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Everything posted by julig22

  1. Either you got away with it or you will be getting a notice soon telling you it ain't gonna happen. I've only seen posts from people who had them removed, don't recall anyone saying NCL let it go through.
  2. Maybe, maybe not. New terms for certificates purchased after 1/11/24, no current info if NCL will hold to their own terms - or let it slide. Terms have always said new reservations, but note the new wording "Credits may not be applied to existing reservations"
  3. I was on the Sky last fall, Bar Harbor was on the original itinerary. Our Bar Harbor stop was changed to Portland (prior to final payment for once LOL). Seems like it happened about the same time the news about the proposed limits came out, speculation was that it was decision along the lines of - if you don't want us, we won't come, there are other places that do.
  4. Keep watching - people do cancel prior to the cruise and it will be re-posted on the website if a vacancy occurs. And sometimes they will add another bus if they can find one and the location isn't capacity controlled. But otherwise, get to the excursion desk as soon as you board and get on the waiting list. Also, have you checked to see if there is a private excursion? Sometimes the CC RollCall (and other social media sites) for your trip will have people looking for people to join a group excursion.
  5. You should get the full amount. The other codes mean you took all the FAS offers, you're getting a 50% off fare (as if that means anything LOL), your 10% military discount, and $50 off excursions. Is this your first NCL cruise? It if isn't, then there should also be a LATREW* code. Once your stock benefit is added, there will be another code, NCLHBENE
  6. Since the solo cabin category is new, there probably isn't a lot of information out there. Question - under the promo codes, does it say SINGLE? That used to be the code the sometimes triggered the 50% OBC. Even when I have booked solo in the past, not paying full fare, I usually got the full amount anyway. The only caught it 1 time out of maybe 12-15 times that I had a solo rate, only got 50%.
  7. Nope. They notify you shortly after you make your request.
  8. Once the BOGO offer is gone (day 110), they will include the current cost of airfare in their calculations so chances are slim to none that your current price, overall, will be lower. And even if the BOGO offer is in effect they don't bother to check. I recently requested FCC when the BOGO offer was still valid and per their guidelines I should have been eligible. When I called, they said no, the airfare had increased. Nope, it was exactly the same and the person had to talk to their supervisor, came back and said they'd submit my request. But then I got a very quick canned response, to the tune of no, because the fare hadn't gone down and/or the airfare had increased. Nope, wrote back and still denied. Note to self: ALWAYS take a screen shot!
  9. If you change cabins you should get another chance to bid, based on the new cabin. Options and prices would probably change, assuming you are upgrading to another category. If they don't send you an invitation, you can go to the plusgrade site to bid.
  10. It would be up to the Maitre'd or hostess. No harm in asking, make it a family night. You and your husband use your meals, your 2nd meals for the kids. Worst they can say is no. Ask at the restaurant before you make your reservations so you aren't disappointed if they say no. Note that depending on the ship system, your photo appears when the card is swiped so don't count on your plan working.
  11. Good point. Think it was on the Sky where a woman took time during the "Officers" chat to berate the head chef (Indian) because there wasn't enough Indian food in the buffet to suit her. If you've been on the Sky you would know that the buffet is quite small, there simply isn't room to offer a lot of variety. As to burgers, last year I think they were trying some sort of fake burgers - they didn't even look like beef and they were awful - I'm not that picky and I couldn't eat them. Fortunately they seem to have gone back to real beef.
  12. NCL Dawn Feb. 25 2024. Mauritius to Cape Town - Norwegian Dawn Roll Calls - Cruise Critic Community Post 933 has the new itinerary
  13. Prior to final payment, you can reprice as many times as you see a price difference. After final payment, they may offer a 1-time courtesy offer of FCC or an upgrade. So yes, lesson learned.
  14. Security at embarkation is done by the port, not NCL crew. So what you can bring is often a factor of who's doing the checking. But to be safe, you might want to consider bringing the unopened bags. And don't forget that if you are flying internationally, nuts and raisins might not be allowed by customs.
