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Everything posted by StLouisCruisers

  1. Thanks for the alert - you are right it is @HAL Sailer's DSIL who is nearing the end. I'll change that. Did anyone else have a family member in hospice? Sorry to say I don't have a rotation list handy. Joy, we sure will think of you tomorrow, and send up our prayers for a good result. Have a fun time with your friends and neighbors today! I was going to ask which Disney ship but Roy jumped in with the answer. He must have ESP! Have a wonderful time on the Dream with the kiddos! I know we always did on our Disney cruises. Thanks Roy! You're still on the ball! Thanks for your shoutout, Vanessa! You are so kind. Hoping the eye hemorrhages stop, pain or no pain. Relax and enjoy those football games!🏈 Sorry to hear about the Polymyalgia Rheumatica pain. Get that prescription on hand before your cruise. Which ship are you sailing on? Hope they get that bathroom completed while you're away.
  2. Roy, the news about the 02 levels is not very comforting. You definitely need to stay put until they get you back to better numbers. Thanks for the reminder to check the Bon Voyage sign-up post for Dailyites preparing to cruise. Patricia will remain another day for her full week. I ran out of Sudoku puzzles in a purse-sized book which I take on cruises/trips to entertain me so I went to a site called WebSudoku.com and have been keeping my brain cells alive working on the hard puzzles online lately. BTW, I checked out the GIMP software Rich mentioned but I think it may be above my pay grade! People will have to use their geographic skills to pinpoint which ship is where on the maps. 😄 Feel better soon!!
  3. Thanks Jacqui. I had my game plan ready this morning but the most difficult problem was my computer seemed to be a little sleepy an took 10 minutes or so to wake up! Let us all hope Roy is much better today and back home quickly. We can handle the chores for him for a few days and let him recover. How are you doing? Are you getting any pain relief from the elbow? I hope the X-rays this week show it's doing better.
  4. Thank you to Roy who normally takes care of these lists. You do a lot for us every day and we appreciate you. If anyone has anything else to add today please let us know who your prayers and shoutouts go to. Today’s care list: Roy in hospital with pneumonia and low sodium Marshhawk doctor/vet problems HAL Sailer DBIL in final days and family squabbles RIP Patricia 1/23/23 Kazu with continuing pain StLouisCruisers neighbor Rudy awaiting bypass surgery From the rotation: Rowsby in need of shoulder replacement Status of Scrapnana Marshhawk DH eye issues. Status of St. Louis Sal (7/1) and JAM37 (7/7) Celebrations and Shoutouts: Debbie finishes bedroom painting/decorating New photos of Miss Camilla and Elliott Rose Redneck Bob in Vegas until 2/1 cruzn single in Hawaii until 1/31 Heartgrove (disembarking Carnival Legend), DeeniEncinitas, and sailingdutchy (Koningsdam to 1/31), lindaler and ottahand7 (Volendam to 3/18), and Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty, richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam to 5/12) at sea
  5. Good morning friends! It's pitch dark out, slightly warmer at 36F and will be cloudy with a high of 59 later on. Rain is expected by 5 pm and I see rain on the forecast into Tuesday. Not my favorite type of weather. Prayers for Roy whom we hope had a restful, pain-free night. Hope you are released from the hospital as soon as possible and feeling much, much better. Also want to say prayers for the Care list and salute our Celebration list (coming up soon). Hope everyone here is healthy and safe! Today we have puzzles, cornchips, and seed swapping to honor. I remember we had some pepper seeds swapped right here on the Daily not that many growing seasons ago. Who doesn't like cornchips though they may not be the best for your diet. I'm not great at word puzzles but enjoy taxing my brain with Soduko. Probably wouldn't like the menu suggestion or drink but the wine sounds good! I don't know who Carter Crocker is but his quote is encouraging. Today's port is Newport, Rhode Island US which is a new port for the Daily. I know there are some interesting things to see and do there so hopefully someone will have some photos to share. Have a great Sunday everyone!!
  6. Today is National Puzzle Day, National Cornchip Day, and National Seed Swap Day Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.--Carter CrockerMeal Suggestion for today - Cheesy Chorizo, Chickpea & Crispy Rice SkilletDrink of the Day - Jim Beam CollinsWine of the Day - Dog Point Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough Section 94 2020Destination of the Day - Newport RI, Rhode Island Eurodam Willemstad Curacao, Netherlands Antilles 08:00 - 23:00 Koningsdam At Sea Destination Ensenada, Baja California Mexico eta 1-30 Nieuw Amsterdam Fort Lauderdale, Port Everglades, Florida 07:00 - 16:00 Nieuw Statendam At Sea Destination Philipsburg St Maarten, Netherlands Antilles eta 1-31 Oosterdam At Sea Destination Punta del Este, Uruguay eta 1-30 Rotterdam At Sea Destination Willemstad Curacao, Netherlands Antilles eta 1-30 Volendam Cape Horn, Chile Antarctica Zaandam At Sea Destination Panama Canal eta 1-30Eastern Hemisphere Noordam Napier, New Zealand 12:00 - 18:00 Westerdam Drydock Malaysia until 2/2 Zuiderdam Nukualofa, Tongatapu, Tonga 07:00 - 17:00 Sandi for Roy and Rich
  7. Okay. If I post one and you see I've missed something important you can add items later in the morning when you post. You are excellent at keeping track of all our news!
