me than wandering around yet another shopping district.
  13. @donaldsc Thanks for the reply. I have done a lot of research which helped me narrow it down to those two. I was originally looking at a cheap set of Bushnell's then realized how much nicer I could get by spending a bit more. I think I will try the Steiners first. I like how they look more than the Vortex ones. I did call a local Steiner dealer, but they didn't carry the Peregrine. I have a bit of time though. My cruise isn't until June.
  14. I've been on a few ship sponsored excursions that have left people behind who didn't come back to the bus at the appointed time. Now I always take a pic of that information. Just in case.
  15. I'm looking to buy a set for an upcoming Alaska cruise but will likely bring whatever I buy on subsequent cruises/travel. I fly to my debarkation ports and am short with little hands which is why I'm looking at smaller binoculars. Right now, I am deciding between Steiner Peregrine 8x32 and Vortex Diamondback HD 8x32. I can get either for around $200. Both get good reviews and have lifetime warranties. waterproof and fog proof. Any reason to choose one over the other? My biggest fear is that my Alaska days will be very overcast, and I won't be able to make out any whales/wildlife because my binoculars aren't bringing in enough light. Other than cloud cover, I don't plan on using them in low light situations (dusk/dawn) I don't want to go up to 42mm due to the increase in size. Thanks for any insight.
  16. reeinaz

    Sheer Rocks

    Thanks. I just sent them my questions.
  17. reeinaz

    Sheer Rocks

    does anyone happen to know how deep the plunge and rock pools are? Is the only difference between them the size? I booked a plunge pool I'm only 4'10" and don't want to have to tread water the entire time. lol
  18. I was a tech in the military and after getting a few calls from operators who couldn't locate the "any key" on their computer, I taped a piece of paper on the space bar and wrote "any key" on it. To this day, I wonder if I was just being trolled. lol
  19. I carry mine in a pouch on the back of my phone. It's part of my phone case. I've never had any issues with it being demagnetized.
  20. I bet if my soda of choice had been a Coke, I would be getting a bit more understanding.
  21. This is correct. I just got off the Magic this past Sunday. I had an aft cabin with YTD which was the Northern Lights dining room, all the way forward. Early and Late were in the Aft dining room, as was breakfast and sea day brunch.
  22. I sure felt like it! I was hoping for a nice cold can of ginger ale before bed. The 7.5oz was such a letdown.
  23. Now I know to look at it. When I realized it was a small can, I felt so dumb because I should’ve noticed how it fit in my hand. But I didn’t even think sodas came in that size. Now I know!
  24. So on the last night of the cruise, I used my vifp drink perk to get a ginger ale. The guy gave me a can and I went on my way to pop it into my refrigerator for later. It wasn't until then that I noticed the can was only 7.5oz! Are all the sodas minis? I would've gotten an orange crush if those are regular 12oz. Next time should I ask for my ginger ale in a cup?
  25. I ordered 2 4packs of angry orchard online, and I couldn't add the wine package at that time. I was able to get the 5-bottle package onboard though.
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