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Everything posted by Rothko1

  1. Oh goodness, I'm not suggesting it is your job at all. You've done what you can do.
  2. And tell the chef to make his food with the extra sauce... [And by that, I mean hot sauce, of course...]
  3. "I don't want to eat here on another night. I want to eat here now. Do you know who I am? I'm bla bla bla..... I paid $$ for this cruise and I'm going to eat wherever I want." At some point you put the foot down and you don't reward the child for his tantrum.
  4. What if the guest went to La Dame on a night when they have no reservation and said the same thing? Do you just shrug and set them up in a table?
  5. I don't mean to imply that they should insult the guest. But certainly they could politely say "Sir, we require a jacket for this restaurant tonight, as stated in the ________ [daily schedule or tv or whatever it is]. I would be happy for you to dine with us tonight when you are appropriately attired, or may I suggest __________ [whatever alternative restaurants there are]." And then don't let him through.
  6. So the cruise line has adopted the "lowest common denominator" line of reasoning.
  7. I guess your best bet is to try, but don't hype it. Maybe don't even tell the 6 year old about it; if you get it then you have a wonderful surprise for her.
  8. Yes, this scam was very popular for a while in the USA. People would go online and buy a certificate, sometimes even from an "MD", that their beloved pet was a service animal, and therefore had to be allowed on airplanes, in restaurants or shops, etc. You could buy little "service animal" vests for the pet. For airplane travel, it would allow the person to bring their pet into the main cabin for free, to be with them, rather than in the cargo hold below. Of course, many times these so-called service animals were unruly or ill-trained. People became resentful over what was clearly an abuse of a good concept (same thing with people using wheelchairs to get onto planes early to snag the prime seats, but that's a story for another day). Because of certain US laws on discrimination, the airlines couldn't challenge the person by asking what medical condition they had that required them to have their pet designated as a "service animal". But I think the airlines have started to clue in, and are taking measure to ensure people don't abuse the system anymore.
  9. "Doctor, I can't breathe if I wear a jacket. I need a note." - That's definitely a new one... And I regret to say that I believe you that it is mainly Americans.
  10. Even Cunard is struggling with the dress code issues. I suspect that Cunard will be the last bastion; but like Rome in 476 AD, it will fall to the barbarians.
  11. Well, it seems unlikely that the ones who dress casually are going to complain about the ones who are dressed more formally. "That man in the tuxedo is offending me! He looks too distinguished, and he's monopolizing the attentions of all the women!"
  12. I know that Cunard has (or used to have) masquerade balls as one of the themes for their gala nights. Similar, but not quite the same. A costume party would be fun; but probably you could only have that on Halloween night. Otherwise, not too many people would think to pack a costume.
  13. For me, it's the patch. Only thing I've found that really works. But obviously, different remedies work for different people. I'm pretty susceptible to seasickness.
  14. I'm no marketing guru, but I have read that, from a marketing standpoint, it is better to have a continuous flow of marketing materials rather than one BIG catalog that is sent. The idea being that if and when you decide to go on a cruise, the first cruise line that jumps to your mind is XXXXXXX Lines, because you've gotten 10 marketing pieces each month for the last 6 months. As opposed to AAAAAA Lines, which sent you a big glossy 45 page catalog three months ago that you tossed out and forgot about.
  15. And don't forget your preferred seasickness medicines. Be prepared.
  16. I heard about that. Just bring in a few pythons from the Everglades and that problem will be solved.
  17. Going to the Queens Room you go through the Britannia Upper Deck.
  18. I found the opposite when I was on QM2. But that was pre-Covid, so maybe things have changed.
  19. I've never heard of Silversea throwing a costume party before. Are you cruising over Halloween?
  20. So because he was in the Top Ten Percent of best dressed men on the ship, he doesn't want to do it again? And because he spent the money, has the entire kit, to also be in the top category of best dressed men on the next cruise, he doesn't want to do it? I would cajole him into wearing it again. Men (most at least) really do look their best in a tuxedo. He's spent the money, so use it and get the benefit of it. Mingle with the other crème de la crème on the ship, and make very subtle non-approving gestures at the great unwashed masses in their "elegant country club casual" or whatever it is that they are wearing. 😉
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