  8. Don't give it a thought. I can whip a list up tomorrow once the Daily is posted.
  9. I take a screenshot of the Navigator app boarding pass just in case the app gives me grief at just the wrong time - checking in!
  10. Dinner is soon but I wanted to show you all a photo of Elliott Rose. My niece (her Grandma) sent me some updates today. Videos too of Ellie babbling trying to learn our English language. Such a cutie pie! She's already lifting weights I see. Ellie's Grandma is moving 20 or 30 miles closer to the little family March 1 so she can spend as much time as possible with them. DGS Ren is starting up soccer after a brief off season break. Today they traveled to Columbus, Ohio and played a highly ranked team one year older than he is. Ren scored the tying goal (3-3) The opposite team hasn't lost or tied in a year so this was a very good result for Ren's team. I realized a while ago we didn't have Care or Celebration lists posted today. Of course we all know who we need to pray for, and cheer on our cruisers, but if anyone wants to volunteer setting one up for tomorrow, that's fine. Or I could attempt it. We don't often think about how much work it is for Roy to make notes and update the list each day. Any thoughts or preferences?
  11. I just booked our 3 dinners on the website because I find it harder to locate complimentary dining credits on the app. We have a late July cruise on Zaandam. Nice to have it all set up.
  12. No problem, Jacqui. We just need to get everyone here back in tip-top shape. Hoping your pain is lessening with each day. Sorry to hear Roy needs morphine to ease his pain, though.
  13. I'm glad they figured out what the problem is and are treating you, but sorry you have to stay overnight. Still, that's what's best for you so hope by tomorrow they can release you. Get better fast! So glad there weren't any fractures! I'll go ahead and post the Daily tomorrow if that's okay with everyone.
  14. Vanessa, oh no on the eye problem last night. Too many health problems, not just for you, but for all of us it seems. Glad it's not as bad this morning and your tummy feels a little better, too. Thanks for your beautiful pictures. Rich, I'll have to talk to DH about that software. I hope Roy will be back among us soon though. 🤞
  15. How about this? Map of locations but no software to add the names of the ships. I'll copy the locations and paste here too. Eurodam Oranjestad Aruba, Netherlands Antilles 13:00 - 23:00 Koningsdam At Sea Destination Ensenada, Baja California Mexico eta 1-30 Nieuw Amsterdam At Sea Destination Fort Lauderdale, Port Everglades, Florida eta 1-29 Nieuw Statendam Fort Lauderdale, Port Everglades, Florida 07:00 - 16:00 Oosterdam Puerto Madryn, Argentina 08:00 - 17:00 Rotterdam Puerto Plata-Amber Cove, Dominicana 08:00 - 17:00 Volendam Punta Arenas, Chile Antarctica 07:00 - 20:00 Zaandam At Sea Destination Panama Canal eta 1-30Eastern Hemisphere Noordam Tauranga, Rotorua, New Zealand 09:00 - 18:00 Westerdam Drydock Malaysia until 2/2 Zuiderdam At Sea Destination Nukualofa, Tongatapu, Tonga eta 1-30
  16. Roy, we left right away for grocery shopping this morning and I missed your post. I'm so sorry you had such a terrible night and so many problems just getting out of bed and dressed. I hope you haven't done damage to your elbow, gotten a concussion, or something equally bad. First time you feel up to it please let us know what they say at the hospital after you are checked over. Can't be too careful anymore!🙏 Jacqui, it's awful what you've been going through with your fall, surgery, and subsequent arm pain due to pin movement. I really hope the X-rays next week don't show the pin pushing out again. Prayers for you many times over.🙏🙏 Hugs back at you Annie! Sorry to hear about the ridiculous mess-up at the doctor's office with your records. I hope that doctor can get things straightened out and get you some relief. And more hugs for taking care of your kitties so diligently. You have a kind heart!🤗 No need Bruce. The work was already done by Rich, and I can't even do a map like Roy can and I'm sure we all appreciate the time it takes to do that. Thanks to all of you for your support. I can see in her eyes she's wondering if she can get away with jumping up and down, or off, that ottoman/chair. So darn cute! Debbie @dfishthose casseroles look delicious with many great ideas on what to add for protein. Thanks for your work posting the menu everyday.
