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Everything posted by jimbo5544

  1. Largest one I have ever seen on a Carnival ship
  2. The only time we hear anything at all was during a storm when they blew around. After thinking about it, realized they are tied down at night. In the morning I saw it was chairs from OUR balcony all piled up together on a corner.
  3. Actually sides are totally privaate and if not standing, topd floors are also private.
  4. We have stayed in an aft excel suite on the 15th floor. Absolutely fantastic room(s). On this floor totally private.Great views of the aft section of ship, grat access to loft 19. I have many pics in my first review of MG cruises. You will not be disappointed. We are doing one (15th floor again) on Celebration 1/22/23
  5. Someone else asked and I did not see your reply. Did you have any issues bringing liquor back on the ship, either in Rome or ports?
  6. I get the numbers, my point was that what they do with the pricing between lines has no reference point. RCCL has a new service that offers a better product at a good price (I guess, taking your word for it). Carnival has an older product, that they raised the price on for the economics for where they are at financially. Other than the fact the product is internet for their clients, the two are literally different. Maybe we could request the Royal product on a Carnival ship?😜 Of course not. We either buy it (on eithre line) or not. Carnival is not going to lower their price because Royals is faster or better.
  7. Trying to break even and become profitable, it is a fairly common practice. Not sure what a doifferent service on different cruise lines has to do with it tho. apples and oranges.
  8. Hitting back? Is it a war, or a cruise line that lost 10’s of billions because theey were forced to shut down for 17 months.
  9. It comes with the turf, that is why I asked the question, to make the point that lines happen on Lido, by definition, so seeing them does not back up their point that “cutback” is the reason.
  10. The area is a home run as are the Aft Excel suites/
  11. On every single Carnival ship I have been on during embarkation day. The majority of those (vast majority) were pre covid.
  12. ….or the one that feeds the most people…..but that would be way to logical
  13. Let the experts do the work, that is what they get paid to do
  14. We are on the 10.01 cruise as well. Something to keep in mind for Messina, we will be there on a Sunday. Past experience has been that the town os basically shut down on a Sunday, not sure of that will be true on our cruise or not. Intrepid, were you there on a Sunday? Can you confirm this?
  15. Not trying to stir the pot, I have never seen any data on what they pay for the food.
  16. Does our loyalty level add or detract to our posts in terms of content? Just asking for a friend….BTW Diamond here….46 Carnival cruises, do not feel there has been constant cutbacks (altho I do not feel I have to mention it in every post, either if I am unhappy or pleased with the product…..maybe I should…)
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