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Everything posted by Adawn47

  1. Only when you reach a certain age bro๐Ÿ˜‰ Have a good holiday and a safe journey home to Italy. Sis
  2. Oh how I can relate to this one. Our daughter gave us a fridge magnet at the weekend saying, ''As I get older I find my mind doesn't just wander, sometimes it buggers of completely'' Very fitting for me. Avril
  3. Owtauowyu??? Nope, I can't work that out๐Ÿค” Rupraylugby. You play rugby? Avril
  4. Thank you Dermotsgirl. Having never tried a Warner's Hotel that was very helpful. Enjoy the remainder of your holiday on the IoW and the tag-on in Somerset. The weather is set fine for you there as well. Avril
  5. I no longer shop at Asda for that reason, and not only eggs unavailable, but Cravendale skimmed milk and some fruit and vegatables. I now shop at Morrison's and they always have eggs, milk and a wide variety of fresh fruit and vegetables in stock. Avril
  6. Foggy here this morning too, but when I finally got up the sun was shiningโ˜บ๏ธ Avril
  7. Don't take everything you read on here as fact. Some people expect perfection in an imperfect world. I love P&O, and yes it has had it's problems, but what holiday hasn't? Don't let the personal opinion of others spoil your cruise. Go with an open mind and take everything in your stride as all first time cruisers do, and judge for yourself. You're going to a spectacular place, one which I have yet to see, so I'm envious. I'm sure you will have a lovely time and post when you get back to let us know how your first cruise went. Avril
  8. I didn't think you could tick the no upgrade box on saver fare, only select fare๐Ÿค” Avril
  9. We always choose a sea view hotel room, if there is one of course.โ˜บ๏ธ Avril
  10. We've been looking at that hotel so I would be very interested in your opinion if you wouldn't mind. Avril
  11. Cheers Pam.๐Ÿน Have a wonderful cruise. Avril
  12. Gone are the days Harry, when we could pack up a bottle of pop, a jam sandwich and wander off for a 'picnic' with our friends during school holidays without a care in the world. The safety of our children is just as important now as it was when we, and our children were young. We were taught to be careful around strangers, crossing busy roads, the danger of rivers and lakes etc, but we were allowed to be children. We could play in playgrounds climb trees and experience all the rough and tumble of play that children should. We fell, we got up, we got a cut or graze, we stuck a plaster on. It taught us all an invaluable lesson early in life that if you fall, you get up, brush yourself off and carry on. Maybe I'm old fashioned or just plain naive but imo, children should not be cocooned in cottonwool and protected from a normal childhood. That won't build a strong character that will help them navigate the problems that they will face later in life. Well that was a long ramble, sorry๐Ÿค Avril
  13. Our insurance jumped when Frank, who has no heart or BP problems whatsoever, was put on statins and a mild BP med as a preventative because his parents had heart problems when they were older. So we are now effectively being insured against our parents medical history. It beggars belief. Avril
  14. I don't think that there are less rip-off merchants Harry, we're just more canny with our brass.๐Ÿ˜‰ 'How much'!!!!? ๐Ÿ˜ฎ Avril
  15. When I go for a check-up, the dentist always includes a scale and polish as well. Avril
  16. We live in an ex council house, and even though it doesn't look like one, is ideal for dealing with this. I just smile and say ' it's a council house'๐Ÿ˜ Works like a dream. Avril
  17. Our bank does the same using the last 4 numbers of the account but.......๐Ÿค” I know I may be an over-cautious fool, but I don't reply to those either and prefer to contact the bank personally. Avril
  18. Good idea Dave. If I get anything remotely suspicious via email or text, regarding any of our online accounts, I phone the company concerned and check it out asap. I don't use online contact numbers either. I made a note of the phone numbers that they give you when you set up up the accounts and put them in my phone log, that way even the calls are monitored. You can't be too careful nowadays. I shall also use the site Rupert reccomended. Belt and braces approach. Avril
  19. Stan on Dinner Ladies had bollards too. His were 'up and down at the touch of a button'๐Ÿ˜ Sis
  20. Good to see you back kalos you look very relaxed. You had us a tad worried there you little scamp.๐Ÿ˜‰ Avril
  21. Hopefully @kalos is having a long awaited cruise. I'm sure if it was anything else Mrs K would have said something by now, the same way Pauline did about Graham. Avril
  22. Even one of the finest tenor voices in the world, Andrea Bocelli, is affected by age, but still magnificent. Avril
  23. My vote for Worst of the Night goes to Paloma Faith. I think Lionel Ritchie, as do many older singers, lose the power and quality of their voice, but the magic and nostalgia is still there. Avril
  24. Of couse you do Jane. It holds the jam onto the crumbly scone๐Ÿ˜ Avril ps. How's the tooting?
  25. Me too, it's the safest way. No risk of the jam sliding off the cream, and straight down the front of a white top. Which has happapened to me, much to my embarrassment๐Ÿ˜ณ Avril
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