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Everything posted by julig22

  1. They will give you access keys to the other rooms, no need to swap out keys if they can't officially move you.
  2. It all depends on the itinerary, when/where I'm flying. I'm less apt to get a deviation if my destination is relatively close for example, especially if there are multiple outbound flights. I'm retired, so getting back late isn't usually an issue. I did a cruise from Capetown last year. It stayed in port the first night so I knew I had a built-in cushion should there be problems with my flight so opted to fly in the same day. I'm thinking of a cruise-tour starting in Doha - with a 3-nite pre-cruise hotel stay I probably won't be requesting a deviation then either. But I've requested deviations for my other more recent overseas trips. However, I always check to see what my flight options will be should something go wrong. Nothing is guaranteed these days...A year ago I was booked to go to Antarctica, starting from Buenos Aires. I'd planned to arrive the day of the cruise - the cruise was ultimately cancelled but my flight would have been fine. However, there were people flying in the day before and their plane had issues - I would have arrived before they did! Just to note, they do have basic standards when booking, so chances are you would NOT get a flight with an 8hr layover or more than 2 stops. It's not always the cheapest flights, despite comments to the contrary that you may read. They barter with the airlines, so what you see may not be even close to the prices they get when booking.
  3. Sorry you misunderstood. Yes, you take care of seats and meals, frequent flyer miles, TSA pre check with the airline, not NCL. Actual flight reservation is what can't be addressed by the airline as long as NCL still has ownership.
  4. Did a 7-day tour in September 2019, Anchorage to Seward. Loved it, thinking about doing it again. I suggest doing it pre-cruise just for convenience. On the cruisetour you have to pack-up and move every day or 2, so getting on the cruise and not having to repack seems to be more relaxing to me. As to when they might be available to book, they are contracted out, just like excursions. So I'd guess maybe 12-18 months in advance. They pretty much do similar ones every year as far as I know, so you should be able to get an idea by looking at the 2025 Alaska cruises, although they might not all be posted yet. Jade seems to be the only candidate at this time, going between Whittier and Vancouver.
  5. A 1-day deviation means arriving the day before your cruise. A 2-day deviation means arriving 2 days before your cruise. When your flight leaves depends on the flight schedules and how long it will take you to arrive at your destination. So you will arrive sometime on Friday with a 2-day deviation request for a Sunday departure. If it's an 8-hr flight for example, you might leave Thursday night and fly overnight, or Friday morning, arriving at your destination later that day. If it's a 24hr flight, you would leave sometime Thursday. Note - that's the usual process. There are rare instances, due to flight availability, where the requested deviation can't be honored.
  6. No, the $25 has nothing to do with transfers. If you had transfers on your reservation, you were charged for them. They take the charges off the reservation when you request the deviation.
  7. Note I said 72 hours before the flight. That's when NCL tells you to deal with the airline directly if there are issues. Before that, no, the airline probably won't work with you, although that seems to depend on the airline and your status with the airline.
  8. It works for me, so not an issue with their system. Do you have sufficient points to get OBC? I seem to recall someone else having issues and it was because they didn't have enough points for anything but statement credit.
  9. No way to request a deviation on line as far as I know. You can book online and then call for the deviation anytime, no later than 75 days prior to your sail date. Or you can call and make your reservation and include the deviation request.
  10. Should be possible, as long as the cruise is more than 120 days out. If you do a mock booking online, the hold seems to vary from 24hrs up to 72hrs. If you call, they might give you more time.
  11. I also wouldn't book at that price but I've gotten quite a number of good solo rates since the restart so I disagree on that. But it does take some creativity to get rates to a more affordable level. I do book directly with NCL. Going to Alaska in August. 7days. No solo supplement (removed in Feb for inside and OV, 6 months in advance). Obstructed OV, upgraded to large window by booking onboard. Total, fare and taxes, $842. Obviously, air and FAS drink/ dining packages would be additional. Current price is slightly more now than what I originally paid, onboard booking upgrade currently worth about $900, although that's much higher than normal. And if I choose to use NCL Mastercard points, the upgrade to balcony (still full solo supplement at this time) would save me about $3k.
  12. I have an alert on my CC so anytime there is a purchase above a specified amount, I get a notification. So I instantly know if my bid has been processed.
