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Everything posted by Kristelle

  1. As long as the vloggers are only taking videos of their own meal, themselves, other people, who have consented and speaking at normal volume, then I can't see how it disrupts anyone else. Photographing your own meals without sound - even less so. I don't think it is that strange to take photos of meals , have seen plenty of meal photos in reviews and live threads on here.
  2. I would only round up to the nearest 5 or 10 at most - ie to the amount of no coins $ 5 note being smallest note denomination. If anything. I would do that for taxis,pizza deliveries, maybe cafes and restatuants. But Mostly nothing. You never give loose money to pre paid things like tour guides. If I am paying by cash and there is a tips jar on the counter I will put my coins change into it - so again, less than $5 - sometimes it is tips, often a collection container for local sports club or volunteer organisation. More for convenience and simplicity than exceptional service. And wanting to help local organisations if a fundraising container Often these containers are clear perspex - you can see they are filled with coins, not notes. If somebody gives exceptional service or an experience or food or whatever was really good and you want to acknowledge that, go on tripadvisor or the company's website or Facebook page and leave a public message saying so. In the case of an individual, leave a letter for management saying so. This benifits them much more, while in keeping with culture of country you are in. And still fulfills your need to give them something extra.
  3. I presume (hope!) your post is tongue in cheek. if so, well played and good point - variations on why dont they do this like at home?? as if the whole world will know each item that is commonplace where we live. and yes, I get that Tom Collins is a standard recipe - but probably so is your example
  4. But if somebody in your cabin was positive, testing of other cabin members wouldn't be optional, it would be a cruise ship requirement. I don't just test willy-nilly in regular life but I do when it is a requirement - for example visiting nursing homes.
  5. JJ - you have illustrated quite well why we in Australia do not want tipping culture to creep in here - hence you will see sticky (similar on TA) in the Aust/NZ ports of call section about tipping here and the advice of DO NOT TIP of course when we are in other countries where tipping is the thing, we should abide by that (or do an all inclusive tips included package) but please please do not bring it here.
  6. I think we are all spoiled - not in a negative spoilt brat way but in a way that all of us on this forum are in first world countries and in a financial position to afford fancy holidays - cruises are not camping trips, after all Sure, we have worked hard and managed our money well and part of the reason we can afford to travel is because we prioritise spending money on holidays over, say, clothes or smoking or expensive hobbies - but we are lucky to have that choice. Somebody struggling in a 3rd world country or with fractured employment or etc doesnt have those choices. Other people work hard too and still cant have same financial outcomes I think we should all be grateful for our fortunate position in the world population. Of course that doesn't mean we don't want value for our holiday money or can't make constructive criticism or comparisons. it does mean we shouldnt turn into the spoiled brat types described above who are rude or complain about every petty issue or expect the world to suit us.
  7. Mum2Mercury, I dont know whether the shoes are sketchers- they were just an example found on google to show people sort of thing I meant, not my actual shoes. I probably wont take any dresses on this trip - will be autumn and around 20 deg c in the day time according to my friend Google so wont be warm enough for my light summer dresses. My plan now is 3 pairs of shoes: mid heel ankle boots for evening/ dressy outings, lace ups for walking in day time with jeans/long pants, shoes similar to photo for walking/casual with 3/4 pants if we get days warm enough for them. ETA - there is a little tag on the shoe in photo, not sure if anyone who is familiar with shoe brands can identify by that.
  8. When I went to Hawaii ( the only part of US I have been to) I researched beforehand and tried to tip when and how I was expected to - Because, regardless of my own views, that is the custom of the place I was in. Anyone coming to Australia should do likewise and follow the customs of here and not tip. Is no different to going to a temple and removing your shoes or covering your shoulders - your views on clothing aren't the point, you respect and follow the custom of place you are in.
  9. apart from the dollar exchange aspect - I like all gratuities included trips (cruise or land trips) because it makes it easier, we are not used to tipping and saves the hassle of working out how much/when to tip if it is all included in cost and paid upfront
  10. I dont follow cricket but my boss is Indian, and he takes cricket very seriously - back at work tomorrow, will be interesting day......
