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Everything posted by ChiefMateJRK

  1. Interesting. I've never really considered schools to fall into the "MegaCorp" mold, but here we are. 🤣 Best wishes. I really liked the times that I could go home at the end of each day with a sense of accomplishment. That was probably 50% of the days. The other days? I just reminded myself that the paychecks were still coming every other week.😎
  2. I'm fine with both. Of course, I'm fine with the Encore's "chandelier" as well. 🤣
  3. Thanks. As I mentioned, I only made it about halfway through so missed the part initially about security officers.
  4. Does a reservation prevent you from deviating with only a moment's notice?
  5. I'm guessing that other people did have Covid after the cruise. What's the point? Covid is everywhere now, and (fortunately) it's just a normal thing.
  6. Well, 98.3% of people posting here say that they've never waited more than two minutes for MDR, so apparently people like me aren't causing others to wait. The other 1.7%? They need to decide if they would rather be the guy with the reservation or the guy who has to wait. I would rather be the guy with the reservation. 😎
  7. Your post suggested that your "Medicare" did not cover 100%. That's why I asked if it was Medicare Advantage or basic Medicare Part B. Many Medicare Advantage plans only provide emergency coverage when outside your own state. I believe it is the insurance company who decides what is an "emergency," and only when they receive the claim. I don't like insurance companies. I don't believe that any Medicare plans cover medical expenses outside of the US. Perhaps some high-end Medigap policies do.
  8. Yes for "b". Same for "c", but it's not really a line. You just get to board before all the assigned boarding groups. You are probably talking about "a."
  9. Are you talking about: a) the line to show your passport and eDocs just prior to security b) the line after security leading to the checkin desks or c) the "line" to get to the gangway in order to board the ship
  10. Out of state but still in the US or out of the country? Is this a Medicare Advantage plan? I believe that basic Medicare is equally valid in all 50 states.
  11. The point is to eat whenever you want to eat. Making a reservation in advance only serves as a placeholder and can be easily canceled if/when you make your "real" daily plans (i.e. Free Style). Nobody has to make reservations for anything, but if they want some schedule flexibility when the day comes, a few tentative reservations are free and easy.😎 I tried to explain this in post #16: "Like you, I generally don't reserve MDR, but it takes zero effort and at least gives us a placeholder if we like what the MDR is serving that night and want to eat at 5:30 to make it to some scheduled entertainment."
  12. Your primary care physician works for NCL? (jk) I don't generally use a PCC but it's probably six of one, half dozen of the other between a phone call and that boilerplate email. If I felt time were of the essence, I would likely have tried another phone call or two. As I posted, it took two days for the transfer to complete, and I sent it on a Sunday. The current DoubleUp is scheduled to run through May 31.
  13. Which port did you have security after check-in? I've always had it before, which means it's before any priority Latitudes lines. The only folks I've seen given any kind of priority prior to security is Haven and disabled.
  14. Just an update. I called NCL on Sunday and asked the agent to transfer my CruiseNext credits. She told me I had to send the email and cited the same basic info as posted by @BermudaBound2014earlier in this thread. I might have been able to call back and get a different agent to move them. Instead, I just sent the email and they showed up yesterday (two days later) in DD's account. I was then able to use them both to DoubleUp her inside cabin. 😎 I like free money.
  15. I don't find air travel and cruise vacations to be a valid comparison. If you do, that's fine. If the OP feels cheated, that's fine too. I simply don't agree that NCL has greatly wronged the OP. Nature of the beast. It's likely they originally booked the Spirit because it was the cheapest option. NCL found a way to increase profits so they made the move. That's business for you. There's a good possibility that if the OP simply books the new itinerary that between now and next Summer the prices will drop. It didn't sound like a lot of money.
  16. I added our middle names to NCL's system with an agent over the phone last year. She asked me if I wanted to. Now, everything from NCL shows our full names that match our passports. I like that. After this thread, I'm likely going to ensure that our full middle names are included on any future credit cards. I don't think this is a static landscape, so I'll try to keep ahead of the curve.
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