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Everything posted by Kristelle

  1. Not Maryborough or Lockhart. Even BIGGER CLUE: so I flew from Adelaide to Brisbane and then from Brisbane to this airport, and croc is on river of same name, for my holiday to Airlie Beach.
  2. Time to help this along. So you have established it is in Qld and it is a river ( I didnt realise there were so many rivers in Qld! ) So, HUGE CLUE! There is also a nearby airport with the same name.
  3. Anyway, next photo Not Scotland Not the Loch Ness Monster......
  4. So strange - so many photos from all around the world, many of which I have no idea on - and then one posted from almost my own doorstep Well, by rural Australian standards - next town along from me, an hour down the highway 😉 Not sure when silo art started in Australia - but I think they are fantastic.Way better than the huge grey lumps of my childhood.
  5. Cowell, SA just down the road from me.
  6. CRUISER3775 is it part of the Atlantic Wall.?
  7. Correct. That was quick. Well done.
  8. Oooh I know this one! Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  9. Thanks for the update. We will be staying in Cairns early October and planning to do a day trip to Kuranda. Whilst sky cable one way, train the other, would obviously be the best, if we do one way by bus that would be OK. But another 7 months till then.
  10. I am a river cruiser. What I liked was there is an excursion every day, no 'days at sea' So of course the destination matters - but I also enjoyed the ship experience ( boat by ocean liner standards ) Otherwise i would of gone on a land tour Actually I do go on those too and I like them to be activity filled too, not, say, just a long train trip for the train experience.
  11. and wheelchairs too. so the problem is only with mobility scooters which do not.
  12. I second that too - definitely do day trip to Rottnest if you have time - easy to do from either Fremantle or Perth.
  13. I disagree. The problem is often strict letter of the law types who dont know when to use discretion in spirit of the law. In real life most rules do get bent a little and the key is knowing how far and when to do so. I dont think that starts a slippery slope, the original standard stays about the same and if anyone goes too far then they are pulled back - so same starting standard does not change My work example was an example - sure, you can argue what if next person did this or that - but reality is nobody else has over done the rule bending either and the original standard has not changed. Like many work places there are a range of options for work tops, all in same colour/logo but different styles - so you pick your preferred ones. Occasionally somebody might wear a non work top - if they were only coming in for a few hours or something, and that is ok too. It doesnt start an avalanche of everyone wearing non work tops all the time - because we are adults and understand degree and context. Likewise poster who was refused entry wearing high heeled blingy "flip flops" - had she been allowed entry, as common sense would say she was wearing suitable footwear in spirit of law, that wouldnt start an avalanche of people trying to get in with rubber beach flip flops or change the original standard.
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