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Everything posted by Kristelle

  1. oops sorry Mic Canberra beat me to that one. What about Colombia?
  2. well, yes, I guess if it is all inclusive and you dont want to go on any excursions and you just planned to stay o n the ship, you are paying for excursions for other people Not sure anyone plans to do that - but, sure, if you do, it is worth considering if all inclusive is for you.
  3. I guess also compare apples to apples - one line might be cheaper upfront but you pay for alcoholic drinks or for some extra excursions or for gratuities, for example As somebody mentioned, depending if you drink alcoholic drinks that might be a plus or minus either way What I liked about Scenic was that everything was included upfront, no extra costs at all - and choice of excursions, not one excursion same for all.
  4. ^^ Why hopefully that? Isnt it good there are different options for everyone?
  5. I have no issue putting change into a tips jar - although demise of cash will see them disappear soon - that sort of 'anonymous' loose change tipping is nothing like the american 20% thing or giving money to every porters, tour guide etc for pre paid activities
  6. Well I guess I am nobody 🤣 - I do still use cash, probably more than most people. However I would still do same - if I caught a taxi and fare was 47:50 I would probably still say Make it $50 But the point is, it is still piddly amount loose change, keep the change type of thing IF ANYTHING - whether it is literally coin change or not. and I agree, nobody needs to do this, it is not an expectation - speaking for myself only, who very rarely catches a taxi or gets a pizza delivery anyway, that is what I would do.
  7. Its a famous painting? but not so famous that I know about it (which rules out just about everything bar Mona Lisa,Girl with Pearl Earing and Blue Poles ) Maybe i n the Louvre, Paris?
  8. So, MicCanberra I guess you are next since you got the name right, not just "whatshername"
  9. JJK2008, thank you. I have often thought the same. Encouraging people to tip starts the slippery slope to expected tipping. Life in general, not specific to cruise ships At most, if anything - round up taxis and pizza deliveries to nearest round number - ie $47:50 - make it $50. Keep the change sort of thing. and if somebody really does exceptional service, not just does their usual job - publicly say so - on Trip advisor,their Facebook page, write letter to their management,send flowers to their workplace etc
  10. Yes correct. It is Colleen McCullochs house. When we were there 2 years ago, her husband was still living there , upstairs, but you could do tours of the downstairs section and she had expensive collection of artefacts from around the world. Interesting but not really my thing
  11. Yes Norfolk Island. But where exactly?
  12. Yay! Will post a photo when I get home from work.
  13. As an Australian, I looked at AMA (APT here in Aus) and Scenic - both very similar inclusions, prices etc both had the trip I wanted (Amsterdam to Budapest) with only slight differences in excursion options. Went with Scenic in the end - the deciding factor being my end, ie the dates suited better - rather than any noticeable difference between them. Was very happy with Scenic.
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