  15. Am I disappointed if something gets changed, yes. Am I mad at NCL if they don't tell the truth - absolutely. Am I really mad at NCL if the truth is that they screwed up and don't care, enough to have me reconsider NCL for future cruises - you bet. And if they don't give a satisfactory reason, then I'm not a happy camper because they lied, regardless of the reason. So I guess it comes down to the actual lie. Definitely not gonna be happier if the reason is that they want to save money. But I do want to know if the reason we're changing course is because the whales are migrating in our path or the ship has issues or there's a warship up ahead.... Not on a NCL cruise but recently went to Baja to "pet the whales". On our 3rd planned excursion the weather was terrible, the tour company told us we couldn't go. Our guide begged and pleaded (we all had raingear, no biggie). As soon as they told us the truth - that the port had been closed because it was so dark we'd be in danger of hitting a whale because we wouldn't have been able to see them - we left, disappointed but no ill feelings toward the tour company.
  16. If they sent it prior to final payment OR they offered reasonable compensation/cancellation policy for changes after final payment - then yes.
  17. Accessing CC onboard for free hasn't usually been an issue, although it tends to be slow. But it's often in more of a visitor mode, so you can't post or view your roll call. The solution, as @Anoynmous Phoenix said, is to use a minute of paid wifi to get logged in to CC, then log out of the wifi. How long you can still respond without doing another login - I haven't a clue!
  18. I sail for the itinerary, not the ship so many of the things that bother others don't impact me. I'm not a foodie, so I'm OK with pizza and burgers if it comes to it - but on the other side, those items should be good quality for the prices I'm paying. So far, the entertainment in the theaters hasn't been overly different for me, but I usually sail the smaller ships, so no Broadway-type shows in the first place. Some good CDs, some nearly invisible. But because I sail for itinerary, the changing itinerary does affect me and I'm looking at other options at this point, after loyalty to NCL for 6+ years, Diamond status. NCL has some great itineraries but if they never get there, that's a problem. I understand that things happen, I'm not privy to why - but if there are significant changes to an itinerary after final payment, they need to change their cancellation policy. And do better with compensation for cancelled cruises. I was offered a 20% discount for the Jewel in Alaska or Asia (to be used by Feb 2024) - when my Australia cruise in late 2024 on the Spirit was cancelled. Other cancellations for the same ship at least were offered a discount on the same ship at a later time. Crickets from NCL. And the lack of customer service/outright lies when there is an issue is concerning. I recently asked for FCC for a price drop - it wasn't much but still within their policy. The BOGO airfare was still in effect (through day 110, I made my request on day 111), I was denied, reason being that there was no price drop and or airfare had increased. Wrote back, still denied, due to increased airfare. Unfortunately, I didn't take a screenshot proving the advertised pricing. A little nervous because my upcoming TransPacific in April has disappeared from the website 6 weeks prior to the cruise - it was showing as sold-out the day before. Not believing it suddenly sold out - but on the other hand, they do have to bring the ship from Tokyo to Alaska. As an "extraordinary journey" it goes to unique ports and is quite early in the season for Alaska. We've already lost 1 port in Alaska, no excursions listed for most of the others. Time will tell.
  19. 2 cartons/day has never been a latitudes thing as far as I know. What type of stateroom did you have - maybe that was a factor? Or a perk if you booked through a TA.
  20. Not my point. They do NOT show the OSC charges when you are booking online - nor is there a place to add them with your initial booking. If you call, they will ask. Otherwise, you have to add it later - or they will bill you daily.
  21. It is very possibly an accounting thing. Keep in mind that if you cancel after final payment, those are fees that are refunded. And for those of us who don't get the drink/meal packages, we certainly would not want the gratuities included into the overall cost of the cruise. All of the charges, except the OSC, are included in the price quote by the time you get to the final payment - and those charges aren't optional. But they could be a little more upfront with the OSC, since I don't think that appears anywhere when you are booking online. If you call to book, they usually ask if you want to include them on your invoice.
  22. I don't think NCL actually cares if you bring pre-packaged food onboard -or take food with you for that matter. Warnings are more with respect to port restrictions, although for the most part, they use the same wording for every port. So if you are going through port security (coming or going) you're subject to those rules - and possibly the ability of their dogs to sniff out any food. If it's just ship security, they don't usually check your bags getting off the ship, don't always seem too concerned about what you bring back, as long as it isn't dangerous or something illegal. FYI, trying to bring back shells from their private island can get you detained! (not me, but the person ahead of me).
  23. December...could be a family PJ Christmas tradition. Hopefully not a cruise tradition....
  24. NCL does not assign seats. You have to go through Delta for seat selection, if it is available for your flights.
  25. Don't count on it. HDMI ports are usually disabled and I believe you would also need to bring a universal remote to change input, if not disabled.
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