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Everything posted by julig22

  1. Totally different experience with fcc. Split between passengers. Only refund FCC showed in my account, bonus FCC (unless a % coupon) only visible to my pcc. But I've always gotten a letter telling me the amount. I am currently searching for my FCC from a price adjustment.... It was supposed to be in my account last month.
  2. Not specific to London but in my experience there will probably be someone representing NCL at baggage claim when you arrive, even that early. But they will direct you to a waiting area. When the bus leaves somewhat depends on how many early birds but I would guess busses wouldn't start leaving until 8 or 8:30 at the earliest. I just returned and was on the first transfer bus out of Southampton to Heathrow, we arrived about 8 (making very good time). Presumably that bus would then turn around to take new arrivals to the port.
  3. They are waaaay before final payment, so no problem with getting a full refund - unless of course they originally paid with a fcc. Happened to me for a cruise to Iceland (just returned, it was beautiful). They changed the itinerary from Europe to Norway. Nothing against Norway but I've been, specifically wanted the Europe/UK itinerary, which was offered at a different time, so simply changed to the different date with the itinerary I wanted.
  4. On the Star earlier this month, got the OBC. They did not offer the wine tasting. On the Dawn last month, no OBC because they offered the wine tasting (as stated by the CN manager). As with so many comments about policies and services these days, timing is important. What happened last week/month/year/decade may no longer have any relevance to what is happening this week or on a particular ship. So the wine tasting seems to determine whether or not they believe they are sufficiently providing Platinum perks on a particular ship on a specific sailing. Similar issue with the Platinum meals - sometimes it's for any specialty restaurant, sometimes only for those listed on the coupons. No clue what determines that adjustment.
  5. Only guessing - their accounting system defies logic and doesn't even seem to be consistent between ships, so I can only give you my experience. I believe that any refunds are considered cash - not refundable OBC, so they should use your existing OBC to book anything new. When they cancel an excursion, they will refund the full amount (including the $50 promo, if applicable). Then they will add back the $50. In theory, they are supposed to use OBC first so if you book another excursion, it should come from the OBC and you would have a credit for what was cancelled. But whether or not that happens, I can't say. On my last cruise I had OBC and a small credit from a cancelled excursion. In the first couple of days on the ship, the only things I'd charged were CN certificates and cash in the casino (neither of which should be eligible for OBC), yet when I got a print-out, it showed 0 remaining balance for my OBC. On a previous cruise, my OBC balance kept changing even when I wasn't charging anything to my card! If you have access to your account on the TV, it should give you a balance on OBC - but that can be a moving target...Using the NCL account on your phone only gives you a total so you have to get a printout from customer service.
  6. I completely disagree, but it also depends on the location. I took 2 different "selfie" tours on a Mediterranean cruise in places that didn't offer busses to the distant points of interest. The ones I went on took you mostly to scenic areas, specifically for photography. It's not like they are taking you to places that take time to explore, although we did have time at a few landmarks. And to this day I've never taken a selfie.
  7. My carryon is smaller than 22" but it does have my medications, camera, ipad etc. Things that are more critical than my clothes, should it get lost, stolen, smashed or dropped in the harbor. I could use a backpack but the suitcase has wheels so I don't have to actually carry it much (and camera equipment can get pretty heavy).
  8. They will be fine, although they may have to wait for awhile for the shuttle to leave. But once they get to the port they will be able to leave their luggage with the porters. Check in time will be on their eDocs (normally they would choose a time when they do their pre-cruise check in but sometimes with the shuttle it just reverts to open) - again, they may have to wait in the terminal, boarding probably won't start until 11:30-12, rooms available sometime after that so they need to be prepared to lug around any carry-on items...
  9. Why would lifeboats be an issue? As far as I know they are under the deck so won't block your view - but could be a noise issue I suppose if you have tender ports AND they use the lifeboats on that side as tenders.
  10. I would assume you could buy whatever you needed - and they'd probably be more than happy to book another cruise for you. But there are also CN buying sites on social media, possibly eBay as well?
  11. For future reference, the NCL confirmation now contains basic flight/date information - gateways, transfers and deviations.
  12. Actually, pretty close to the response I got when I asked on the Dawn last month. Fast forward to the Star last week when the CN manager bent over backwards to do everything he could for me. OBC, reprice (including category upgrades) to existing bookings...
  13. What are you saying? BF is balcony forward. NCL doesn't have obstructed balconies as far as I know. Different ship but I paid full price for GTY balcony, listed as BF-GTY. Got my cabin assignment about 5 weeks prior to sail date, BC.
  14. True. I keep suggesting that they offer alternatives, but for reasons beyond their ability to provide the current benefits. Choice of options - pick 2 from column a, 1 from b and so on. No wine or strawberries for me because of allergies. It would be so simple to have a door hanger checklist for a special snack. Alternatives to tours/ wine tasting could be obc (not just for wine tasting), additional discounts/drawing tickets for jewlery, art, spa, wifi, casino credits... They might even benefit because you usually have to spend money to use a discount. I always get a thank you, your comments have been forwarded.....
  15. Have you checked everyone's accounts? FCC goes to the passengers, not just to the primary on the reservation. You first said " my refund" then "us" so difficult to ascertain what they might still owe.
  16. It is possible that the cabin was booked/on hold when she booked, became available later. Or she originally chose family and the one she wanted wouldn't show as available since it wasn't the category she indicated she wanted.
  17. See explanation above. You have FCC or a bonus coupon. Your spouse does not, either because the credits don't exist in the account or weren't applied. Looks like you have a $125 credit, possibly one of their bonus coupons. You'd have to do a mock booking and look at the codes on your reservation to determine what other discounts were applied to the fare itself.
  18. Sapphire gets $50. But some ships are offering the wine tasting so you get nothing, even tho the tours haven't been reinstated.
  19. Not totally following your assessment but here's what I have gleaned from past experience. FCC as a refund is a payment - should be a payment line item. FCC as a bonus is a reduction to cruise fare, so you will not see it. I always do a mock booking to verify pricing before discounts. % off coupons also reduce price, are only applied to fare of the person with the coupon, not both passengers - which could be why you are seeing different fares. Again, not something you will see on your statement. The "savings" line item (not always listed) should be the 40% discount, has nothing to do with additional discounts. CN certificates are payments, should not affect price. Also will be a payment line item.
  20. Think normal airplane carryon size, height shouldn't matter since it can lay sideways. But I have also seen them insist that all rollerbags get checked (San Pedro maybe???).
  21. To be honest, I hardly even noticed the difference! Enclosed on a warm-weather cruise might not be ideal if you want to sit out on the balcony during the day but most of my cruises are port-intensive so the only time on the balcony is in the evening. And it was really nice to have coming/going into NYC on some very cold and windy December days.
  22. It's not the normal experience but it obviously does happen since the OP asked the question. An alternative site would have the same issues UNLESS they had a block of rooms reserved.
  23. I did a couple of them in Greece. They are good if you want a simple tour of the countryside where you are visiting. Just depends on how long you feel you need to stay...I like to see lots of places, so they were good for me. Obviously some will be better than others and depends a lot on your tour guide.
  24. Incorrect. There are times when you cannot choose your cabin even if you are not choosing sail-away. To the OP - not sure anyone here can provide an answer. I used to think it was an indication that the category was nearly full but I booked a September Alaska cruise over 4 months in advance, and only GTY balcony was available. Seems to be common on Alaska cruises. Just noticed my cabin has finally been assigned, about 5 weeks out.
  25. You need to post your questions in the general forum, not in a discussion specifically about the NCL mastercard. So to answer your original post, you are not in the correct place.
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