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Everything posted by Kristelle

  1. Glastonbury? But that isnt remote.
  2. Bayonne, New Jersey? PS now that I am home and seeing photo enlarged on computer screen and not on small phone screen - can see Shanghai was a silly guess since writing on signs is in English 😳
  3. thanks ldubs. yes I think discussion has come to an end, nothing new being said. I do really dislike snobbery - but time for me to leave this alone unless anyone has anything new to say.
  4. So it's not hard to miss. Still not seeing how it affects you though or why the need for snobby comments about something other people enjoy, just because you don't do it yourself.
  5. except poster clearly said - twice now - that he was joking about the fisitcuffs. and of course the outside of the door isnt yours, nor is the inside - what a strange comment. and no, you dont need a huge display- but for some people it is a fun and enjoyable thing to do - and why not? what I cant understand is why it bothers anyone else. Like lots of things, if you don't want to do it, don't - but it isnt that hard to understand that other people can enjoy something even if you don't.
  6. I quite like browsing/buying small things at markets myself.
  7. Maybe people are less likely to have difficulty finding their cabin on smaller ships, maybe the attract more of an older demographic less into this stuff, maybe decorating is more of a fun thing on family orientated cruises? I didnt see them on river cruise ship either - likely for reasons above but if the doors are metal I wouldnt mind doing one myself - not full streamers or such but one A4 page magnetic picture. Because I do have difficulty remembering numbers and might help me identify it.
  8. unless your decoration is offensive or rude in some way - then it is not disrespecting others at all. what I think is disrespectful and tacky is snickering or sarcasm or disdainful attitudes to things which are not bothering you in any way and clearly if the ships allow door decorations then clearly people are free to decorate the outside - and yes I would expect something not belonging to others that is left in a common area like that t o be left there - just like anything else not mine anywhere isnt ok for me to take
  9. Oh that is disappointing for you Mic. Hope surgery goes well and recovery afterwards.
  10. Yes ,correct, it is the butterfly garden at the airport, Terminal 3.
  11. You are both correct. It is in Singapore but not in the Botanical Gardens..... First to guess it more specifically wins......
  12. I don't think this one is very hard either....
  13. Seems rather sad that people cant just let others enjoy their fun - without stealing and without derogatory comments. If I wasnt into doing it, I wouldnt - but I cant imagine being so bothered or 'visually irritated' by others doing so.
  14. For myself I often buy a coffee cup of places I go to - usually just one of a whole trip, not every place on the trip. Something I use at home, not dust collecting, and I like having a range of coffee cups reminicsent of my travels. Sometimes christmas ornaments from craft markets Other than that, I sometimes buy little things for the grandkids - tshirts, little toys - eg in Budapest market I bought those little wooden nesting dolls Sometimes I buy a tshirt for myself.
  15. ooh I know this one. Its the tin camel roundabout, Norseman WA
  16. Ive only been on one Europe river cruise We knew the itinerary we wanted - Amsterdam to Budapest. This is the most popular Europe river cruise for Australians. We went with Scenic. My reasons for picking them - from Australia the 2 all inclusive lines were Scenic and APY (I think this is AMA elsewhere) They also include air fares They are totally all inclusive They had no 'stay on boat all day ' days. The itinerary was not much different from other lines - only a few minor differences, unlikely to be anyone's deal breakers. Cost between APT and Scenic very similar - the deal breaker in the end was just timing ie the dates just bit better for us.
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