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Everything posted by jonthomas

  1. Ah I just re read your post, you are going from hotel to airport, not pier... In that case, the bus is much cheaper. A taxi would be around 50 e. Just get the early times of the bus, location is at the Catalunya plaza and prepay it.
  2. Taxi is the best idea. From continental hotel, it cost us 12 euros.
  3. I should add, we did this in November, 20 days, in March 14 days.. No need for luggage. It's amazing how freeing it feels with just two carryon s and two knapsack. We will never again travel with suitcases. Our empty one for next Nov, will be easy on the way to Barcelona, with some purchases getting it home hopefully or eventually.
  4. These days we travel with carry on only. I do remember there are places on the bus for storage. This time in November we will be bringing a large empty suitcase so I can shop. Do your best to bring as little luggage as possible. On our last cruise in March several of our friends had their luggage lost. Some had it arrive a week later, some are still waiting. This is a different world of travel. Cruising has become very casual, with easy access to laundry.
  5. I can't keep up with all the sales. It also has me concerned.
  6. We were talked out of it. Someone who did this cruise said the bugs of all kinds were everywhere, could not get away from them. If you have a bug phobia, maybe not a good thing.
  7. Sorry about that...yes prepaid gratuities.
  8. Yes you are "possibly, probably right". The only way to know for sure is to call O and then work it out. Two agents have now said we are better off with the deal we have. Premium econ is now 699 pp, we would lose that, we also have prep great on 7 days out of 20, we would lose that. I think we are good, not willing to spend more time on it, but I thank you for your logical thinking.
  9. I worked it out using the strategy suggested by a poster, to use the prices given by the cruise critic agency. We booked a two segment TA when it first came out and got prem econ for 149. That is still the best deal. Even with one segment on sale, opening prices are still the way to go. Thank you to all.
  10. This discounting worries me...we have deposits on 10 cruises. We made the decision to sail O only. Just sailed with Viking Ocean. Would not sail with Viking again.No comparison in any area to O. We are sorry that we didn't switch years ago and would now have the benefits of loyalty. No other line has the Loyalty program that O does. In keeping with the topic, we also saved a great deal with this last promo.
  11. Thanks for this, very savvy.. We are on Nov 13 to Dec 3....
  12. yes, will work on it tomorrow....all is available...thank you...
  13. O is closed today, cant get the pricing. Will try again tomorrow. We have a prem econ for 149 on this, so that would be lost, but if there is a substantial discount on the Lis to BCn portion to be had, it may be worthwhile.
  14. yes, O is closed today, so cant check out the sale prices...strange how you can only see them by calling...
  15. It's like it was said here, the agents don't want us to benefit from the sale and lose something off their commission. I called O and the rep said one portion is Definitely on sale but it would be up to the agent to break it up and see what the total would come to. A good agent would do that. Ours aren't willing to.
  16. yes there is a huge discrepancy of abilities in the work force... when I get someone like that, I try politely to end the conversation and then call again, hoping not to get the same person...lol...
  17. Yes I understand all that...but st least you can see if it is at all possible...
  18. Our Nov 19 b2b only has one segment on sale...so O decided that there would be NO reduction... it is the TA from BCN to MIA.
  19. Yes that is exactly what we did when they had their 149 prem econ sale. Now I am watching the topic about O giving non stop flights. I want to see the chances of that happening.
  20. It is just off la ramblas...we use the aero bus, then walk two blocks to la ramblas... The continental is not for everyone..some rooms are really weird...but I have not found anything better for the price...
  21. Looked at their price..staying with continental...much less...
  22. You have to call to get the reduced price...it is not shown on line...
  23. lets just hope that with all these savings, O doesnt cut back on all the things we love...food, service, activities...and the big O points...lol....
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