  17. Carol, great that you found the old glasses, and now you will have a spare for the next time they walk off! I can't read a thing without my glasses so I like to have a spare pair with me when I travel. The prescription is my last one so not perfect but better than nothing. Graham @grapau27I see you have a nice big breakfast this morning. Are you two out shopping today?
  18. Good morning friends! Things are getting started off in a completely different way than I thought they would. After reading last night's posts on the Friday Daily I discovered Roy had taken a tumble yesterday. Since he hasn't appeared here and hadn't posted yet, I am alarmed and worried about him. We definitely need to add him to the Care list! 🙏 I will agree we all need data privacy. There are so many hackers out there trying to steal our information. I don't really care about kazoos that much. If you can have fun at work, go for it. The quote is funny. I'm sure we'll discover the brocolli cauliflower casserole is good for us as we get our veggie requirements in for the day. The gin and tonic sounds like it will be a winner on the Daily, and I probably wouldn't like the red wine. Sorry! The port of Buenos Aires is a big one and has only been listed here once before, Aug. 10, 2022. I'll add the link to then so you can all get your photos and post them here. It's an exciting city with lots to see and do there. Prayers for all our Daily people in need (including Roy) and Cheers to the celebrants on a cruise or otherwise enjoying happy events. We may get out of the house today to get some items we are in need of. Nothing exciting. Hoping all have a great day! We went first to Buenos Aires in 2012 on Star Princess and took a bus tour of the city. Next in 2015 on Ruby Princess and my Shutterfly photo book says we walked around starting in the Retiro neighborhood. I believe there was a shuttle that dropped us off so that helped a lot. Some of these docks are far from the exciting sights! Our third time was disembarkation from the Seabourn Quest after our Antarctica and South Georgia Island cruise. We took a tour to use up time so we wouldn't have to sit at the Buenos Aires airport, which is not a fun place to spend the day. I'll show some photos from that visit. We also went there in January 2020 on Coral Princess where we also disembarked after our Antarctica cruise but that day was rainy so not as much fun to tour. Here we go! Arriving in Buenos Aires and sad to disembark the Quest. On to the bus we went to our first stop Recoleta Cemetery. Scenes along the way. Along the way I noticed dog walkers everywhere. I can't count how many this guy had. 5, 6 or maybe 7?? Here we are walking to see Eva Peron's tomb. Many Argentinian Presidents, poets, soldiers and actors are buried there. I see 4 kitties here. Eva's gravesite. Here is the Teatro Colon, the opera house. El Obelisco monument Then we went to the La Boca neighborhood. Here is the La Bombenera stadium home of the Boca Juniors. stopping for some shopping this colorful neighborhood. Stopping for a snack at the Cafe Tortoni, a French style cafe popular with the cultural elite (who me?) Enough for today. Hope you enjoyed Buenos Aires!
  19. Okay did it. My computer is acting slow this morning so I'm glad it didn't give me trouble. Off to look for port information. If anyone knows anything about Roy this morning please let us know he's okay.
  20. I hope it's okay that I posted the Daily for Roy and Rich this morning. After reading of his fall last night I am worried he is more injured than he thought. I hope he will post on here shortly. Prayers for him!🙏
  21. Today is Data Privacy Day, Fun at Work Day, and National Kazoo Day I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers done. - Steven WrightMeal Suggestion for today - Broccoli Cauliflower CasseroleDrink of the Day - Gin And TonicWine of the Day - Fromm Syrah Marlborough Fromm Vineyard 2019Destination of the Day - Buenos Aires, Argentina Eurodam Oranjestad Aruba, Netherlands Antilles 13:00 - 23:00 Koningsdam At Sea Destination Ensenada, Baja California Mexico eta 1-30 Nieuw Amsterdam At Sea Destination Fort Lauderdale, Port Everglades, Florida eta 1-29 Nieuw Statendam Fort Lauderdale, Port Everglades, Florida 07:00 - 16:00 Oosterdam Puerto Madryn, Argentina 08:00 - 17:00 Rotterdam Puerto Plata-Amber Cove, Dominicana 08:00 - 17:00 Volendam Punta Arenas, Chile Antarctica 07:00 - 20:00 Zaandam At Sea Destination Panama Canal eta 1-30Eastern Hemisphere Noordam Tauranga, Rotorua, New Zealand 09:00 - 18:00 Westerdam Drydock Malaysia until 2/2 Zuiderdam At Sea Destination Nukualofa, Tongatapu, Tonga eta 1-30
  22. In reading yesterday's Daily this morning I'm worried about Roy. I hope he's just so tired he's sleeping in. I see there's no Daily for today posted yet and am willing to post one but just hope three or four of us don't post one at the same time. Lol
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