  13. Based on conversations that I've seen, you will likely get different answers depending on who you speak with at NCL. But basically, no - or at least not without it costing you. And it could actually cost you more to cancel your flights than it would to just be a no-show - depending on how they interpret the penalty clause. Do they charge you 25% of the cruise fare or 25% of the airfare - I think I've seen it go both ways.
  14. If there is only 1 bag in the room, you have to ask your steward if you need more. You get at least 1 bag per platinum member per cruise, clearly stated on the room card - which is NOT, as people incorrectly assume, a laundry coupon. More than 1 bag/person varies by cruise length.
  15. Based on my land-tour experience, I suppose it would have been possible to stay behind at any time - but it would depend on your final-day itinerary - tours are contracted by NCL, not run by them. Our final night was in Valdez and we took a boat to Whittier while all of our luggage went by land on the bus. It's been many years since I took that trip but I vote with the others on seeing the Conservation Center. But then I go to Alaska to see as much wildlife as I can... The regular Anchorage-Seward train leaves at 6:45am, arrives in Seward about 11:30. The NCL chartered train leaves at 1, so those would be options for getting to Seward. Fair warning, the trains do sell out, don't know about the busses. I'm doing Seward to Vancouver in late August and there are no seats showing for the day of departure, only a handful for the day prior. On another discussion, the NCL pre-cruise train excursion is apparently sold out for the cruise after mine.
  16. Port taxes/fees are figured on a per person basis so doesn't change based on your actual cabin. I think the various ports may charge differently - some by passenger capacity, some by square footage (panama canal for example), maybe some by actual passenger count. So NCL estimates what the fees will be, divides by the estimated # of passengers and that's what they charge - they can't make a profit on those fees, but they also take the hit if they underestimated. Since that's done years in advance, it's an educated guess - and is why there isn't always a refund for missed ports.
  17. Just a thought. From what I know about the NCL tickets, "ownership" reverts to the airline 72hrs prior to your departure. Maybe try contacting the airline during that window and simply ask if they would change your flight. Whether that 72hrs applies at the beginning of the trip if the tickets are linked, who knows - so hard to say if it could be done before your trip. But you could book the Atlanta hotel with a cancellation clause and if the airlines say no, nothing ventured, nothing gained.
  18. I was going to take the NCL train but have decided to fly in super early the day before - flying in from Seattle, arriving at 3:30am. Taking the train, then booked on an excursion in Seward for the afternoon, will probably do another the next morning before getting on the ship.
  19. FYI - the train also sells out, so book early! I'm going 2 weeks before you and according to the Alaska Train site, there are only 5 tickets available for the early train on the day before my cruise, everything is sold out the day of. I'm still trying to plan, so have a hotel in Seward reserved (those sell out also) and the NCL pre-cruise train booked - just have to decide which I'll be using.
  20. Just the opposite experience for me, at least for international. Of course if you don't live near a hub you will never fly direct, even if you try to book your own flights. Their standard is 2 legs for domestic, 3 legs for international. Since leg 1 for me is always to a hub, their choices are limited. So I will often get the direct overseas flight while others have various stopovers along the way.
  21. I think you are confusing the Premium Air department with BOGO. They are not the same thing. You don't get upgrades, deals, etc. with BOGO. If that is the case then yes, you are dealing with the correct department, but commenting in a discussion on BOGO, not premium air. Good luck.
  22. Good luck with that. Guess you missed all the negative posts about NCL customer service giving out incorrect information. Again, the air department does NOT handle bookings - but you might get lucky. Sorry to have bothered you by suggesting a simple and clear path. Oh, and I just returned from post-covid cruise #11. 9 using NCL air. 3 with pre-cruise deviations. All solo. A few hiccups along the way, easily resolved by contacting the correct department(s). So I do have a bit of experience.
  23. There is no such thing as a deviation form.- or a deviation department for that matter. The air department is not who you need to deal with. You work with a PCC, if you don't have one, the main NCL reps. Any rep can process your deviation request as long as you are 75 days out and you already have the BOGO promo. Makes no difference if you are solo. Cost of flights does not change with a deviation, although you do get a 25 credit.
  24. Just did the behind-the scenes tour on the SUN - food is NOT mostly from frozen.
  25. Just what are you trying to accomplish by trying to work with someone from NCL Air? Unless you mean premium air, which is completely different than BOGO, there is nothing to work out. They don't take suggestions. Any NCL rep can take care of gateway and deviation requests.
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