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Meander Ingwa

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Everything posted by Meander Ingwa

  1. 530 pounds to the US or canada is a good deal. Some airlines are less expensive than others, Consider Norwegian or Iceland Air. My airfare from Seattle to London are rarely below 1176 pound for Comfort Plus. A lot of the fare is taxes and port fees. Flying from/to a secondary airport might be a savings.
  2. I have never observed that having money = having intelligence or even common sense. i know some very wealthy people who are also very foolish and very unread. I still have my supply of masks a good supply of test kits and all my vaccines. My trip is in January, the height of the influenza season. I will pincushion myself in the Fall like usual. I read on a forum somewhere else, about taking those little disposable food service gloves to the World Cafe. If they are doing self serve, not a bad idea.
  3. for future reference, if you have Google maps you can download maps to your phone for use off line and without burning data. I already have maps loaded for my next trip. I also already have my sweater shopping planned. Bergen is the last day of my cruise and I am still considering if shopping after my final debarcation or as the end of my day ramble is a better choice. I do have a long wait for my flight out. where did you find the leather goods? @Letsgo cruisin
  4. double check you exact dock location Consider Foodhallen Rotterdam see googlemaps for a link international offerings from taco and dim sum to pizza and BBQ and tons of stuff in between. Fun
  5. I had one flight last year that got changed three times in three months. Most of the time the changes are trivial, like a departure change of 15 minutes, other time it is Oh Heck No level.
  6. And you are assuming that the ship arrives in port, on time. 1030 is far to early. Remember, you are likely joining a wave of passengers heading to the airport and likely away from the airport for the trip out on your ship . Build in more time, just for the logistics
  7. Does your state issue id? I had one as a young adult because I didn't drive. Not sure you can get one process in a week. Have the young lady call her state license dept first thing tomorrow. Call her parents to discuss Agree with others, you need to jump over the help line to higher service. Likely there is a form needed authorizing you to travel with these non custodial children. You may need to dig deeper. Involves parental signature, often with your own signature and notarized
  8. On Princess FAQ page they state that formal night is in the dinner room. that man sounds like a snoot and probably you know where you dont want to sit. enjoy your dinner and rock your new Tux
  9. @DarrenM sadly the BBC has just released some information about this event that sounds confusing and sad; calling in to question the performance of the Greek authorities and services
  10. I think you best contact your cruise line, If I understand your post you have three minors on your trip, two of which are not your children.
  11. interesting ! I have never heard of this before. There is also headset remote app for converting your android to function a microphone and transmitting to bluetooth ear pods. I need to play with this and see if it will be a viable option Thank you @Jim Avery for the suggestion
  12. We travel to gain insight to the world. Sadly the reality of what you experienced was a harsh one. I hope you find peace in the coming days and weeks Find peace in knowing that your ship WAS part of the lives of 100 saved
  13. If you take a medication that is a controlled substance you should always keep it with the vial. Some medications are light sensitive and dark vials protect from this. I agree that a copy of the script is important. Some countries are strict about this. I would not venture into Japan, Singapore the Middle East or Asian countries without the original vials. I was planning a trip to the world master games in Japan and they were very clear about original vials. At minimum, in an emergency situation having clear info about what medications are in use can help a doctor or EMT with triage. If you do opt to pre load your daily pill container, make sure to store it in a controlled light situation, like a drawer or inside a travel pouch. As kindly suggested above, having an extra printed label from your pharmacy is prudent
  14. I fly to LHR from Seattle several times a year. You will do just fine with this flight and as mentioned you could be last off the boat and still have no worries.
  15. I have used the left luggage service at Heathrow and at Paddington. Excess Baggage Company next to platform 12 for Paddington Left luggage is not the same as the old coin operated lockers. It is a secured storage provider and can accommodate odd sizes and shapes.
  16. Uber Lyft are well served in Seattle. Many younger folks here dont own cars and use U/L for their needs when required.
  17. discussing this in another thread, the monitors do not allow any access to a connection port for casting to a transmitter
  18. I was think more as an option for those who have their own ear buds and linking device. But they do make inexpensive bluetooth ear buds and they do come with replaceable rubber ear tips. I dont see Viking providing Bose or Beats ear buds anytime soon
  19. @PRH is correct. Sea birds, last year, were devastated by bird flu in the UK as well
  20. Agree. Being able to use a Bluetooth cast to use ear buds will not impact the internal system. Oh well. One can only point out the need and if they hear it enough they might respond
  21. Puffins are more likely in burrow nests now. When not in burrow will feed out at sea, the change usually happens dawn and dusk. Eiders are fun and colorful to see. That lamb shank is mighty nice. Shank is the only form of lamb i will eat.
  22. https://reisproducten.gvb.nl/en/toeristen/amsterdam-travel-ticket
  23. yes it really is a shame but I can see that it also keeps control of the functionality of the system. One can only have so many IT helpers running around resetting.
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