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Everything posted by NownZen

  1. Yes. In the days of VCRs my wife always got very mad when she pressed a button and nothing happened and then I pressed it and it worked. That still happens today with her phone. Since we on cruises to relax and be happy, her phone stays in the safe.
  2. Since the FCC go away whether you sail or not, why not just show up at the dock and tell them you wife is not coming at that point?
  3. So if the masking of the crew is not making a difference, why is Princess having so many cases? Or is the news media looking for the next Ruby or Diamond?
  4. Your hearing must not be very good.😁 I agree that as people get the virus and are not in line to get it again soon, then things will calm down.
  5. So no one should be blaming Princess for being different.
  6. My explained the tie issue early in his residency. When you bend over to look at things you do not want to have a tie getting into them. Also, in the psych ward it was a nice handle for the patients to grab.
  7. What is the crew masking situation on the other cruise lines?
  8. The photos of the Familia Sagrada are beautiful. This is one place where the cameras do not do justice to the immersion in the actual site. The wrap around experience is wonderful. Photos are like looking at a forest from a distance. The nice part is that, after being there, the photos bring back that immersive feeling.
  9. We were on a two week cruise in may and the covid percentage was closer to 25%. They ran out of pool deck tables to put in front of doors. Issues to be considered. If you have had covid, how long before you are likely to get it again (unknown). How severe are the symptoms. Vaccinated people seem to have very mild symptoms. In that case, it is not so important that they get covid. Unvaccinated people can have, in general, much more severe symptoms. My and my family's recent bout with covid was a couple of days of discomfort but we are vaccinated and boosted. How much effect is the new bivalent booster going to have? Being careful still sounds like a good idea.
  10. You need to spend much time obsessing about the app as I did. Then you just show up whenever you please. No one says anything about it.
  11. They are at the baggage claim and will have signs with the Princess logos on them. Normally they meet incoming flights so you might find out which flights have cruisers on them. But they are probably there most of the day.
  12. Gaudi's Sagrada Familia Cathedral is well worth a visit. I was not particularly impressed with the outside but the inside was great. It looks like a forest with the columns.
  13. The new package is the premiere. Notice the e on the end. The old premier is now the plus package.
  14. The only feature I used was occasionally I wanted to find the DW. Finding any activities is an exercise in frustration (the Patter is much better and you can circle things for easy reference). The drink order was hit or miss. It was better to flag someone down and order a drink to have something to do while waiting to see if you drink ordered on the app would come. Mrs Zen never used her phone and our traveling companions did not either. I think the app senses fear in the user and responds as any predator would.
  15. If you are using the black bracelet, it has magnets in it and it will only sit properly in one orientation. Try rotating it 180 degrees.
  16. It might not be a bad idea to have a germicidal lamp along to do the disinfecting of the mask. Less work and supplies. I just put the mask in my back pocket and the week or so later when the pants are washed it must do something.
  17. There is some uncertainty in how long the virus is either alive or viable on various surfaces. But remember to be effective you need to do this every time you take it off. That can be a lot of masks and paper bags.
  18. Where did the 98% number come from? Research (I can give a link if you want) reports that a N95 mask properly fitted used by trained people is 50-70% effective. The problem on ships is that generally people do not wear good quality, properly fitted masks, and then they spend several hours a day in the bars and dining areas without a mask. This is very different to a doctor wearing a mask during a procedure. If you wear a mask, make sure you have the best one you can get. The comment about the outside surface is well taken. Ideally you should only use a mask once but that is not going to happen so care is needed. The question is then what do you do with your mask when you take it off? Set it on your table? Put it in your pocket? Hang it up? I do not know but I do know that if someone wants to wear a mask, no one should give them any trouble about doing so.
  19. This is part of Princess's cunning plan. Get everyone to buy the Plus or Premiere package and then have no place for you to get a drink. Not only do they save money on drinks but they may actually get a few people into the expensive restaurants (where you may be able to get a drink).
  20. When we got off in San Pedro, Global Entry had no effect, nor did the passport. We all walked up to the facial recognition scanner and went on our way.
  21. We were on the Island earlier this year and were very happy. The only negative was that the "upgrade" a few years ago took away the aft wake view that I always enjoyed. We spent a lot of time in the buffet which is at the front of the ship so there was a nice forward view particularly in docking. Food was good, the room was comfortable and the crew were great.
  22. Our issue had nothing to do with the rollers. They were fine. It was the weatherstripping that was in bad shape. A proper lubricant (not WD40) fixed it.
  23. Same experience on the Grand in January. The room steward said it was the wind pushing against the door. A repairman came up and put wd40 on the door seal. That works until it dries out and makes it stickier. The maintenance supervisor lady and her assistant came up and told me that all ship's balcony doors with like this. Very unpleasant and arrogant lady. If you have some antibiotic ointment (which is mostly vasoline) it will lubricate the door seal and make it work better.
  24. On the Dine My Way opening screen, the first choice is "Reserve for the same time each day". On this, I see only private tables. Update: If I choose 5pm, it gives me a shared table option. At 5:40pm there is only a shared table. 8:20pm has only private tables. So, as with all things on the app, YMMV.
  25. The point here is that both the US and Canada do have specific laws and requirements. The PVSA is why so many ships stop in Ensenada, for example. Canada seems to have a similar law. Those laws are from a bygone era and originally involved ferry traffic on the great lakes but they are still in force. That is why we cannot get LNG shipped from the Gulf Coast to the Northeast. It is why the power issues in Puerto Rico lasted longer than necessary, etc.
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