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Everything posted by jonthomas

  1. we are on the sept 7 sailing...and have added the la to la , 7 days to the alaska one to make it a 20 day getaway....
  2. its a weird hotel...decor wise, also some rooms are better than others but hard to tell which ones...until you are in it... yes there is a buffet, but mostly not anything that tastes good....... I am looking for something as reasonable as it is but better ....in respect to breakfast and accommodation...
  3. have stayed at continental palacette many times.... anyone stay at something as reasonable and even better?
  4. nope I mean 149 pp....booked on Oct 2021....probably when the itin first came out...those are the best deals....
  5. yes I hear you...but cant beat the price with O....800 plus 149 for prem econ....
  6. no, I am talking about being able to use the new policy of going in two days earlier and NOT paying for deviation.... yeah this going through the agent is a real pain....time wise and accuracy of message.... either way , when do you need to tell O that you are going in earlier?
  7. When does one notify O about going in earlier? I guess it has to be done through ones agent. Much prefer to call the air dept and talk to them myself then through a third party. And when does one do that? Any experience with that? Any chance you can still tell them your preference without paying the 199? nothing but questions....tried calling O, but it is the weekend.
  8. we are in Toronto as well...if you want to get in touch.... johthomas100z@gmail.com yes it is johthomas100z@gmail.com
  9. no I think we have it.... great that there will be no charge to go in early to ensure making the ship.... and also great that those with loyalty will still have their choices without charge.... yes until things change....
  10. We are on this cruise with you. be sure you join the roll call..... it promises to be a great cruise..... johthomas100z@gmail.com yes it is johthomas100z@gmail.com
  11. It never made any sense why there was a charge for those who want to come in a day or so earlier....with the current issues in airports and airlines, it is really stupid to charge people for wanting to come in a day earlier and not miss the ship.... in fact there should be a charge for those who want to come in ON the day and cause all kinds of difficulties with missed/cancelled flights.... but how to get a definitive answer?...TA knows nothing yet, O rep not sure yet....a policy comes out and no one can be sure what it means....
  12. exactly how we feel.... yes from time to time, I question Os sales tactics, the internet issues.... but over all we are very happy... someone recently tried to convince me to try Silverseas, that their prices are better than O.... not doing it.... I am after the loyalty with O....
  13. even though it will be our 6th O cruise in the fall to Alaska, I still feel like a newby to O. most here know that we are escapees from C after reaching mid level between elite plus and zenith.... I will leave my email here, always glad to hear from others .... johthomas100z@gmail.com yes it is johthomas100z@gmail.com
  14. really, shoestring? Wow...I am jealous....
  15. yes with our low dollar, that is exactly what it will be...and yes the goalpost could be moved....and probably will be... although RCL has enhanced its loyalty perks....and silverseas is really becoming very competitive to O....
  16. Im sure everyone will answer all your questions, I just wanted to add, that after over 50 cruises and being Elite plus with Celebrity, we finally said NO MORE....in the past 2 years we have done 4 O cruises and now are doing our best to reach those significant loyalty levels. all that elite plus stuff on C are all included on O....and O is less expensive than a suite on C.... with a suite on C, you still have the bratty kids, the steel bands by the pool, etc.... we love everything on O.....
  17. cant wait to get 15 cruises under our belts....a long way to go...
  18. everyones comments here, including yours are made without knowing anyone....except their parents... not knowing someone does not preclude you from making an educated guess... that is what this forum is mainly all about....opinions based on not knowing anyone...
  19. this promo ends tomorrow.... will see what comes next....
  20. I am sure there are some, but definitely NOT the majority.
  21. totally agree with above.... cant imagine when I was in my 20s that I would have enjoyed being on O....but these parents know their daughters and maybe they dont party and maybe they dont want to meet other 20 somethings..... just because I cant imagine it, doesnt mean that other 20 somethings wouldnt be like me at that age.... the question is probably, if they are the type that would enjoy an O cruise, maybe they need something else to help them come out of their shells.... a lot of assumptions made by me here ...sure to have raised some dandruff....lol.... our son, stopped cruising with us when he was 15.....on RCL.....and started cruising with buddies when he was 18 on Carnival....I see the flames coming my way...better duck....
  22. I have to remember this tip.....that only if booked on board, or using a future cruise certif obtained on board..... thank you for posting this reminder...
  23. oh those are great....love them... yes these are amazing...hope to see them on the many O cruises I have booked.... the thick steak fries are my least favorite, unfortunately that is all I have seen on the last 3 O cruises we have done in 2022 and 2023.....
  24. no problem...this is an all french fries topic.... yes plenty of steak fries....everywhere... I saw them load on bags and bags of the same fries ...was sorry not to see shoestring or with some skins... those are my fave.... but hey they also have baked potatoes all the time.... and mashed, but those are too soft for my likes, like them a bit more firm..but I am digressing here as well.... should have made it an all potato topic....lol....
  25. I want them on the ship...so much better than the thick steak fries they serve in all the dining venues....
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