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Everything posted by Kristelle

  1. Agreed - why? - everyone knows what it means. Same as it means on all forums. Clearly you do too OP (there's another well known abbreviation, I'm not typing out Original Poster every time either) so not seeing what the problem is.
  2. My 2c worth - post the pic first and then add clues if people are struggling to get there.
  3. oh disappointed - I thought I was so clever working out 'Hamberg' from the clue about it sounds like pork burning 🤪
  4. Lake Tekapo - yes thats it! Your turn...
  5. my photos are taken by me or of me, taken by somebody else I guess interesting/boring is subjective - can't see anything wrong with rail lines myself. yes picture posting, as I mentioned a while ago, can be tricky - hard to get the right balance between the absolutely obvious like Sydney opera house or Stonehenge (the UK one!) and so obscure that nobody has a chance. Post a pic, answer questions to narrow it down if need be, give clues if asked - and lets all enjoy the game 🙂
  6. yes I forgot about that. We did go to a concert after dinner in Vienna.
  7. maybe being pedantic - but No. People in Australia can do cruises around parts of Australia that do not go overseas
  8. it is a lake in NZ but not that one
  9. Probably most crew would prefer their own eating area anyway - if they were in same area of passengers they wouldn't clearly be off duty - some passengers would want t o ask them questions, talk to them, want things done for them etc and they would have to be polite and engage whether they wanted to or not. I think most people i n their off duty or break times like t o get away from work, let their hair down, let off steam, gossip etc - and yo u cant do that in front of your customers/clients/passengers I know in my work, I appreciate my break time in the staff room away from clients.
  10. no, not in North America. yes, somewhere in New Zealand
  11. On Scenic there were often quiz type games in the lounge after dinner. Not everyone did them but there for those who wanted to.
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