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Everything posted by Asawi

  1. This made me chuckle quite a bit. Since I have no interest in neither dining with the captain nor in the Haven. (Having said that I actually had a conversation with the captain on my recent Gem cruise since he was standing beside me waiting for something in the buffet and we're both Swedish. Nice to meet a fellow countryman, captain or not. Does that give me any bragging rights? 😉)
  2. On my two latest cruises, Star and Gem, the Bliss lounge was available for storage. Didn't check it out any further since I only had my small backpack.
  3. Makes no difference at all. Any equipment marked 220 will work in a system marked 240 and vice versa.
  4. A great idea and I get that you want the NCL ones. But if they are hard to find, wouldn't it be just as niceif you can find some other pretty other ones. As long as the group will have the same looking ones I think I would prefer that. But that's me, and I totally get if you want the NCL ones!
  5. I'm not much of a meat eater, so steaks and stuff really isn't for me. The salad with pear, walnuts and blue cheese at La Cucina... oooohhh... that one is good! Wouldn'r say no to the Fettuccine Alfredo either. 😄
  6. Replace "have to" with "can" and we are in agreement. 😄 Well, you could of course buy two Haven certs for the same OBC as two regular ones. But I agree! Unless you plan on using them real soon, why let NCL hold more of your money hostage? (Could it maybe be that your deposit using Haven certs would be less than using "money"? That's the reason I can think of.)
  7. I agree! I don't hide or hunt ducks. But if it brings anyone else joy - go for it! As for giving it to crew members, if it brings joy - go for it! FWIW, I don't think they really care much for the actual plastic duck, but do appreciate the gesture. But if it brings out a smile it's a good thing!
  8. This is not a problem at all! No need to deal with guest services. Just show up at the restaurant and they will ask you if you want to use your free dining.
  9. As I understand it you can use the regular CN for Haven as well, but it won't cover the whole deposit. The Haven certificates will though if I understand it correctly. A Haven certificate is $500 but it still only gives you $150 OBC, so same dollar discount as the regular ones. Discalimer: I have never and more than likely will never book a Haven. The above is my understanding of terms and conditions.
  10. Actually, I'm the one wording things poorly! With the dining package there is no extra charge to have the pasta as main/Entree! It's if you actually pay a la carte prices (and I suspect not many do!)
  11. Being Swedish, maybe I use the wrong terminology. I thought Entree was the same as Main. Anyway, the size without extra charge, whatever it's called, was very generous when I was there!
  12. I haven't been to an Onda, but I'm guessing it's the same as La Cucina. At La Cucina a couple of weeks ago I had an excellent sallad, a "small" pasta dish, a seafood entree and dessert. (The "small" (it's not really that small...) pasta dish can be made into an entree for an extra $5.)
  13. Yes it's possible to book onboard. And I've also had good experiences when I've booked a later time that would have preferred and walked to the restaurant and asked if maybe there is a chance they could seat me earlier. (I'm a solo traveller and they can usually find a seat for me somewhere. 😄) There are screens showing availability with green, yellow and red dots and I often see yellow (filling up fast) even if no times show in the app.
  14. I THINK that would be changes for the cruise you already booked. Like for example a cabin upgrade in connection with a re-pricing. But I'm not in UK and EU rules a not the same as UK so that is justa guess. Only NCL can tell you for sure.
  15. For US customers Sail-Away is a cabin without FreeAtSea perks. (In Europe it's just the lowest sub-category in each category and we can buy FreeAtSea the same way as we do in all other categories. It's usually not much discounted compared to non-SailAway.)
  16. The 120 days limit is only when using a double up promo. And sometimes they don't have that limit either. Double up is almost always available for balcony and above. Sometimes (5-ish times/year?) for lower categories as well. (Cruise first is not available for us in Europe)
  17. Not in Europe! With the amount given in £ I suspect that is the case. There is a cancellation fee from day one here. But MAYBE it can be transferred to another cabin.
  18. It may be different on different ships, but I've sailed Star and Gem recently and on both of those it made no difference if I had used any minurtes or not. The 150 minutes has had a "value" of $100 and the upgrade price has gone down about $30/day the first few days. After which it has stayed the same. Not disappeared as it did for @Russiamomm But, as I said, it could be ship specific.9
  19. Terms and conditions have been updated and there is no longer any mention of 4 years expiration. At least not on the EU site.
  20. There is a risk the learning videos won't work. For me my favourite Swedish news site is blocket, probably because it has video material mixed with text. On the other hand, videos on Facebook seems to work. Your site may or may not work. Clear as mud wouldn't you say? 😉
  21. Exactly! That's how I (wrongly) understodd it. Because to actually HAVE 150 pts in the BEGINNING of a cruise, you need to reach it BEFORE that cruise. So that's what I thought you had done.
  22. I like this ship a lot! Very nice library. Decent food. Easy to find my way around the ship.
  23. Except we are free to get off and on the ship as we please! Was out in NY a few hours today and will be out there again tomorrow. There are also excursions, but I'm not doing any of those
  24. Sailed Alaska mid May this year. Great weather! Would not hesitate going in May, or even April again! I care more about the views than the wildlife, but we saw some whales and other sea life from the ship.
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