  11. ah, ok. is only mid June now and we don't leave Australia until 31st August.
  12. We are spending about that for a 2 week Europe river cruise plus pre cruise in Paris, standard balcony room. That is in Australian dollars, not sure how that translates to US dollars which I presume the article is using. But that is everything, airfares, transfers, all food/ drinks, tips, excursions included Most all inclusive river cruises from Australia are about that..
  13. thanks to those who bumped up this thread. I just read through all of it - thanks so much for your live review.
  14. saw that on the news. what an awful tragedy..😢 (is PH here in SA too)
  15. when do we get this emailed paperwork? I agree obc (I would use for additional laundry, maybe souvenirs from gift shop) is more useful than a backpack - I have a good backpack I use for travels already, no point in getting another one.
  16. is that from this link: https://www.scenic.com.au/scenic-club/faqs ? it says "Membership is restricted to those who have previously toured with Scenic." and then talks about 'onward guests' receiving things like the 50 euro OBC I was taking 'onward guests' to mean people who are on their 2nd or more Scenic cruise - which isnt me, this is my first one. Maybe somebody else who has recently been on a first cruise with Scenic could verify if this applied to them or not.
  17. If you can find any reference to obc for people coming from Australia, I would appreciate it, havent seen it myself Extra luggage for the ship would be bit pointless as we can only take on the plane what the airline limit is anyway. Many Australians, including us, get these river cruises as packages - ie one package price which includes airfare - not sure if that changes one's other extras entitlements
  18. thanks for replying to my specific questions. I dont think we get this euro obc from Australia - havent seen anything about it other than on this forum. PS I do drink some alcohol, just not wine.
  19. yes I guess I am just being silly and I do enjoy trying different foods - I just imagine everyone else being wine connossiouers and wine snobs and me drinking something mundane and tacky like diet coke 🤪
  20. that must be a Qld or all eastern states thing?? never heard anyone in SA call a suitcase or bag a 'port'.
  21. thanks for your review. am doing similar tour with Scenic in September - Amsterdam to Budapest, 14 days. There are no days just sailing though - which I agree would be boring on a river ship. I'm not someone who likes just sitting and watching scenery for long, I like to be out doing things or at least things on the ship like a wheelhouse tour. couple of questions - 1) does Scenic divide all walking tours into slow and stronger groups. We are fit and happy to do long intensive walking tours 2) did you get one free bag of laundry mid trip and if so, how much could you put in it? was it easy/ reasonable cost to get more done? 3) did you do the once per trip invitation to exclusive dinner? it sounds all about wine specialty pairing with each course - is it worth is if you dont drink wine (which I dont) ? is it rude to decline?
  22. general question here - not for me specifically because I dont meet the criteria anyway - would it be easy to get anti virals on a ship if you got Covid? Obviously you would need to know from a RATS test that it was Covid and then be isolating - but would the Dr on board then supply them if you met criteria?
  23. on any trip of any sort not cruise specific, I just take a large cloth shopping bag, buy one from cheap shop for few dollars if you dont have already - and use that as a laundry hamper. Coming home tie the handles together so the dirty clothes stay in it and don't get mixed with clean clothes in suitcase as above, empty whole thing, (including the bag itself, ready to re use next trip,) into washing machine also easy to take clothes in said bag, to the laundromat of a cruise ship, caravan park etc if you are doing washing mid trip. have never thought of this as a packing hack, just something basic I have done forever.
  24. sure - but all customers might not expect same thing so best the bartender checks - communication works wonders - better they check if you want it made with gin or vodka, in OP example, rather than just make it the 'correct' way and customer communicate - if you really don't want a lime slice, just say so rather than get on high horse about how rum and coke with lime slice would technically be a xyz instead DH often orders Jim Beam or Jack Daniels and coke here (on land) and sometimes they put a lemon slice in it - no big deal, he just takes it out. Also I'm sure we've all heard of Use it or Lose it - which applies to bartenders as well as everyone else - in reality you are going to remember those things you most often do so if it is only very rarely that anyone orders a Tom Collins or whatever drink, unlikely bartender will remember it.
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